Tatasky HD Or Dish TV HD Or Reliance BIG TV HD Or Sun Direct HD Or Airtel HD?


I am having some big problems with my Airtel connection and the local guys are not willing to help. Can anyone help me with contacts (numbers/email IDs) of higher ups for Airtel DTH?.
Airtel is, simply put a profiteering company who will put their short term financial gains above their customers' interests and even their own long term reputation. The reason why they screw up so spectacularly is that they have taken their customers for granted, and their business processes and parctices stink. They think their customers are chumps. They are vile, they are scum, and they deserve to fail.
So apart from airtel, for whom I dont give a rat's ass about, I'm interested to get a HD STB, and I have a new plasma. Sop in order to minimise burn-in or image retention, can you guys recommend that in terms of operator logos which are the best and teh worst.
Cant recommend the best logo but Dish tv and Tata Sky logos are gud.

The worst is Reliance BIG TV, the logo is such a horrendous one it can torture u. Airtel too has opaque logo in HD
Can the DTH provider logo's be turned OFF in any of the HD STB's?.
I hate to see them...as if crappy channel logo's weren't enough
Hey I got a Tata Sky HD connection installed yesterday, along with 2 months complimentary HD gold pack. The HD picture quality of this box as seen on on my LG 50PK550 Plasma TV is simply mesmerizing. HD Programs on space and wildlife in Disco or NatG is simply jaw dropping and in sports it makes a huge difference. Star Cricket is showing champions league T20 in HD. You can see minute details like sweat streaming down the faces of the players and the seam of the ball vividly in the bowlers hand. . Next best thing to being live. Not bad for 2600 bucks, and they include the HDMI cable as well.

The Logo is a little largish, but thank god it's semi-transparent. And this easily has one of the best EPG/Menu color schemes I have seen on a DTH STB. Black windows with orange & blue accents...classy!
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Many of us have same question and if these are not enough Videocon going to launch HD DVR box on Oct so customers like us have big issue to choose which one! I am using Dish TV since 2003 and I am very happy with packages but quality was issue so I was going to change it before 2 months but with recent launch of HD I am confused! Even I read Reviews of each HD DTHs:

In-depth Tata Sky HD Review
Exclusive: Airtel Digital TV HD STB Pictures And Information
Reliance BIG TV HD DVR Review And Features
Dish TV Announced HD Service Dish Tru HD
Sun Direct HD Review

I am still not come on decision points as none of HD DTH demo is available in my area ( I am 17 Km away from H'bad City )! I am sure many of you might have seen it!

Please help me to choose best HD DTH for me. I need this:

- Budget around 6000-7000 Rs
- Better Packages
- 5:1 Aspect ratio
- 5.1 Surround system
- Major Telugu Channels ( Other South Indian Channels will welcome )
- Long term offer will be first preference.

Just to make you note, its 16:9 Aspect Ratio and not 5:1 Aspect Ratio.
Hey I got a Tata Sky HD connection installed yesterday, along with 2 months complimentary HD gold pack. The HD picture quality of this box as seen on on my LG 50PK550 Plasma TV is simply mesmerizing. HD Programs on space and wildlife in Disco or NatG is simply jaw dropping and in sports it makes a huge difference. Star Cricket is showing champions league T20 in HD. You can see minute details like sweat streaming down the faces of the players and the seam of the ball vividly in the bowlers hand. . Next best thing to being live. Not bad for 2600 bucks, and they include the HDMI cable as well.

The Logo is a little largish, but thank god it's semi-transparent. And this easily has one of the best EPG/Menu color schemes I have seen on a DTH STB. Black windows with orange & blue accents...classy!

Enjoy ur Tata Sky HD. It gives bang for ur bucks. :clapping:

I was using TATA SKY from 2006 - 2010 and then upgraded to SUN Direct HD from June 2010 - Sep 2010 and now got installed with TATA Sky HD.

SUN Direct HD:
From June 2010 Sun Direct got a major satellite issue and all the channels are gone for toss. Now they are switched over to other satellite.

1. As mentioned my others South Channels are available.
2. Quality of SD channels are slightly better than Tata Sky HD.
3. Advantage of one HD channel in Tamil (2 months back they provided SUN TV in HD, NGC, Discovery, Tamil HD Service (Non stop Tamil Songs), Telugu HD Service (Non Stop Telugu Songs), HD Service (Live rock concerts in HD). Now only 3 channels are available NGC, Discovery and Test Service (Mixed songs of Tamil/Telugu) and daily free movies in upscaled HD.


1. Pathetic Customer Support ( They don't have any details handy for any of your question)
2. Crappy menus
3. No EPG (Electronic Program Guide) TATA sky is amazing in providing the EPG.
4. With out any notification the channels may be discontinued.
5. While getting the connection they promised for 6 HD channels and now only 3.
6. Channel packages are not grouped properly.
7. No yearly subscription of all channels.



1. Good Customer Support.
2. With in a day got the installation and activation.
3. Sleek Remote control
4. High quality menu interface.
5. Showcase movies.
6. HD channels are in amazing quality.
7. Heard that Star Movies HD is soon getting added.
8. Though the SD channels quality is little sluggish total peace of mind in viewing the channels.
9. Annual mega pack option.

1. SD channels little less in quality.
2. hmmm Thats all I can say..

Verdict: Being Sun and Tata Customer, I would suggest to go for TATA sky.

Now I guess after the satellite problem, SD have only 3 HD channels. Those Colors HD, SUN TV HD has been temp removed
You're an idiot if you have a HDTV equal to or bigger than 40" and wish not to opt for HD. Maybe it's only a few channels, but the difference is as profound as Color vs B&W TV. If you have a 50" or higher TV, then you're a bigger idiot. you're wasting your investment, by not spending that measly 2.5K for a HD STB.

Would urge Tata Sky HD subscribers to aggressively compplain about the vile chinese subs on NatGeo HD

Would urge Tata Sky HD subscribers to aggressively compplain about the vile chinese subs on NatGeo HD
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You're an idiot if you have a HDTV equal to or bigger than 40" and wish not to opt for HD. Maybe it's only a few channels, but the difference is as profound as Color vs B&W TV. If you have a 50" or higher TV, then you're a bigger idiot. you're wasting your investment, by not spending that measly 2.5K for a HD STB.

I own a Plasma 42 inch and I never watch National Geo or Discovery mostly, the PQ of my STB is equal or better than the DTH, I have huge collection of HD MOvies paired with WDTV which makes complete use of my Plasma and love my games in PS3 and Xbox. The most watched channels are Star Movies, HBO, World Cinema, WB, Star World, ZEE Cafe and sports channels.

I would prefer to wait till more HD channels are announced so I can make an informed decision based on package rates and what happens to SD quality when more HD channels start beaming bcos of bandwidth constraints!

So per you I am an Idiot just bcos I didnt waste 2500 to upgrade to a HD DTH which is currently of no use to me?

No one is an idiot, its called preferences and each person has one. I would suggest you refrain from making motherhood statements. :indifferent14:
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