Sreekanth's (Soundsgreat) new BS speaker

I have nothing to say about the design aspect of the bass port. Visually it is looking a bit uneven.

Hi Square_wave

Even I had given the same feedback to Srekanth that the finishing of the port should be improved
Rikhav, Thanks for putting up your write up about Shreekanths new standmounts.
I missed my chance to audition these when they were in Kerala. However going by the way his floorstanders performed, these cant by anything but awesome!
Now waiting for the others to chip in with their reviews.
Bass is adequate given the speaker size, but is the speaker size adequate given the quality and quantity of bass one would expect in speakers of budget, say, 50k [not sure if this budget is a right comparison]?

Well well how interesting !! is the speaker size enough you ask !
Is it ever enough ? There are people happy with 1 bose cubes and there are people who are not satisfied multi-fold horns and have made their entire basement a horn loaded speaker for good sound ! So I say you answer this question yourself.
Now when you say quality and quantity of bass one would expect, what do you exactly imply? How do you describe the quality of the bass and its quantity ??
I have VERY CLEARLY mentioned in my review what these two things are,care to add your description ?
Coming to what one would expect,I think Am also One among those that youve mention and I have clearly mentioned how I feel ,so have others who have heard it thus far !!! Now what you want is something that you have post in your individual capacity and not generalize !!
I can go on but I think Ive made my point !

This is out of curiosity - why would we need such small speakers? Is this due to premium real estate?

As they say Curiosity Killed the Cat ! So be careful before making such bold statements which contradicts the whole audio world !

Your question cannot be more ironic then this !!! It is like asking why was there ever a need to create a Bookshelf type of speaker in the first place ! People were very happy with their Sansuis,Technics,Advents of the world with massive 12 drivers and such !

Who was that Idiot who invented this BS type of speakers in the first place anyways right ?

To put your thoughts into perspective here are few bookshelf who have been praised like crazy which remarkably shares the same/similar size and yet Ive not seen you or single soul complaining about their size ever !!

Brand Dimensions (H x W x D)
QUAD 11L2 : 310 x 190 x 243mm
QUAD 12L2 : 330 x 205 x 253mm
Wharfedale 9.1 : 296 X 194 x 278mm
Wharfedale 9.2 : 364 X 223 x 301mm
Usher S520 : 295.25 X 177.25 X 260.75mm
Pro-Ac Tablette Reference 8 : 266 X 152mm X 228mm

Need I add more to the list ? Please feel free to use it to add your fav to the list.

Or are they made for keeping on a workstation - which they may not be given they are not near field design, and sound best 7-8 ft.

Again have to hand it to you for selecting your questions !
I will answer yours, However I have my own set of questions for you to answer !!
What is Near-Field ?
Where is it used ?
Why is this relevant to the Home Audio Speakers that we are discussing here ??
To answer your question, What Anil has posted is his personal view point and not necessarily the product spec or usage requirement of the same !! Hes feels that way and has posted it thusly, I may feel otherwise, To me it may sound perfect in just 2feet distance !! then what ? Will it automatically become your so called Near-Field,What if theres another person who think they sound best at over 10feet , Then what ??

My friend there are always a caveat in all walks of life and one has to take things in right prespective and go on !!
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Calm down buddy! Take a deep breath and listen to some good song on your new shiny speakers!

Well well how interesting !! is the speaker size enough you ask !
Is it ever enough ? There are people happy with 1 bose cubes and there are people who are not satisfied multi-fold horns and have made their entire basement a horn loaded speaker for good sound ! So I say you answer this question yourself.
Now when you say quality and quantity of bass one would expect, what do you exactly imply? How do you describe the quality of the bass and its quantity ??
I have VERY CLEARLY mentioned in my review what these two things are,care to add your description ?
Coming to what one would expect,I think Am also One among those that youve mention and I have clearly mentioned how I feel ,so have others who have heard it thus far !!! Now what you want is something that you have post in your individual capacity and not generalize !!
I can go on but I think Ive made my point !

As they say Curiosity Killed the Cat ! So be careful l before making such bold statements which contradicts the whole audio world !

Your question cannot be more ironic then this !!! It is like asking why was there ever a need to create a Bookshelf type of speaker in the first place ! People were very happy with their Sansuis,Technics,Advents of the world with massive 12 drivers and such !

Who was that Idiot who invented this BS type of speakers in the first place anyways right ?

To put your thoughts into perspective here are few bookshelf who have been praised like crazy which remarkably shares the same/similar size and yet Ive not seen you or single soul complaining about their size ever !!

Brand Dimensions (H x W x D)
QUAD 11L2 : 310 x 190 x 243mm
QUAD 12L2 : 330 x 205 x 253mm
Wharfedale 9.1 : 296 X 194 x 278mm
Wharfedale 9.2 : 364 X 223 x 301mm
Usher S520 : 295.25 X 177.25 X 260.75mm
Pro-Ac Tablette Reference 8 : 266 X 152mm X 228mm

Need I add more to the list ? Please feel free to use it to add your fav to the list.

Again have to hand it to you for selecting your questions !
I will answer yours, However I have my own set of questions for you to answer !!
What is Near-Field ?
Where is it used ?
Why is this relevant to the Home Audio Speakers that we are discussing here ??
To answer your question, What Anil has posted is his personal view point and not necessarily the product spec or usage requirement of the same !! Hes feels that way and has posted it thusly, I may feel otherwise, To me it may sound perfect in just 2feet distance !! then what ? Will it automatically become your so called Near-Field,What if theres another person who think they sound best at over 10feet , Then what ??

My friend there are always a caveat in all walks of life and one has to take things in right prespective and go on !!
Rikhav, Chill buddy! Imho, you are over reacting to anm's post. He was just wondering why the design is the way it is!
Bass is adequate given the speaker size, but is the speaker size adequate given the quality and quantity of bass one would expect in speakers of budget, say, 50k [not sure if this budget is a right comparison]?
No, your budget is way beyond what this speaker is priced at. As mentioned by rikhav, this speaker costs 20-25K - so budgetwise let's not compare apples and oranges and expect them to taste the same.

This is out of curiosity - why would we need such small speakers? Is this due to premium real estate? Or are they made for keeping on a workstation - which they may not be given they are not near field design, and sound best 7-8 ft.
Are you specifically referring to THIS speaker or all bookshelves/standmounts in general?

And rikhav - take a chill pill bro.! Your post reminded me EXACTLY like someone else's posts in the past. IMO, overly defensive and aggressive. There is no need to be like that.
Thanks everyone for the understanding. I do not wish to continue the discussion in this thread. But let me clarify a couple of things.

50k was an indication. We can compare with any other price band where this should compete. OTOH, if the speaker costs 25k to build, it also requires definite amount of time, tools, software etc to build.

Yes, I meant to ask any other speaker of this size. Plus, when a DIYer has so many choices to make, why would he choose to make such small speakers, where one has to say "bass is adequate given the size". To me it reads like, bass could have been better if it was a little larger in size.
Yes, i's a pity that he left. I always thought he was one of the posters who had real knowledge and did not spout hot air. In case anyone wants to reach him I have his email id.
Thanks everyone for the understanding. I do not wish to continue the discussion in this thread. But let me clarify a couple of things.

50k was an indication. We can compare with any other price band where this should compete. OTOH, if the speaker costs 25k to build, it also requires definite amount of time, tools, software etc to build.

Yes, I meant to ask any other speaker of this size. Plus, when a DIYer has so many choices to make, why would he choose to make such small speakers, where one has to say "bass is adequate given the size". To me it reads like, bass could have been better if it was a little larger in size.

In hifi, bookshelf speakers and floorstanders have their appropriate place. Both are very valid endeavors.

One reason: At low budgets like 20k, it better to build a bookshelf speaker than a floor-standing due to various technical reasons.

Second reason: Some rooms and some tastes dictate book shelf speakers.

There could be many more reasons.
Square wave, I think anm's question was more on the lines of why is this bookshelf designed to be so compact. I mean there are small and large ones among bookshelves.
Everyone, please excuse me If my earlier post sounded bit off. All I was doing was to reply to the queries to best of my abilities thats all, If one feels otherwise then it was not at all intentional !!

Also I would request others to make their queries easy to understand, so that there is no confusion and theres no room for any misinterpretations which may lead to think negatively bout each other or such.

@ Anant, what I have mentioned in my review is, this is relatively small in the long line of BS options available in this country or otherwise, I never did mention that the speakers are smallest in dimensions compared to any other. I have emphasized in my review the overall bass and have also made it clear of the reproduced bass quality and quantity. For me, I would not like much more bass then what is already produced by these speakers.

As to the question of why is this small and what was need and such, He has 1000 answers for that but his main aim were,
There was a need to create an efficient speaker which could reproduce all the Audible frequency faithfully without costing an arm and a Leg, without being too big(which involves more money, more complications in design, etc etc etc), without being too much of a In Your Face design !

(The above is a small example / explanation what he gave when I forwarded the question)

Hope things are clear now, also hope to take this thread forward with more constructive feedbacks and such.
From what I can see, Soundsgreat has not been mentioned as "Banned'. It would be great if he makes himself available in the forum to interact with the posters directly. Just my opinion.

BTW, the speakers have been handed over to hifipalforall who came over today.

Since I got the information on handing over the speakers only yesterday, I had a 3 hour listening session from 10:45 p.m. to 1:45 a.m. yesterday.

Will post my impressions by evening.:)
In hifi, bookshelf speakers and floorstanders have their appropriate place. Both are very valid endeavors.

One reason: At low budgets like 20k, it better to build a bookshelf speaker than a floor-standing due to various technical reasons.

Second reason: Some rooms and some tastes dictate book shelf speakers.

There could be many more reasons.

Thanks Square_wave for the explanation and understandng me.
I could not have explained any better
I finally did a critical listen yesterday for over 3 hours listening to different genre of music ranging from Western Classical, Fusion, Jazz to Rock. I played the following albums: -

1. Berlioz Symphonie Fantastique
2. Seasons Vol I by Bhaskar Chandravarkar
3. Louis Armstrong
4. Santana
5. Pink Floyd Dark Side of the Moon

In the morning I had a very brief 20-30 minute listening along with our forum member hifipallforall who came in to collect the speakers.

My observations are as follows: -

These speakers have a laid back sound.

These speakers have a tight punchy base.

Due to the PEI tweeters, highs are not as prominent as that of Aluminum & Polypropelene tweeters that I had compared with.

Mids are not as lush and prominent as I want to be.

Finish of the speakers is brilliant but fit is what needs to be improved upon.

These speakers would pair nicely with bright sounding Amplifier.

The above observations are purely based on my listening experience with them.
Nice review captain ,this shows opinion differs from one person to other...
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To ,
all hivision friend ,
keep ur reviews with u .y ru people behind man who has created it.ALL IS WELL YAAR.ALL IS WELL. DON'T COMMENT.BE ON ONE SIDE .ALL THE BEST Sreekanth.
Well done ,looking for more innovations from him ,i didn't hear to it ,so there is no point I can come to a conclusion....yup siva buddy ALL IS WELL.....
Disclaimer: I did an AB comparison with my speakers which were costing almost double so my comments are to be taken keeping that in mind.

I've not listened to any of the speakers in similar price point like Wharfdale, PSB, Usher etc which would be a fair comparison than that of mine.
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Thanks for the excellent review. Sreekanth is definitely missed here.

OT: it took me a little bit to figure out that "BS" meant "bookshelf". :-)
To ,
all hivision friend ,
keep ur reviews with u .y ru people behind man who has created it.ALL IS WELL YAAR.ALL IS WELL. DON'T COMMENT.BE ON ONE SIDE .ALL THE BEST Sreekanth.

Ever heard of subjective opinion, free speech?:)

And you didnt seem to mind when someone commented on Wharfedale speakers( Even those are somebodys creations!)

all seniors and jrs should learn from u man .U have wriiten excellent review without too much technicality and u have used ur cds great. keep it up .:clapping:
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