The Movies I Liked

Some movies that are coming to my mind in this regard are?

Fight Club, U-571, Aliens, Apocalypse Now, Das Boot, Incredibles, Monsters Inc., Titan AE, Toystory2, Finding Nemo, Godzilla, Haunting, Gladiator, Blueman Group etc.

Other favorites are LOTR series, Matrix series, Star-war series etc. These moves will test the guts of any sub or surrounds out there!:cool:

I particularly like anything from Pixar. They are just a joy to watch and they excel in the video and audio as well!
Apocalypse Now is great. The End by Doors (Jim Morrison) is played sometime later in this movie. I saw it in Chanakya Delhi. Astounding sound.
Golam - 2024

My rating:- 7/10

Awesome...An Intriguing Mystery Thriller Investigative...Awaiting the Next Sequel...

Nice movie with interesting plotline. But I wasn't fond of how the entire mystery is unravelled by 1 character narrating it. But seems many Malayalam movies follow the same pattern. Worth a watch anyways.
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