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Crossover filtering: Linkwitz-Riley, 18dB/Octave
The sub amp specs look OK though I don't understand the filter.
Can you switch between Linkwitz Riley and Butterworth(18dB/octave) ?
LR filters go in multiples of 2. Like 12dB/Oct , 24 dB/Oct etc. You will find LR filters to be 6dB down at the crossover frequency. Optimum Butterworth's are down 3dB at the crossover frequency. LR is preferable.
Everything is down to maths. Change a mathematical parameter and the curve changes. The ones with specific characteristics ( behaviour of the curve around crossover ) are named after the guys who first identified them. Like Butterworth, Linkwitz Riley, Bessel, case you were wondering what all that was about ! Butterworth and LR are usually used more often in audio.
Damping factors don't always tell you how 'taut' the bass sounds ! A damping factor above 20 should generally be sufficient !
Don't be overawed by technical jargon. Once you understand it , you'd wonder why you ever thought it was 'sophisticated' ! Today with so much info available at your fingertips ( for free!), there is no excuse for not knowing ! So get cracking now ! Like cycling , everything is simple once you have understood it ! Enjoy the age of the Net !

I might add that you will also get to REALLY understand the saying " the more you know the less you know " ! Today , knowledge is like an Abyss . A bottomless pit ! You'd never get to the bottom of it ! As you go deeper the quantity of knowledge grows exponentially . Helps to down all those single malts around !

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