Suggestions for my First Hifi setup

Few questions
1. What avr did you audition the svs prime pinnacle with?
2. Were they driven with the avr in 2 channel mode(with or without sub) or as a HT setup complete?

If you liked the combo then go ahead with it but do keep in mind the room and placement are going to be completely different at your home when compared to the audition room hence the end result would also be different.
Try to read a little about fyne f501 floorstander while you are at it. Being dual concentric they have a very strong imaging game and given your room issues I think such drivers will make it easier to complete your setup.
Good to see you are auditioning as much available to you and then deciding.
Few questions
1. What avr did you audition the svs prime pinnacle with?
2. Were they driven with the avr in 2 channel mode(with or without sub) or as a HT setup complete?

If you liked the combo then go ahead with it but do keep in mind the room and placement are going to be completely different at your home when compared to the audition room hence the end result would also be different.
Try to read a little about fyne f501 floorstander while you are at it. Being dual concentric they have a very strong imaging game and given your room issues I think such drivers will make it easier to complete your setup.
Good to see you are auditioning as much available to you and then deciding.
1. AVR was Marantz 5015 2. It was 2 channel without sub as i insisted to take demo without sub. My perception is that if a set is good with music, it would be good with movies too. So all of my auditions so far have been without a sub.
As i mentioned earlier, i auditioned SVS against Dali oberon 7,9, Magnat 1500(all with same AVR as they didn't have any other AVR for demot) and found SVS pinnacles to my liking. I could not fin fyne speaker anywhere for audtioning. So this is another problem i am facing, i live in delhi NCR and i not able to find too many brands for auditioning.
Its not possible in our country atleast (no clue about things outside india) to audition every brand that is their in the market hence sometimes one has to go by the word around and other times an audition helps in deciding.

In your case the audition has done the job so far with the marantz and svs combo and I think its better to proceed with what you liked. Thinking that a denon/yamaha or fyne/polk will be better is like taking a shot in the dark. If you are willing to take that shot then its like going with the "word around" and that opens the gate to many other brands like PSB, dali, QA, Fyne, Aurum cantus, yamaha, denon, anthem etc etc. But if you wish to stick to the demo method then you already have your answer friend.

And NO if a speaker is good with music it is not necessarily going to be good with movies and vice-a-versa
1. AVR was Marantz 5015 2. It was 2 channel without sub as i insisted to take demo without sub. My perception is that if a set is good with music, it would be good with movies too. So all of my auditions so far have been without a sub.
As i mentioned earlier, i auditioned SVS against Dali oberon 7,9, Magnat 1500(all with same AVR as they didn't have any other AVR for demot) and found SVS pinnacles to my liking. I could not fin fyne speaker anywhere for audtioning. So this is another problem i am facing, i live in delhi NCR and i not able to find too many brands for auditioning.
It would be best to stick with the same AVR if you have already tested speakers with Marantz. Denon and X speakers would pair in a different way than Marantz would. Due to the large hall that your living room opens up to, there may be echo or late reflections. The distinction between music and movie speakers is that music speakers are typically built assuming to subwoofer will be put, giving them better low-frequency extension, better imaging, and a larger soundstage. Movie speakers are built for low distortion at high volume levels since it is believed that they would be used with a sub and that they will be played most often at reference level. It is difficult to discern from a speaker's specifications if they are better suited for music or movies; an audition is necessary. Leave the movie / music speaker debate out for now and rely on your ears instead of adding another dimension and creating confusion.

A bookshelf + matching center + sub combination is worth exploring

There are a lot of speaker designers in this community; perhaps they can assist you in designing something that is better suited to your use case.
B&W speakers make me want to stab my eardrums.
Where is the "I love you, bro!" emoji when you need it?!

Here I am after another audition. I auditioned Dali Oberon 7 & 9 paired with Maranz 5105. Demo room was not acousticaly treated, with just a carpet rolled on the floor. One side had a glass partition and other had ply.
Both the Dalis gave up(distorted) when I cranked up the volume. Also the bass sounded boomy.
Then they plugged in a Dali mentor 8 tower speakers(used ones, which have been put on sale by a customer) and they sounded great. Bass was tight and highs were not harsh. Vocals were clear and great imaging.
The store owner heaped high praise on mentor 8 and told me that these are speakers worth 6-7 lakhs. The price quoted was 2.7 lakhs but he said he could give it for 2.3 lakhs.
Next I auditioned SVS Prime Pinnacle towers.
And I just loved it, felt like this is the one I had been waiting for. Such clear vocals, great soundstage and tight bass. This is the first speakers I absolutely loved. Final Price quoted is 2.10 lakhs. Please let me know if it is worth the price and also if it would be suit my future expansion needs to set up a HT system for movies?
SVS get a lot of piss for how divisive their subs are, but their speakers are worth it.
Also, does anybody know about Dali mentor 8 speakers? Is it worth considering? It's used and 4 years old but sound really good.
No experience with these particular models, but if I had to choose ONLY between these two, SVS = neutral, Dali = warm.
How much discount(in percentage) should i be expecting from dealers? Any rough/average figure that dealers can go down to? I don't have a reference point so i don't know how much should i settle in for? Please help me as i am getting calls from the dealers i went for audition and i don't have any idea what should i tell them.
As close to the conversion rate as possible. Please keep conversations going on with as many retailers as possible.

All said, if you liked the SVS, go for it. Can't go wrong.

All, all, said: You can eventually find a pairing for it later, when they don't hurt you. Speakers are like dogs, if you find one you like, keep it.

Chill and Enjoy till they pass on.
It would be best to stick with the same AVR if you have already tested speakers with Marantz. Denon and X speakers would pair in a different way than Marantz would. Due to the large hall that your living room opens up to, there may be echo or late reflections. The distinction between music and movie speakers is that music speakers are typically built assuming to subwoofer will be put, giving them better low-frequency extension, better imaging, and a larger soundstage. Movie speakers are built for low distortion at high volume levels since it is believed that they would be used with a sub and that they will be played most often at reference level. It is difficult to discern from a speaker's specifications if they are better suited for music or movies; an audition is necessary. Leave the movie / music speaker debate out for now and rely on your ears instead of adding another dimension and creating confusion.

A bookshelf + matching center + sub combination is worth exploring

There are a lot of speaker designers in this community; perhaps they can assist you in designing something that is better suited to your

A bookshelf + matching center + sub combination is worth exploring
Any suggestions for this combo under 2lakh?

Does anybody have experience with Polk R700?
Finally pulled the trigger and ordered Polk Reserve series R700 towers & Denon AVR x4700h for my living room. Also ordered Signature Mishra v2.0 for bedroom, expecting by mid 3rd Week of Jan.
Since this is going to be my first setup, please help me understand what all would be needed to protect the AVR/speakers from power outs and power surge. And also, where could i get them from?

My living room setup will include the following:

Polk R700 towers
Denon x4700h AVR
Apple TV 4k
Sony A80J OLED( already plugged in to a Vguard stabilzer)
Finally pulled the trigger and ordered Polk Reserve series R700 towers & Denon AVR x4700h for my living room. Also ordered Signature Mishra v2.0 for bedroom, expecting by mid 3rd Week of Jan.
Since this is going to be my first setup, please help me understand what all would be needed to protect the AVR/speakers from power outs and power surge. And also, where could i get them from?

My living room setup will include the following:

Polk R700 towers
Denon x4700h AVR
Apple TV 4k
Sony A80J OLED( already plugged in to a Vguard stabilzer)
Great! Would love to hear your experience with Polk and Mishra's. Please try and get a good CVT (vertex as an example) for your AVR. Try and connect your TV to a UPS (APC as an example).
Congratulations on your purchase! Happy listening!!
Great! Would love to hear your experience with Polk and Mishra's. Please try and get a good CVT (vertex as an example) for your AVR. Try and connect your TV to a UPS (APC as an example).
Congratulations on your purchase! Happy listening!!
Thanks! Isn't there a all-in-one solution that i could use to connect all(AVR/TV/ATV) directly to a single device? I don't want to clutter the TV unit as it is a living room and cannot put a AV rack there.
Would it not be sufficient if I upgrade my existing home inverter(Luminous Zelio+ 1100) to Luminous Cruze 2.5kva and add another tubular battery 150Ah(in addition to one existing 150ah)? Isn't it a pure sine wave inverter?

I need something for backup during power cuts as in my area there are many short but frequent powercuts for 2-10 min. For surge protection and voltage correction, i already ordered a Static Voltage Stabilizer from NKB Technocrats. Online UPS is ruled out bcoz of the noise, so can't place it in my liviing room. I was thinking of adding another battery and replacing my current home inverter from Luminous zelio 1100 to Luminous Cruze 2.5 Kva. Please let me know if it will be correct approach?

Guys, anyone? here are my initial impressions about Polk Audio Reserve R700 floor standers:

To put it in a minimalistic verbiage - AWESOME for movies but AVERAGE for music(paired with Denon AVR).

Everything is great when i watch movies, infact it is exactly what i wished for when i thought of getting into this hifi world.
Crystal clear dialogues, even at a listening distance of 13ft. Bass has enough volume...just a bit laid back/slow(the decay i think they call it, is a bit long), not sure if it is due to lack of enough watts(getting 125 watts/channel from Denon x4700h AVR) or is it due to the room dimensions/listening distance or lack of any acoustic treatment.
No harsh treble, it is warm sounding. I listen to lot of Adele and didn't sound harsh/ear piercing even at 80db, though my preferred listening volume is around 60-70 db. Music still lacked the punch i was looking for, vocal clarity lost at around 70db and frequencies sounded muddled.
Movies turned out to be awesome though. I started with Top gun Maverick and boy i was blown away by the thunderous bass(if thats a word) that went through my floor and i felt like i was sitting in a theater. I was really impressed by the level of imaging as the speakers just vanished into the room while i was watching the movies.
As far as bass is concerned, i don't think i need a sub woofer, not atleast for now, maybe till i get used to the enormous bass produced by these speakers and i start craving for more. Or mabye when and if i get a chance to listen to the gut crunching base people refer to get from dedicated sub woofers.
As of now, i am really happy with my first purchase and overall experience with Polk R700 speakers. These have really opened up my ears and i am loving every minute i spend listening to them. Remember this is my first step into this AV world and i hope to get to hear better with experience.
Thanks again to all respected members for their valuable suggestions and great insights :)
Dear FMs,

Why am I not enjoying my music as much as movies, on these polk r700s ? I know for sure that the speakers are not bad. Is it due to lack of Amp or my room or the source? My source is Apple Music and flac stored on my phone. Please let me know what am I missing here!
Dear FMs,

Why am I not enjoying my music as much as movies, on these polk r700s ? I know for sure that the speakers are not bad. Is it due to lack of Amp or my room or the source? My source is Apple Music and flac stored on my phone. Please let me know what am I missing here!
That could be one of many factors.

For something to be perceived as musical, there must be an emotional connect.To begin with, one of the most important aspects is tonality - the ubiquitous "analog" sound everybody seems to keep on chasing. In contrast, it's not a biggie for HT.

Nevertheless, before we start throwing darts in the dark, let's try and zero in on the problem so that you can help us help you better.

For starters, if i remember correctly, you found songs played through some speakers such as a pair of Dalis and the SVS Prime Pinnacles "musical".

As such (1) how were you playing music through these speakers? Was it the same modus operandi as your home i.e. FLAC files from your phone through airplay to the AV receiver? (2) Again, i am assuming it was an AV receiver that that was being employed during your auditions. Was it the same AVR or was it an amp? (3) if it was an amp, was it connected to a DAC? (4) if there was a DAC, which one was it?

If it stops at (1), it's possibly your room and/or the way you've setup your speakers.
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