Tried every possible thing suggested by AVforums chad b to any vague link I found on internet.. Will be more happy to know from other owners. The senior expert from Panasonic was also confused with the issue and said he will check with R&D team and revert, which never happened.
The first 200 hours are very important. One needs to avoid using black bars , try watching it in Zoom1 mode. The THX settings recommended by Chad B are pretty ok but not helping on the motion blur issue. Try not to watch in Dynamic mode on new TV as it leaves more static image IR. The issue does not happen with BDP/Mediaplayer as I have an option from 50/60hz and 24p. Only with cable TV where my sports watching is completely F'd be it hd or non HD.![]()
We also paid attention to motion clarity with 50hz content, and this is where IFC actually did prove quite worthwhile. Some users complain of double image effects during fast motion with 50hz material, which is presumably due to the fact that 50hz video, to avoid flicker, is output by the plasma panel at 100hz that is, in each screen update, the frame drawing process is completed twice, before the panel emits black for a fraction of a second. This is present, but we found that engaging the Min [Intelligent Frame Creation] setting (which seems to provide a nearly unnoticeable amount of motion interpolation) eliminated the double images. We tried this out with films transferred to PAL TV, and confirmed that choosing Min did not introduce the unwanted soap opera effect, nor did it introduce any obvious shredding motion interpolation artefacts. It did, however, improve clarity in, for example, scrolling video-generated credits at the end of most UK TV shows. Try switching IFC between Off and Min during these to see the improvement. With 50hz input, the Off, Min and Mid [IFC] settings use a panel refresh rate of 100hz, whereas the Max option performs an internal conversion to 60hz, which produces smoother gradations, but brings with some mild soap opera effect for PAL films, and motion estimation artefacts. Our recommendation is to use Min with 50hz material.
Result is cricket and soccer viewing is spoiled...I finally have someone who agrees with Motion issues...My set anyways got multiple bands visible on White-Black bar used for cleaning IR
Posterization is there all the time as well with solid backgrounds like Walls....
I have no reason to share above unless its there...Whats my gain and why would Company engineer agree with me??
In-fact, IR is so much on ESPN HD, I was watching Australian Open and lines of tennis court ( white lines) stayed on panel for over a day....
Why is it hard to believe? Are just4kix and Audiodoc the only guys who should be
Thank you for the invite. I would contact you, but to be honest I am more interested in viewing 50GT50 since that is where we have more issues reported. ST50 seems less problematic.You are free to come to my home any weekend to observe.
Sent from my GT-I9100G using Tapatalk 2
Because it is an extreme case - looks like manufacturing defect.
I don't understand why the tata sky or Airtel etc people and the TV channels understand this fact and make their logos, subtle or translucent like national geographic HD, or at least animated.
What I disliked was the fanboys term! When I clearly purchased a led backlit 46 inch Sammy before the 50GT50.
That's a really tough spot you are in Nishabfss
Would be horrible to switch to ET5 from ST50.
ET5 has around 900:1 contrast ratio.
EX650 has about 2000:1 contrast, but is only 2D.
NX650 is unjustifiably overpriced.
ES5600 is only slightly better than ET5 and No 3D
EH6030 is probably as bad or even worse than ET5.
Why isn't Panasonic offering you UT50 ?
I have not watched any content with logos or black bars as my new set is doing the first 200 hour but tennis court lines are never static. IR is for static content like tata sky or Airtel logos, channel logos, static gaming content, static pictures. It will be virtually impossible to create IR with tennis court lines as the cameras keeps shifting view, zooming in and out, shifting to views of the crowd. Either something is very wrong with the TV or false information is being propagated.
The 50gt50 was the best TV winner in the 50 inch segment according to what hifi. The 55 inch HX850 LED backlit LCD is almost double it's price.
I am not a fanboy of any brand as such but a company providing 3 years warranty on its product and purchasing the pioneer Kuro technology is definitely going to be at the peak of plasma tech. This has been proved in this years CES where they are bettered themselves with the latest Panasonic Z series plasmas.
Fanboys are those who have Sony or apple written throughout their signature. Not me who is more of a DIYer.
Plasmas have inherent pro and cons and believe me that any plasma available from any company can have burn in if one intends to do so however the newer generations are more hardy. Why only plasma all display technologies can undergo burn in be it CRT, LCD or plasma.
You are ready to believe a guy talking about burn in or IR of tennis court lines. Which is impossible unless you are playing a tennis video game! Common sense is so uncommon.
.... I highlighted that's even viera logo is retained for couple of minutes when the tv starts...
Same in my case. Forget the logo even the menu is imprinted clearly. I can see Viera Menu Settings, Color, Contrast and a bunch of other wordings including the Return/Exit dial.
A request. Enough bashing each other. Audiodoc clarified his stance, so did you. Let's concentrate in tackling Panasonic![]()