The Movies I Liked

Rikhav: I'll ship a HDD for you :)

If you guys don't bother about outer casing, I could send bundles of DVDs (proper/original/directors-cut etc)

Hi not fair Sunil :( !! only Rikhav ?? not me ?:rolleyes:

jokes apart,if you can send them nothing like it Sunil !! I've got all my dvd without the outercasing (box) it used to be put in re-sealable covers and sent to me from singapore !! I have 1000 empty boxes waiting to be used :p !!

Rikhav not all made not all are imported !! Excel Videos get their DVD's replicated in TAIWAN (thats why I said they are better then other indian DVD's) and some Eros stuff are imported !! Yash Raj stuff aswell ( the dhoom 1&2 limited edition from UK with a reduced MRP of 399 (initially 500) is the prime example and a must buy for the sheer quality ),

The worst being the Sagerama and Sony (not counting other small time companies) when it comes to sound both the companies have more then 2000 titles each but not a single DTS !! the TERMINATOR remastered version with DTS ES is a mere Dobly by sony india !! the very Famous Harry potter trilogy the DTS ES special is the same Dobly debacle from Saregama !!

Ohh don't get me started buddy !! my blood boils :mad:! these companies think we grow money on trees and want us to waste on these Piece of S***

As with the explaining,Am not sure it will be a problem but its just that there's more then meets the eye( and also at the risk of being the bulls-eye of some folks) !! in short if have to say why,it all depends on the company and the kinda money they pay for the royalty !! so a company like Excel who pays more gets the original master and gives us the decent quality !! another company like eagle videos buys em for a fraction it and gets a screwed up master and the result is,well what do you expect ??
As I said there more to this,the mastering units of Indian companies not being the standard that its suppose to be and the so called engineers working,the replication unit where the discs are made etc etc, every thing adds up to the quality and final result is,It sucks and sucks big time !!

The same goes to Audio aswell !!

Okay guys! I'll get as much I can (not crappy ones, but mainly reference ones) including boxsets with DTS tracks
So Sreekanth what you mean is that DTS soundtrack in movies is far better and advanced then Dolby soundtrack...
Rikhav: I'll ship a HDD for you :)

If you guys don't bother about outer casing, I could send bundles of DVDs (proper/original/directors-cut etc)

So kind of you Suniil :)

I will surely let you know when i think of purchasing some English titles. But I am sure there would be some shops in India selling imported movie titles

Like the library from where i rent dvds has got all DVD's which are meant for USA, assuming REGION 1 is USA

Yes Buddy it is far superior ! the main reason is, like the lossless formats in Audio(flac,ape etc) the DTS uses less compression as compared to dolby hence the superior sound ! Also the dynamic range of DTS is much better then Dolby,so its bit more aggressive ( Little louder / more output) while watching the movie in DTS !!

As with shops selling Imported DVD goes,its not legally permitted to do so !! so if some shops do sell them then its illegal !!

You can rent them (though strictly speaking that also is not legal) but officially you cannot buy them !!

Yes Region 1 is usa,2 is UK,3 japan,4 south America,5 India,6 china !

The Knoweldge Bank Of Soundsgreat


Rikhav not all made not all are imported !! Excel Videos get their DVD's replicated in TAIWAN (thats why I said they are better then other indian DVD's) and some Eros stuff are imported !! Yash Raj stuff aswell ( the dhoom 1&2 limited edition from UK with a reduced MRP of 399 (initially 500) is the prime example and a must buy for the sheer quality ),

The worst being the Sagerama and Sony (not counting other small time companies) when it comes to sound both the companies have more then 2000 titles each but not a single DTS !! the TERMINATOR remastered version with DTS ES is a mere Dobly by sony india !! the very Famous Harry potter trilogy the DTS ES special is the same Dobly debacle from Saregama !!

Ohh don't get me started buddy !! my blood boils :mad:! these companies think we grow money on trees and want us to waste on these Piece of S***

As with the explaining,Am not sure it will be a problem but its just that there's more then meets the eye( and also at the risk of being the bulls-eye of some folks) !! in short if have to say why,it all depends on the company and the kinda money they pay for the royalty !! so a company like Excel who pays more gets the original master and gives us the decent quality !! another company like eagle videos buys em for a fraction it and gets a screwed up master and the result is,well what do you expect ??
As I said there more to this,the mastering units of Indian companies not being the standard that its suppose to be and the so called engineers working,the replication unit where the discs are made etc etc, every thing adds up to the quality and final result is,It sucks and sucks big time !!

The same goes to Audio aswell !!


Soundsgreat, well a mother of learning, what a knowledge you have, with these aw ares, i will see what precautions i have to take.

I am impressed with your collection, about 1,000 (one thousand), that too, all imported, i am proud of you.

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Generous At It's Best

Rikhav: I'll ship a HDD for you :)

If you guys don't bother about outer casing, I could send bundles of DVDs (proper/original/directors-cut etc)

Sunil, i have great regard for you, always ready to help in some or the other way.

Very true you said about Mr. Sreekanth. Any question you throw at him regarding audio and he has an answer ready with complete detail

I have learnt things from him in just few weeks which i could not figure out in years

And again I would like to mention, almost all forum members I have interacted with have helped a lot without having any ego
My Uniplex Is Answer To Multiplex.

Hi Vinay
I do purchase Hindi movie titles which I like and prefer watching at home rather then going to a multiplex as I can watch it at my own time.

But I do admit its a wonderful experience to watch a DVD on a good home thetare setup. Definately better then watching it on a multiplex if we consider audio effects.


In my case multiplex is history, earlier i used to go around 3 times a month to multiplex, which is around 45 minutes drive from my house, it is a year or so, that i have not been to a multiplex, as i have my own theatre uniplex.

The advantage of my uniplex is that i can watch the movie, at the hour which i want to, have intervals as much as i want, i use a timer in my theatre which is generally set for 40 minutes, at these points i take my intervals, each interval lasts around 15 minutes, during which i can catch up with my meals, tea breaks, fruits, etc, i never take calls while watching a movie, my phone will be on answering machine.

It is important to watch a DVD instead of a VCD in a private theatre, it becomes a quality watching movie, coming to the effects or interiors, no multiplex can match the experience which is their in my uniplex.



There is no doubt many of the members are so well learned, we are getting to learn for free from them, that is why i always say had i known these members during the making of my theatre, it would have turned out much better.
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Vinay Its all the bad experiences that has thought me !! Also I regularly visit all the wholesale outlets in bangalore for videos to checkout the latest offerings and the likes !! so..

I've visited some of the mastering studio's and dubbing studio's ! so know perfectly what goes there !! also know how technically knowledgeable the folks working there !!

Just an example. A leading studio for audio recording using Genlac studio monitors and top of the line mixer console does not know what exactly 192Khz and 24 Bit mastering is :p !!

Another leading studio and video dubbing unit for all the serials uses Sony DVC pro deck for playback ( the tape shot from DVC PRO CAM) with HDMI and other connectivity options, the so called engineer choses to connect Via composite video to the main mixer console for editing :eek: not even S-Video ! now what do you have to say for that ??

Am just waiting for an opportunity to speak in public about these cheating but no such luck !!

anyway thanks for reply !!


Whoa you guys are faster then me :p !

Rikhav I try !!

Vinay yes very valid point ! I'd say its pointless to watch a VCD anymore !! Am just waiting to lay my hands on some decent Blu-ray stuff !! so its needless to say VCD is Passe !!

One thing Vinay, I don't know about you but me,If I start a movie I'll not get up till its over ;) !! I hate interruptions (of whatever kind) so on some occasions when Am being disturbed in the middle I've stopped that movie for the day and some I've not watched till date :p !!


Vinay Its all the bad experiences that has thought me !! Also I regularly visit all the wholesale outlets in bangalore for videos to checkout the latest offerings and the likes !! so..

I've visited some of the mastering studio's and dubbing studio's ! so know perfectly what goes there !! also know how technically knowledgeable the folks working there !!

Just an example. A leading studio for audio recording using Genlac studio monitors and top of the line mixer console does not know what exactly 192Khz and 24 Bit mastering is :p !!

Another leading studio and video dubbing unit for all the serials uses Sony DVC pro deck for playback ( the tape shot from DVC PRO CAM) with HDMI and other connectivity options, the so called engineer choses to connect Via composite video to the main mixer console for editing :eek: not even S-Video ! now what do you have to say for that ??

Am just waiting for an opportunity to speak in public about these cheating but no such luck !!

anyway thanks for reply !!


What an eye opener Sreekanth
I guess anyone using a HT for a while would be knowing that S video is better then composite video. And there is no scope of even discussing why he does not choose HDMI :p
I was just discussing movies in my gym and I said soon BLU-RAY will be take over DVD and it will become cheaper also as time goes by. The guy to whom i was talking to asked me "WHAT IN THE WORLD IS BLU-RAY?"
To that i asked him that in which world does he live
He said ask anyone in this gym who knows what is BLU-RAY. A big cricketer who has also played for the Indian team was having a personal training session with the guy with whom i was talking to. So he asked that cricketer does he knows what is BLU-RAY. And the reply was a big NO :P

So i feel apart from a small section of crowd there is not much awareness in our country and thats why these people who sell theatre print DVDS to a good business

You are right Rikhav thats why in india you have people flocking to buy a camera print !!

Anyway Lets not deviate from the original topic and stay focused on it !! else Vinay will sharpen his pitch fork :p !



Vinay yes very valid point ! I'd say its pointless to watch a VCD anymore !! Am just waiting to lay my hands on some decent Blu-ray stuff !! so its needless to say VCD is Passe !!

One thing Vinay, I don't know about you but me,If I start a movie I'll not get up till its over ;) !! I hate interruptions (of whatever kind) so on some occasions when Am being disturbed in the middle I've stopped that movie for the day and some I've not watched till date :p !!


Actually even today most of them watch vcd and NOT dvd.

I will also go for the blue ray but after one two years because the dvd player which i have is only 1 year old, i better use my dvd player for more time.

I take the intervals because i can not sit for so long at one place, and than i need something to eat, drink, etc, even i hate being disturbed by the door bell, so i see to it that i see the movies in evening, because rarely one rings my door bell at these p.m. hours.

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Pitch Fork


You are right Rikhav thats why in india you have people flocking to buy a camera print !!

Anyway Lets not deviate from the original topic and stay focused on it !! else Vinay will sharpen his pitch fork :p !


If it is you or rikhav, or others, we are focused, all these talks of camera print, etc, etc, are all in some way or the other connected to the thread topic.

About pitch fork, what to do, if i feel something is wrong somewhere, i need to voice it to the core, that does not mean that i am right and others are wrong, it is just my view point.

Thank You.


Oh gosh ! Vinay you didn't get it ! sorry for my poor PJ :p ! it was meant to give comic relief to the very heated debate and revert back to movies we like ;) ( the main topic)

Sorry again didn't mean any harm was just for fun !!

...and revert back to movies we like ;)

Thanks Sreekanth. Nice job-good timing also, I was this close to unsubscribe from this thread!

Anyways, now that we are back in track and if anyone bothers anymore, here are some more.

Mel Gibson??s Apocalypto is another movie I really liked; I guess my whole house shook during the tree falling scene.

Some other movies I watched lately and found interesting ?? not necessarily for the effects ?? are The Illusionist, Inside Man, Mr.Brooks, The Kingdom, The Bank Job, Lions for Lamps etc.

The movies I was not really exited about but still end up watching are Ironman, Rambo4, National Treasures (the new one), 10000BC, Pathfinder etc. Nothing great about these ones imo, the last 2 especially were a real pain to watch.

Oh gosh ! Vinay you didn't get it ! sorry for my poor PJ :p ! it was meant to give comic relief to the very heated debate and revert back to movies we like ;) ( the main topic)

Sorry again didn't mean any harm was just for fun !!


What is gosh about please, i am not able to get it, and by the way please guide me with the coded word PJ?

Well, life is one comic, please tell me where was the heated debate on this thread or was it a hoax call to the fire brigade to make a comic of fire fighter officers?

About reverting back to movies, i do not think any of us on this thread, spoke of other than movies, for whatever the posts are, is surely related to movies.

Dear Friend, please do not say sorry, about not meaning any harm, let us understand that pitch fork which you mentioned is harmful, one should not go beyond knives, maybe that way it would be better fun?

Best Regards

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Thanks Sreekanth. Nice job-good timing also, I was this close to unsubscribe from this thread!

Anyways, now that we are back in track and if anyone bothers anymore, here are some more.

Mel Gibson??s Apocalypto is another movie I really liked; I guess my whole house shook during the tree falling scene. unquote


For me you are among the major pillar to this thread, you gave a start to this thread, please tell me why were you considering to unsubscribe from this thread? I hope you can also tell me who bothered you, as i can see the posts on this thread are all related to movies in some or the other way.

By the way i feel even if there were a few posts which were getting on my nerve on a particular thread, why should i un-subcribe, for me it is like because of a bad apple, why should i stop eating apples?

I thank you very much, for what you wrote on Mel Gibson's movie, i want to buy the movie, please tell me it was by who excel, eros?

I am always at top of the world if i can get the effects which you are talking about, but than you know, i am on the 10th floor, if i raise the volume a lot with escalation to speed of sub woofer, the 9th floor people start complaining about the loud sound, but i have found a way out, the moment i come to know that they are not at home, i blast the sound at those times during the effect times, at these times i repeat the movies which i know are great with effects backed by the story line i liked.

I have also seen some movies which are quite a pain to watch, i used to still sit through, as a rule i never fast forward, than i realized that if i am not liking the movie a bit, i just stop the movie, and leave my uniplex, because i feel why should i go through the pain, never mind if the DVD money went down the hill, as it is there are so many losses in business, so treat this dvd also a loss.

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