The Movies I Liked


The movie has Steve Mcqueen and others.

H'e'd take on anyone, at anything, anytime.

The film is about gambling.

It is a great movie, they show how they gamble with large monies for 8 days at a strech, with intervals to take nap, etc.


The main lead is by Daniel Craig (he had acted in Casino Royale)

A dense, wild and convulsive gangster thriller.

The movie is superb, with great style, it shows how to plan things, have a vision, if there is no luck your entire plan could fall apart with the best of planning but most of the times Daniel, does succeed.


I stand up with my folded hands, what you people keep doing, does god courier you all this knoweldge.

I saw that live feed, you are seeing a movie, what technology man, you are sitting in london, i am sitting here in mumbai, and i can see you watching movie with in-direct lights on.

Boy, i want to salute you also, but my hands are folded right now.

My heart beats when i see such marvels like you.

I am shocked with joy.

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Sunil, i saw you pausing the movie, maybe reading my message.

Boy, for me all this is magic.

Sorry to disturb you, while you are watching movie.

Just nothing vinay, an IP camera can do the trick. Simple enough to hook to your internet via router. Plain simple, but just the matter of getting the IP camera cheap! I got it for £55 in ebay

I saw that live feed,

IC you use the wireless stuff Okie Dokie !!

Sunil and Vinay finally My DIY SUB thread is up please do check it out !!

Sunil after the movie perhaps,don't wana disturb you now !!

Anyone watched KABUL EXPRESS on their HT?

Technically, its one of the best Bollywood movie and story and direction wise its A grade.

Ofcourse this is only my opinion
The Detonator - Action/ Adventure

Betrayal is, part of the game.

This film has been presented on full-screen (4:3)

The movie is about arms dealer, nuclear weapon, C.I.A., search for $30 million dollars, about plans to buy a nuclear bomb.


I had liked kabul express, a. warsi, was very good in the movie.
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IP Camera.

Just nothing vinay, an IP camera can do the trick. Simple enough to hook to your internet via router. Plain simple, but just the matter of getting the IP camera cheap! I got it for £55 in ebay

Sunil, i am having ip camera and router, i have been allotted a static ip too, when i am travelling, i can see live picture of my house from outstation.

The way you have done, i will check about the possibilities of making a link with the camera, when i am watching a movie.

Thank you very much for the information.


The effects with the surround and sub woofer are just too good. I managed this print from oversea's, the dvd has written "3", what does this mean?

Some of the good scenes are :

- Start
- World's highest party
- Storm Warning
- The ice cave
- Avalanche
- Magnificent madness
- Ski-To-Ledge Jump
- "It's gonna blow"
- Sacrifice & revenge

Hi Vinay
If i am not wrong VERTICAL LIMIT is a few years old. I dont remember the story but I think I have seen it.

Also there is another similar movied called "CLIFFHANGER"
It released in 1993 and Stallone stars in the movie. Try to watch if you have not

for storyline go to the following site
Cliffhanger (film - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia)

The link which you have been providing, is a lovely idea.

Indeed vertical limit is quite a old movie, it is among my top favourites.

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Starring, Denzel Washington.

The story is powerful and gripping, about the scandal in gulf war, January 1991.

The low frequencies effect was very good.

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Denszel Washington is a class actor

He was also in the movie called "BONE COLLECTOR"

One of the best murder mystery I have seen.
Twister got recently released on Blu-ray

While the improvment in video quality is not that great but people are raving about the sound quality.

Here is what someone had to say in a review

"The TrueHD 5.1 sound is what made this movie. The eeriness of the wind chimes ringing around you, the roaring of the wind in 360 degress with debris falling and the LFE shaking the foundation of the house as if you were really in the storm. We really had a blast when we watched this. "

So Vinay, Sunil and anyone else who is a big fan of LFE and surround effects and has a Blu-ray player at their disposal should try to watch it. :)

Here is the link - Twister (Blu-ray) - User Reviews

I have myself not watched the Blu-Ray version of TWISETR. Just read about it on the internet and thought I should share with you all
thanks for the heads up, rikhav. Let me check is region free (or region hackable bluray disc), so that I can order from US.

Last late night i finished watching Cloverfield BD. The disc is going straight to my reference collection for LFE track.

So Vinay, Sunil and anyone else who is a big fan of LFE and surround effects and has a Blu-ray player at their disposal should try to watch it. :)
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