I wish I had a wise gut like yours. All my gut tells me these days is to get out, exercise more and to reduce my gut!
Always a good idea....
I wish I had a wise gut like yours. All my gut tells me these days is to get out, exercise more and to reduce my gut!
Wondering if mpw or someone could shed some light on the so called criticality of using Naim cables for Naim amps.
Hi..One of my favorite records i bought while on a visit to the USA a few years ago.
I remember the long drive with my brother, the blue summer mid west sky and the record store where i got this on sale..... Steely Dan - Greatest Hits...
6 inch absorber panels behind the front speakers and the framed paintings..
Wondering if mpw or someone could shed some light on the so called criticality of using Naim cables for Naim amps.
I find myself turning up the volume a but more...and wanting to play another disc...
The largest diamond is 30% less in area as compared to the largest rectangle that can be fit into the available gap - considering both the thickness of both panels to be 6 inches.
Here is the center absorber panel
Here is the center absorber panel
@mpw, any update on the ceiling treatment?I have planned something for the ceiling and i hope to put that up after a couple of weeks of listening to my system in this avatar..
Painting on foam may not be easy... Any suggestions ?
Covering the foams with a ceiling coloured matched acoustically transperant fabric?..
Semi tansparent veshti ?