ST50 replacement with LED or Refund??

Same in my case. Forget the logo even the menu is imprinted clearly. I can see Viera Menu Settings, Color, Contrast and a bunch of other wordings including the Return/Exit dial.

A request. Enough bashing each other. Audiodoc clarified his stance, so did you. Let's concentrate in tackling Panasonic :)

Did u raise it with pana...if yes, what's their take...

Ignore..just saw u claimed refund...
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Reading this thread after almost two full days and wow - lots of interesting comments.

It is beyond doubt that the ST and GT 50 panels produce outstanding picture.
But based on problems faced by Nishabss, and other members, I have doubts on Panasonic's quality control. It seems that it is more likely to get a panel which is can get quick IR than a one which is resilient to IR.

I hope that the 2013 stock that is now in the country has some improvements.
Those taking returns cannot check and confirm but those who are going to buy can check and report back.
I believe that some people have been unfortunate in getting bad panels but this can happen with all brands. I have returned or replaced monitors from acer, bent, dell, view sonic etc for dead or bright pixels. As long as the company backs its product there are no hard feelings. Just tell the dealer at the time of purchase that I want a return in case of such and such defects. Rather you can be more careful and check the product in the showroom itself without paying. My samsung led from 2010 has developed faint horizontal lines even though it is still watchable. So one cannot say that such and such brand is fault free. Even my iPad 2 has some backlight bleed.
I saw IR in the first few hours of run of my st50. For example retention of logos for a while. But now I practically dont see them at all. Programs on Sun DTH are running hours together but no trace of any IR.

I am going with the "TRUE CINEMA" setting and not tweaked with brightness.
Could the IR issues being observed by customers are due to inflated brightness levels by any chance?

Plasmas are inherently less bright and we have to live with it. Infact this is one of the reason for stunning colors and natural picture. Imagine looking at a picture in bright sun. It wont bring out the real beauty in it.
Now if the same picture is watched in the early evenings, one can really appreciate the colors/contrasts etc. I think this is the basic difference between lcd and plasma.
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