Tatasky HD Or Dish TV HD Or Reliance BIG TV HD Or Sun Direct HD Or Airtel HD?

Thanks adder, KDM and anil.

Anil- DVR is of big help when you are not available at home during your favourite programmes or when you have a fight with your family member on which channel to watch. But BIG should not force people like me looking for HD to buy DVR.

I am trying to find out if BIG will come out with HD STB without DVR anytime soon.

Opinions still welcome on PQ of BIG vs TS.
I cant figure out why we need to by DVR, you cant even get the content out of STB and watch it on other TV or can share it with others and just to watch repeat telecast of some thing one has to pay 3 to 4K extra. in recent there is hardly any program on TV that is not repeated again and again.

so for me there is no need to addition money for a feature that is so lilimted.

You obviously don't know the benefits of a DVR or are glued to the TV set all day long. You see for people who do things other than just watch TV all day long, a DVR is a must. That's the only way i can catch up on stuff since I don't get time to be in front of my TV at the time the shows are broadcast. Also, if your into Football & stuff, most of the games are shown at 1am in the morning. Pause/Play is another great feature.

Besides these things, there are countless other advantages. You have to own one to know one :-)
You obviously don't know the benefits of a DVR or are glued to the TV set all day long. You see for people who do things other than just watch TV all day long, a DVR is a must. That's the only way i can catch up on stuff since I don't get time to be in front of my TV at the time the shows are broadcast. Also, if your into Football & stuff, most of the games are shown at 1am in the morning. Pause/Play is another great feature.

Besides these things, there are countless other advantages. You have to own one to know one :-)

hmmmmm i know that one need to have something to know the advatages of something but still u can watch thge repeat telecast of football matches.
I am using DISH DTH, and now would be getting free Airtel HD with new PLasma....

In dilema is I should sell out both n buy TATA.. or use Airtel HD..

can someone guide?
I think Airtel HD is better option than tatasky HD because they have mpeg4.

mpeg4 means more compression , they will be able to braodcast more channels with limited bandwidth. But Tatasky cannot do this since thay have mpeg2.
Being a existing customer of tata sky (SD) i have seen they have removed some regional channles becaus of the shortage of their bandwidth.

While upgrading to HD , i am planning to go for Airtel HD DTH.

Tata sky subscription price is costlier than airtel and airtel has more regional channels.And soon Tata sky might be upgrading to mpeg 4 ..but box also have to be replaced . So again you have to pay.

Never go for Tatasky .. (only good thing with them is customer care is good .. AIRTEL also good in that point) .
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Continuation of #81

See how good BIG TV customer care is in responding to queries. What have I asked and what they have responded. God save Big TV.:sad:

RE:'ADAG=006-618-975' Reference to your e-mail
From: "[email protected]" <[email protected]>
To: Santy

Dear Customer,

Thank you for showing interest in Big TV HD-DVR.

This is with reference to your email regarding BIG TV HD-DVR and its information. We are pleased to inform you that Reliance BIG TV HD-DVR is the Indias only product Digital Video Recorder with High Definition. You can record, pause and play live TV program and enjoy High Definition content. HD (High Definition) is new technology in which the picture quality is 5 times better than normal service; quality of image is very clear and crisp.

Features of HD-DVR:

Record your favorite programs up to 200 hours.
Watch another channel / program while you record one program on another channel.
Pause and play live TV.
Watch you all recording at any time.
Support high definition content channel.

If you are existing customer of Big TV and wish to upgrade your regular BIG TV Set top box to BIG TV HD-DVR, we are please to inform you that as you are existing customer of Reliance BIG TV would get discount of Rs.2500/- on current HD-DVR offers. You will get Reliance BIG TV HD- DVR in just Rs.4990/- plus amount need to be recharge for change of pack.

We request you to refer the attached document for the information of offers and packages. We appreciate your interest in BIG TV DVR and look forward to an opportunity to assist you again.

If you still have any query/issue, we request you to write us back.
We are constantly trying to improve our services with the co-operation of esteemed customer like you; we hope to achieve the same.

Yours sincerely,

Sujeet Jain,
Customer Care,
Reliance Big TV,

-----Original Message-----
From: Santy ()
Date: Thursday, August 26, 2010 02:03 PM
To: [email protected] ([email protected])
Subject: BIG HD without DVR

Dear Sir/ Madam

My account no. is xxxxxxxx
I wish to upgrade to HD but I am not interested in DVR.
So kindly let me know when I can expect HD STB without DVR from BIG TV.
I must decide if I have to wait or switch to some other HD DTH. Hope you understand.
Will appreciate a quick and correct response


Hi, any idea when will Airtel launch HD + DVR?

There is no news as of Now, However the so called Airtel DVR can give 580p resolution. Anyways u can wait for the lest week of September, D2H has confirmed via Facebook that they'll be launching HD DVR. Airtel is now stuck with only one channel since the launch :ohyeah:
jignesh. You know whats happening in DTH industry. Just let me know if BIG comes out with HD without DVR.
I have a Big TV HD DVR and I could not be happier. Although am still on a CRT 30" TV, I can tell that I won't be disappointed when I upgrade to OLED/LED/Plasma or such with Big TV. When one is tired and sleepy, but still has the privileged to record the Godfather to watch the next morning, that is an offer that one just can't refuse.

It's not without it's faults though. Playback from the Hard Disk does have it's shortcomings, but I am easy to please. :)


I have a Big TV HD DVR and I could not be happier. Although am still on a CRT 30" TV, I can tell that I won't be disappointed when I upgrade to OLED/LED/Plasma or such with Big TV. When one is tired and sleepy, but still has the privileged to record the Godfather to watch the next morning, that is an offer that one just can't refuse.

It's not without it's faults though. Playback from the Hard Disk does have it's shortcomings, but I am easy to please. :)



If you don't mind my asking - what shortcomings does playback from Hard Disk have?
If you don't mind my asking - what shortcomings does playback from Hard Disk have?

Well, when paused for a while or rewound or fast forwarded, audio loses its sync with video, when playing, tracks get skipped, when fast forwarding it sometimes skips a couple of tracks back etc,etc.

To sync audio with video, I have to experiment with pause/fast forwarding/rewinding. It could be an issue with my disk only but I doubt it as it is only a few months old.


... D2H has confirmed via Facebook that they'll be launching HD DVR. Airtel is now stuck with only one channel since the launch :ohyeah:

That's good news, I can wait. Thanks. Hope the channel count increases over time. I guess it's a chcken/egg situation for them.

Simply for one reason I do not think I will use that feature except once for testing it.
Why unnecessarily pay for something you dont use?

And can you tell us how can you fast forward all the ads.
It records TV programs, so you can watch it like you're watching a DVD. That allows you to fast forward/rewind as you please. When the ads come on your program, just fast forward.

In the US, I've seen DVR remotes which have a 30-second jump button. A few jabs of this and you've just skipped all the ads. Not sure if the Big TV remote has this jump feature.

The Reliance Communication Worlds have them on demo, so you can try them out.
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For a min, looking at your previous post, I thought you can FF live show. When you play recorded show, obviously FF is possible. Reasons why I did not upgrade to DVR are; only one HD channel in BiG, stability issues and as mentioned earlier- no interest in recording. Never really cried for missing a show!
For a min, looking at your previous post, I thought you can FF live show. When you play recorded show, obviously FF is possible. Reasons why I did not upgrade to DVR are; only one HD channel in BiG, stability issues and as mentioned earlier- no interest in recording. Never really cried for missing a show!

Actually a DVR is helpful for watching live TV as well. You can obviously pause live TV at your convenience. Also, you can start watching a program & pause it for 10 mins. After that you can play the deferred live stream & skip the ads. By the time the show ends, you would be in sync with live tv so helps in ignoring those annoying ads.
Ya thats true, but I think ads are sometimes required so that you can spend sometime with your family. If ads are not there, I have to cook and serve the dinner myself! :ohyeah:
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