Suggestions for my First Hifi setup

Dear FMs,

Why am I not enjoying my music as much as movies, on these polk r700s ? I know for sure that the speakers are not bad. Is it due to lack of Amp or my room or the source? My source is Apple Music and flac stored on my phone. Please let me know what am I missing here!
There will be a barrage of questions to obtain a sense of direction and identify the weak link before individuals can start helping you. Following is my list:
  • To begin with, what are you lacking or disliking? The highs, the mids, the bass, the lack of a soundstage, or the crowded soundstage, the centre image?
  • Before making a purchase, did you test the same combination of speakers, an AVR, and a source (already touched upon by FM)? If so, did the room's layout like yours?
  • Have you experimented with the EQ and Audessey settings?
  • Have you experimented with speaker positioning? Move them closer, bring them in by a foot, etc.
  • Have you tried moving around while listening to test the sound stage?
  • Any genre in particular that sounds appealing
  • Which speaker cables are you using to connect to the speaker?
As I stated earlier, AVRs and music is not a great marriage, it all boils down to the expectations. How many hours have you already utilized the setup?
That could be one of many factors.

For something to be perceived as musical, there must be an emotional connect.To begin with, one of the most important aspects is tonality - the ubiquitous "analog" sound everybody seems to keep on chasing. In contrast, it's not a biggie for HT.

Nevertheless, before we start throwing darts in the dark, let's try and zero in on the problem so that you can help us help you better.

For starters, if i remember correctly, you found songs played through some speakers such as a pair of Dalis and the SVS Prime Pinnacles "musical".

As such (1) how were you playing music through these speakers? Was it the same modus operandi as your home i.e. FLAC files from your phone through airplay to the AV receiver? (2) Again, i am assuming it was an AV receiver that that was being employed during your auditions. Was it the same AVR or was it an amp? (3) if it was an amp, was it connected to a DAC? (4) if there was a DAC, which one was it?

If it stops at (1), it's possibly your room and/or the way you've setup your speakers.
It was same as am playing now at my home. Music played through Apple music, spotify and flac stored on phone. And yes all were played through AVR only during auditions as well.
There will be a barrage of questions to obtain a sense of direction and identify the weak link before individuals can start helping you. Following is my list:
  • To begin with, what are you lacking or disliking? The highs, the mids, the bass, the lack of a soundstage, or the crowded soundstage, the centre image?
  • Before making a purchase, did you test the same combination of speakers, an AVR, and a source (already touched upon by FM)? If so, did the room's layout like yours?
  • Have you experimented with the EQ and Audessey settings?
  • Have you experimented with speaker positioning? Move them closer, bring them in by a foot, etc.
  • Have you tried moving around while listening to test the sound stage?
  • Any genre in particular that sounds appealing
  • Which speaker cables are you using to connect to the speaker?
As I stated earlier, AVRs and music is not a great marriage, it all boils down to the expectations. How many hours have you already utilized the setup?
I think the crowded soundstage is my issue.
Yes, during audition also I had same combination for testing.
I have used audyssey calliberation using the mic provided with the AVR
Yes, I tested with positioning and also toed in a bit. Distance from backwall is already more than a feet.
Speakers cables are belden 8477
I think the crowded soundstage is my issue.
Yes, during audition also I had same combination for testing.
I have used audyssey calliberation using the mic provided with the AVR
Yes, I tested with positioning and also toed in a bit. Distance from backwall is already more than a feet.
Speakers cables are belden 8477
So that tells me more about the room effect than anything else, in my opinion. Check to see if experimenting with carpets and cushions make a difference. It is also possible to test out various speaker cables?
  • To begin with, what are you lacking or disliking? The highs, the mids, the bass, the lack of a soundstage, or the crowded soundstage, the centre image?
  • Have you experimented with speaker positioning? Move them closer, bring them in by a foot, etc.
As I stated earlier, AVRs and music is not a great marriage, it all boils down to the expectations. How many hours have you already utilized the setup?
I think the crowded soundstage is my issue.
Yes, during audition also I had same combination for testing.
I have used audyssey calliberation using the mic provided with the AVR
Yes, I tested with positioning and also toed in a bit. Distance from
So that tells me more about the room effect than anything else, in my opinion. Check to see if experimenting with carpets and cushions make a difference. It is also possible to test out various speaker cables?

Speakers cables are belden 8477
I don't think speaker cables should be a concern for now.

The OP had posted some pics of his entire room to begin with at the very beginning of this thread and his speaker placement is terrible. Plus, the fact that speakers are placed next to the side walls with next to no space between it and the right speaker is not great.

Music through an AVR can also sound very satisfying though it may fall short for an enthusiast. Since the OP is just starting out and did find music to sound good through the same AVR, i believe that isn't it for now and spending more money on equipment may not be the best solution.

Right now, i'm willing to wager the OP does not have a centre image or any sort of soundstage to begin with.
Dear FMs,

Why am I not enjoying my music as much as movies, on these polk r700s ? I know for sure that the speakers are not bad. Is it due to lack of Amp or my room or the source? My source is Apple Music and flac stored on my phone. Please let me know what am I missing here!

Its the lack of Symmetry my friend. If possible take the speakers and amplifier to another room where they can be placed at an equal/identical distance from the left and right wall and have a listen for a few minutes and then tell us what change comes about. Do remember to switch off any EQ or TA done earlier on the amp.
Dear FMs,

Why am I not enjoying my music as much as movies, on these polk r700s ? I know for sure that the speakers are not bad. Is it due to lack of Amp or my room or the source? My source is Apple Music and flac stored on my phone. Please let me know what am I missing here!
@deeps007, Don't lose heart. Things will get better; the journey continues. Since you can't do much about the speaker placement, experiment with simple fixes like switching cables, reducing first- and second-reflection spots, shifting your seating, etc. If possible, reduce the amount of reflected sound waves to see if the situation gets better. If it does, then you know the direction to take. All the best!
@deeps007, Don't lose heart. Things will get better; the journey continues. Since you can't do much about the speaker placement, experiment with simple fixes like switching cables, reducing first- and second-reflection spots, shifting your seating, etc. If possible, reduce the amount of reflected sound waves to see if the situation gets better. If it does, then you know the direction to take. All the best!
You've just added to his quandry. 😂 😂
:) Nevertheless, thank you all for your suggestions. Will figure out and see what can I experiment with and let you guys know. For now, I guess I am more than happy with my movie experience on these beasts.

Finally pulled the trigger and ordered Polk Reserve series R700 towers & Denon AVR x4700h for my living room. Also ordered Signature Mishra v2.0 for bedroom, expecting by mid 3rd Week of Jan.
what are you planning to power the Mishras with?

It may be worth just connecting the Mishras in your living room set-up to compare the sound with the Polks.
what are you planning to power the Mishras with?

It may be worth just connecting the Mishras in your living room set-up to compare the sound with the Polks.
Yeah will do once they arrive later this month.
They would be powered with norge concerto 1000 for now as they are for a sperate room. But yeah will surely hook up in this room as well, just to check how do they sound here.
Dear FMs,

Why am I not enjoying my music as much as movies, on these polk r700s ? I know for sure that the speakers are not bad. Is it due to lack of Amp or my room or the source? My source is Apple Music and flac stored on my phone. Please let me know what am I missing here!

It's most likely the way the speakers are voiced or your room acoustics, or some combo of both.

The actual difference between various SS amps is subtle at best - certainly not enough to transform speakers that you dont like to speakers that you love (provided you arent running them at a volume that is causing distortion or something like that, which is extremely unlikely).
Dear FMs,
I wanted to know if biwiring any useful? Poll r700s have two pairs of speaker binding posts at back. Could someone please throw some light on whether it is worth trying ?
For some it may for some it might not. Also depends on the entire chain, if its a resolving system maybe it brings about a slight change but nothing like a day and night transformation would come about. The tone or voicing of the speaker would remain the same.
For some it may for some it might not. Also depends on the entire chain, if its a resolving system maybe it brings about a slight change but nothing like a day and night transformation would come about. The tone or voicing of the speaker would remain the same.
So I shouldn't bother about biwiring even if speakers supports it.
Dear FMs,
I wanted to know if biwiring any useful? Poll r700s have two pairs of speaker binding posts at back. Could someone please throw some light on whether it is worth trying ?
When the original cable is poorly constructed or the jumpers between the LF and HF are of poor quality, bi-wiring typically makes sense. When both of them are properly handled, bi-wiring and single-wiring will practically sound identical. However, a lot of variables must be present in order to distinguish between them. However, some people will adamantly support bi-wiring, and while they are not mistaken, it may just be a placebo effect for some and for some it makes lot of sense whose chain is revealing enough to detect the difference. There are cables that are advertised as being better for highs or lows or possibly based on user reviews. Bi-wiring is for you if you have that belief. Since it is your start of the journey, so you might be better off not worrying too much about it and go for good 10/12 AWG cables
Depends on you, My speaker too has the option but the thought never crossed my mind. For me its rather simple if the speakers tone is to my taste I keep it if not I simply change the speaker, things like cables and stuff related to it bring about very slight changes in the detail/imaging/soundstage but they never change the speakers voicing or tone. Part of the Reason why I suggested you to try your speakers in another room placed more symmetrically was to understand whether or not you like the tone/voicing of the speaker.

Lets take my example: I use an atc speaker, it has fast and accurate bass but lean, detailed and textured mid's(to die for) with smooth yet extended high's, the sound is equally good at lower as well as higher volumes which one paper or in a review might sound like an ideal speaker but there is a catch to achieve this atc has voiced the speakers such that there is a very slight bump in the 800hz-2khz region which for someone with sensitive hearing might sound bright and attacking probably even fatiguing on the other hand for someone like me who wears a turban or for someone who likes the forward nature of the sound will find that speaker to be great.

So I would first want you to figure out what kind of tone/voicing you like(forward sounding/laid-back/neutral) and see if the polk gives you that or understand whats missing and share it here so that FM's can understand your need better and suggest accordingly buddy. All this takes time, take it slow, understand whats good in the system you have and whats missing and then go about making changes
Dear FMs,
I wanted to know if biwiring any useful? Poll r700s have two pairs of speaker binding posts at back. Could someone please throw some light on whether it is worth trying ?
If you have spare speaker cables lying around, why not try and see for yourself. I would not advise buying new cables to try out bi-wiring.

Do remember to remove the connecting plate on the speakers when you bi-wire.
If you are sitting in the seat from your fist pic and the speakers are on either side of the tv, then it’s your listening spot too far away to listen anything in “stereo”. Unfortunately having wall on one side and not on the other makes it even worse. It’s hard to get it right there. If the tv was on the right wall and you were sitting on the left side from the photo, you could have gotten it right, only bass would have suffered a Bit due to the open nature of the room.

If you really wan to enjoy music, try the set up in another room, then you will know the problem wasn’t in the equipment. Sorry, but pointing you in any other direction will just waste your time and money.
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