The Movies I Liked


Everyone has a limit, self defense isn't murder.

The great star is there in the movie, Jennifer Lopez.

The film is about domestic violence in a faimly.

Some of the good scenes are :

- To have and to hold
- More than enough
- At the police station
- You can run
- The FBI
- You can't run forever
- You want to fight me?

Thanks Sreekanth. Nice job-good timing also, I was this close to unsubscribe from this thread!

Anyways, now that we are back in track and if anyone bothers anymore, here are some more.

Mel Gibson??s Apocalypto is another movie I really liked; I guess my whole house shook during the tree falling scene.

Some other movies I watched lately and found interesting ?? not necessarily for the effects ?? are The Illusionist, Inside Man, Mr.Brooks, The Kingdom, The Bank Job, Lions for Lamps etc.

The movies I was not really exited about but still end up watching are Ironman, Rambo4, National Treasures (the new one), 10000BC, Pathfinder etc. Nothing great about these ones imo, the last 2 especially were a real pain to watch.

Hi Unleash
"The Illusionist, Inside Man, Mr.Brooks, The Kingdom, The Bank Job, Lions for Lamps"
These movies I have yet to see, so i will try to watch them in coming weeks.

I saw Ironman, National Treasure2 and 10000 BC in a multiplex. I was OK with Ironman but i also did not like NT2 and 10000 BC. Rambo4 i did not bother to watch it as I did not expect anything out of it.

And we will try to stick to the topic from now on :)

Vinay Vinay My friend,PJ means "POOR JOKE" which I tried :( ! and gosh is a word associated with the likes of "Oh My God" 'Dear God" meaning when some one misunderstands your statements,the first reaction it invokes in you !!

The heated debate was how the companies took us for a ride and how they sold substandard stuff !! Had I not intervened Am sure it would've reached the peak ( though no one was fighting against each other ) !

Unleash buddy please don't do it man !!

Now back to action !!

Has any one watched the "Italian Job" ? nice movie with car chases and stuff !! though the original 1967 had much better story line this remake sure gives some excitement !!

Another one "Urban Legend" very good movie,suspense and the serial killings make it very good choice for watching at nights !!


Vinay Vinay My friend,PJ means "POOR JOKE" which I tried :( ! and gosh is a word associated with the likes of "Oh My God" 'Dear God" meaning when some one misunderstands your statements,the first reaction it invokes in you !!

The heated debate was how the companies took us for a ride and how they sold substandard stuff !! Had I not intervened Am sure it would've reached the peak ( though no one was fighting against each other ) !

Unleash buddy please don't do it man !!

Now back to action !!

Has any one watched the "Italian Job" ? nice movie with car chases and stuff !! though the original 1967 had much better story line this remake sure gives some excitement !!

Another one "Urban Legend" very good movie,suspense and the serial killings make it very good choice for watching at nights !!


Thanks for telling me the full form of pj, gosh being associated with god, i am sorry i never knew this, thanks for guiding me.

So the heat was at the other thread, what a relief, life is one heat. It is very good about people like you who try to reduce the heat and related, keep it up.

The Italian job, is among my high favourites, Urban legend, i like the story line which you are telling me, i will buy the DVD in future, if i watch it in night with high volume, the people living below my floor, will become a serial killer, their first kill will be me.

Thank you.

Have watched Italian Job in a multiplex, very good action movie

Have also seen "Urban legend", and i think the Bollywood movie "Krishna cottage" was copied from that

All this reminds me of one fantastic action/thriller/sci-fi movie called "Paycheck".
Ben Affleck and Uma Thurman are in the movie and the director is master of action "John Woo"

Vinay and Sreeaknth - Try to watch it if you have missed this one. You wont regret

Well like I said before I try !! Vinay the movie does not have any explosions or any huge sound effects that might disturb the neighbour ! it has very subtle effects and sudden effects, so nothing to worry ! just watch it !

One suggestion vinay I can give you is,If you are not able to get the DVD's why not rent it out ?? as some of the movies are not worth owning !!

Rikhav I have the DVD buddy ! I did like it,But its a bit different type not many may like it !

For the Surround sound Aficionado's I'd recommend the "THE UNDERWORLD"
Kate Bekinsile as the vampire slayer is very good ! just for the effects nothing else ! the bloody Vampire & Werewolf's and this chick hunting them down !!

DVD On Rent

I will watch the movie in due course during night hours.

I will not rent out the DVD, because i am particular about the maintenance of my DVD player, the rented one's are used and abused by so many people, and than let me not forget, that if i am watching the movie, and suddenly if the print goes bad, it will upset me to the core, and it will be a great insult to my uniplex.

I do not buy the DVD's where i have a doubt that i will not like the movies, at times, i want some movies but they are available only in vcd, which i refuse to buy, so rent is out of the question for me, but please guide me where am i wrong, etc.

I also thought that underworld could have good effects, but i have not bought it because the story line is not my cup of tea.

Vinay its very true that rented dvds are abused badly. Not many are careful with the handling of the DVD
It has happened with me many a times that a certain portion of a DVD does not work and I have to sometimes skip the whole chapter

Could be true ! I have not come across such in bangalore atleast ( Am talking bout renting from the proper places)

Now you have many choices !! for example Reliances BIG FLIX (BIGFlix - India's Largest Video on Demand and DVD Rental service) is one !! they have solid collection and maintenance is not a worry or cause of concern there I think !

Like I said I don't know and don't want to comment on it !! Vinay I merely tried to help ! so don't mind !

DVD On Rent

I am talking about renting from proper places. I think even rikhav too is renting from proper places, he is already saying that at times there are problems with the dvd's. I know of others also who complain about the quality of the dvd.

Wow i never knew that big flix belonged to reliance, i may consider to check the quality of their dvd, but i wonder how can reliance tame the right usage of DVD by their members.

I thank you very much for the information.

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Shoot 'Em Up

Out and out action movie and stunts are Rajneekanth style :P

But I am sure many of you would like it.
...please tell me why were you considering to unsubscribe from this thread? I hope you can also tell me who bothered you, as i can see the posts on this thread are all related to movies in some or the other way....even if there were a few posts which were getting on my nerve on a particular thread, why should i un-subcribe, for me it is like because of a bad apple, why should i stop eating apples? Vinay.

Vinay, my friend, first of all - lets just not get too psyched out about these stuff. The reason I mentioned ??unsubscribe?? is due to the fact that we were straying from the topic (ie. The movies I liked) to god knows what. And this has no intention of being offensive or anything of that sort, just the matter of loosing the interest imo. Not ignoring the fact that the quality of dvds do make a difference, lets stick to the fun of watching cinemas.

FWIW - I hardly get any time to watch em these days ?? may be 1 or at the max 2 a week, and that also if I'm lucky. I??m more into HiFi and cant call it a day if I don??t get my dose of some late night music and red wine! I totally understand your point with the apples (lol) but see the problem is, to be frank and @ the risk of coming across rude, lemme tell you ?? life is way to bz for anyone these days to actually sit down and literally read through paras just to get to the point. I do have great regards for your passion and have referred your HT to lot of my likeminded enthusiastic friends ?? they are all very impressed, to say the least! ?? And this thread is a very impressive one just like what Kamal had started for music.

I don??t think I can ever scale up to your level of passion for movies or even a collection in the likes of Sunil or Srikanth, but I??d love to share any movies in particular that I find interesting once in a while. Thats all.

Best Regards.
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Have watched Italian Job in a multiplex, very good action fantastic action/thriller/sci-fi movie called "Paycheck". Ben Affleck and Uma Thurman are in the movie and the director is master of action "John Woo"


Both are nice movies man! Haven??t watched the original but the one with Mark Wahlberg - I really liked, and now am eager to watch the sequel ??The Brazilian Job?? also, plus I like Jason Stathom. Not all his movies as I find them a lil odd, but I did like The Transporter series (heard the 3rd one is ready to be out) and recently Bank Job. The Bourne series is also very impressive action thrillers. Btw, today I happen to accompany a friend for a demo, we played the Blood Diamond dvd and re-realized(?!) man that movie has some serious bass. Will dig that one out of my self and watch it again over this weekend.

I seem to like all the ??job? movies:rolleyes: ?? weird!
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Both are nice movies man! Haven??t watched the original but the one with Mark Wahlberg - I really liked, and now am eager to watch the sequel ??The Brazilian Job?? also, plus I like Jason Stathom. Not all his movies as I find them a lil odd, but I did like The Transporter series (heard the 3rd one is ready to be out) and recently Bank Job. The Bourne series is also very impressive action thrillers. Btw, today I happen to accompany a friend for a demo, we played the Blood Diamond dvd and re-realized(?!) man that movie has some serious bass. Will dig that one out of my self and watch it again over this weekend.

I seem to like all the ??job? movies:rolleyes: ?? weird!

Never knew about the sequel "Brazilain Job". Is the DVD out?
Also as I dont have a dedicated HT setup, i cant comment much about the sound effects, but none the less Blood Diamond is a very good movie, atleast I liked it a lot
And good you mentioned about the Bourne series. All the parts are very good. I like Matt Damon's acting. Very intense

Also I recently watched the BLADE series. I find the first part the best from all the 3.
Anyone seen it on HT can comment about the sound effects

Yes Bourne series is very very good ! Robert Ludlum's novel's are very gracefully converted into movie franchise !! one of my all time Fav :) !

The Blade series is so so in terms of story line and narration is concerned !! but 2 and 3 with DTS ES sound tracks does give you the much needed chills and thrills with all-around panning surround sound effects !!

Another similar one is Van-Helsing, the story again so so ! but the sound is very very impressive ;)!

And how can we all forget the "X-Men" series :rolleyes: ?? it is one of the very good surround sound tracks that I've come across ! though the part loses on the story but more then makes up with the sound and visual !!

The Brazilian Job and Transporter-3 are not yet released.

Somehow I dint like Blade, so dint bother to watch the rest:)

If you like Matt Demon, am sure you wd have watched Talented Mr.Ripley- its a very interesting movie.

A little off-topic (maybe) do you like watching absolute no-brainers?! The likes of Scary Movies, Meet the Spartans, You Don't Mess with the Zohan, Leslie Nielsen's Naked Gun series etc. I find them real fun to watch over a weekend, especially when you are with your friends!

Vinay - I rent my DVD's from Movietime which is quiet big in Mumbai, specially in suburbs. They do check the DVD when they take it back but still i dont think they can control the rough use becuase they themself dont handle it well when they put it back in the cover

Sreekanth - Yeah X-men is very good as far as visuals are concerned and as you said sound should be super

Unleash - I have not seen that Matt Damon movie. Will try to watch it. I do like no brainers once in a while. But i have enjoyed action comedies like Blue Streak, Rush Hour. The list could go on and on
Vinay, my friend, first of all - lets just not get too psyched out about these stuff. The reason I mentioned ??unsubscribe?? is due to the fact that we were straying from the topic (ie. The movies I liked) to god knows what. And this has no intention of being offensive or anything of that sort, just the matter of loosing the interest imo. Not ignoring the fact that the quality of dvds do make a difference, lets stick to the fun of watching cinemas.

Unleash, the man with great knowledge, I am lucky to have come across you.

As said earlier, all the posts by me and other members are connected to movies in some or the other way, for me it is impossible to talk strictly only about the movies I liked.

For that matter please be effectively guided that there may not be a single thread which would not deviate from the thread heading, like in case of the other thread I am listening to?.., over here, wine, beer, and what not is discussed.

Thank you very much for hearing me out.
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