The Movies I Liked

Robbery reminds me of a very old movie released years back called "ENTRAPMENT"

I am sure many of you would have seen it. Still though of writing about it.
Sean Connery and Catherine-Zeta-Jones are in the movie

Vinay, did you manage to watch RONIN?

Ya Rikhav its old but not that old !! its very good one acting is first rate from both the lead ! recently they've launched the remastered version with enhanced Video and Audio !!

One old Movie which is remastered to the top notch level is the Kurt Russel's "STARGATE" being a Sci-Fi movie its been blessed with 6.1 DTS ES track and the Sound and visual both are stunning !! I'd strongly recommend every one to watch if they've not ( the remastered version offcourse)

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Ya Rikhav its old but not that old !! its very good one acting is first rate from both the lead ! recently they've launched the remastered version with enhanced Video and Audio !!

One old Movie which is remastered to the top notch level is the Kurt Russel's "STARGATE" being a Sci-Fi movie its been blessed with 6.1 DTS ES track and the Sound and visual both are stunning !! I'd strongly recommend every one to watch if they've not ( the remastered version offcourse)


I will see if the DVDs are available in stores of Entrapment & Stargate, please tell me the story line of Ronin.

Thank you for telling me about Stargate, that it is out with the remastered version.

In India, the best picture quality and effects on DVDs i have seen is from Sony.


Vinay checkout both of them its should be out on Excel Video as the original DVD's from 20th century fox and Artisan ! if the DVD's from another company then don't buy the indian as it sucks !!

As far as Am concerned the only company in india whose quality is bit on par with that of the Us is Excel ! sony is good but the buggers have a lousy attitude of not giving any DTS tracks !! I've not seen a single DVD from Sony and Saregama so far, even the most famous DTS dvds are dolby from these companies !! its a big story will not bring it here !!

About the Ronin,its one of my all time Fav films ! a true classic (not meaning old but a very very well made ),its about a bunch of guys hired to steal a suitcase ! what happens will they steal and what obstacles they came across during this heist ! acting of Robert Deniro and Gene Reno is top class and mesmerising !! a must watch !!

Ahh Sreekanth, good to know that you also like RONIN :)

Also Vinay, try to watch the following if you have still not

Face Off - (Action at its best with Nicolas Cage and John Trovolta)

Air Force One - (I am sure you must have seen this)

Conair - (Nicolas Cage and John Cusack are in the movie. Its about how a plane which has dreaded criminals onboard is hijacked by the same criminals)
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For sub and surround workout, the submarine movies are a best bet. U571, Das Boot, Crimson Tide etc. to name a few; especially the ??depth charge?? scene from U571- just make sure your sub(s)s can handle it.:cool:

[Sunil and Satish are purposefully exempted from this modest caution:rolleyes: - so kindly excuse!]
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Ya good one Rikhav :p !

Yes Rikhav I like it very much !! the background music is just beyond words !!

Besides the movies you mentioned there's another one from Ang Lee its the best home theater work out movie with the amazing surround sound and superb acting by John Travolta and Christian Slater "THE BROKEN ARROW" , the mine explosion scene,the flight scene and the others will give your equipment a workout of life time !! again must watch for the action movie and surround sound lovers ;) !!

Hi Sreekanth,
How did i forget "BROKEN ARROW" :confused:
One hell of a movie

Also two more movie comes to my mind "THE ROCK" & "INDEPENDENCE DAY"

Just thought to ask all the members,Please mention the number of DVD's owned by you !! as far as possible please keep the pirated stuff off ( hope no one minds this ;))

Just out of curiosity :p ! please do post your comments or the numbers !!

Dont own any English movie titles, only Hindi ones as I dont have a dedicated home theatre setup
I rent out English titles from MOVIETIME and as the rates of Hindi titles are good enough, I prefer to buy them. But production wise, they are not at all up to the mark except a few
Black Dawn - Action/Adventure - It's Always Darkest Before Dawn

Starring : Steven Seagal -

The Movie is about the CIA, Terrorists, Nuclear Weapon. (Surround and Sub Woffer effects are brilliant).


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The Movies We Liked

To : Sreekanth - Rikhav - Unleash

I have noted down the movies you have suggested, i will buy at a later date, as i am having a host of movies, which i have still not watched, once i am through with them, than i will toe the line of movies which i am being suggested by you good people.

It is quite a major tip about the broken arrow movie, thanks.

I always thought that sony is better with the quality and sound, but you are saying excel is better, now i will keep a better watch when i am seeing sony and excel brand DVDs, it is quite a knowledge which i am gaining, i am very happy with these information's.

I thank you very much for telling me the story line of Ronin, the subject is of my full interest.

Rikhav, i have seen all the 5 movies which you have mentioned,, they are among my top favourites.

Since i am very particular about surround with special mention to sub woofer, quite a major tip for me, to catch the submarine based movies, thank you very much.

The DVD Collection - Quality Of Movies.

Rikhav - Soundsgreat

I think if someone likes movies, the person should have a collection of his favourite movies.

About the quality of DVD, i find the pictures quality quite good, and in several of them the surround and sub w., effects are also good.

I owe around 200 DVDs, i do not have a single VCD or a pirated print.

My DVDs are stored in a imported rack and they are kept in alphabetical order.

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CONCORS' WAR - Action/Adventure

Aspect Ratio - 4 x 3, Full Screen

The movie is about a sabotaged CIA operation, a daring mission,
being tricked into stealing a deadly chemical bomb intended
for a twisted act of terrorism.

It is all about high stakes, high impact, action thrill ride.

Some of the good scenes are :

- Hostage situation
- Meeting Demands
- Technical Difficulties
- Go Time
- Setting The Score
- Dirty Drop Off

Hi Vinay
I do purchase Hindi movie titles which I like and prefer watching at home rather then going to a multiplex as I can watch it at my own time.
As I dont have a dedicated home theatre setup, as of now I dont spend on purchasing Ebglish movie titles because as you must be knowing they are not that cheap. I do rent them from MOVIETIME.
I also dont like to see pirated movies simply becuase their quality sucks big time even if you watch it on a normal TV and 2 channel audio setup. I mean its no point watching a movie recorded by a camera. But due to budget restraints I dont purchase English movie titles. As and when budget permits I will be going that way too.
But I do admit its a wonderful experience to watch a DVD on a good home thetare setup. Definately better then watching it on a multiplex if we consider audio effects.

Rikhav Buddy you don't need to !! its upto you,I just wanted to know how many are into owing !! anyway if this has caused any inconvenience to any one then sorry.

Hope this doesn't bother any one !!

Coming to my collection I have about 1000 english titles (mostly bought from singapore ) and about 100+ hindi (not a great fan ) ;)!

I usually like watch movies which gives my brain a workout so that I'll be fully involved in the movie without thinking anything else !!

I don't have any imported cabinet or shelf to keep these DVD so have made some rack and arranged them in Alphabetical order !!

Hi Sreekanth
Come on Yaar, no inconvinience. Just telling the reason why I dont collect titles as of now. ;)

So do you also have a home theatre setup Sreekanth? You have an impressive numbers of titles. How much do English titles cost usually? And are they made by Indian companies or its a direct import?

And you are right, a movie which can give your brain a workout is always the preferred choice

That reminds me, has anyone watched this movie called "FREQUENCY" ?
I saw it few years ago. Dont remember the exact storyline but its about young man who was able to time travel by some way(forgot that part :p). And with that he saves his father's life

Also there is one more amazing sci-fi movie which i watched some years back. Its called "The Thirteenth Floor"
Here is the storyline
TheMovieBoy Review: The Thirteenth Floor (1999)

Hi Rikhav glad you feel that way :) !

Yes I do have HTS set-up with my DIY towers doubling as fronts for movie ;)(can't afford separate for movie) !! if you have not seen the pics of my AVR,please checkout the "Show Us" thread !! I have two DIY subs (only use one ) one with 12" driver and the other with 10" ( folded horn design) both have 200W RMS plate amp ( the 10" one DIY amp),Am using the old DIY towers (which I built bout 10 years back) as the surrounds,no room for 7.1
( also I don't need that as hardly any 6.1 material, forget 7.1 as none is available till date )

The movies as I've already told is from singapore ( I used to have friend there who used to send them to me) they costed any where from 350 to 900 bucks,I also have US ones aswell (not UK PAL DVDs) !! I don't have much indian ones (except for hindi) as I find them very bad in quality and not worth the price (usually 600 and above and mostly in PAL ) !! The other main reason is the lack of DTS tracks ( I love the DTS sound) which I told in the last post !! so all these reasons made not buy indian !! but the sad part is my friend left singapore and came back,so now I don't have any option so have stopped watching movies altogether (I'd rather do that then watch the substandard Indian stuff) !! Some how I hate to go to library ( lack of good library in the neighborhood and various other reasons) !

yes I've seen that one !! the lead star is Dennis Quaid ( Dragon Heart and Day After Tommarow) and James Caviezel its very good !! and talking bout Day After Tomorrow , Have you watched it ? Amazing sound effects and a must watch for the sound alone ( though story is nothing great ), A clip of it is also featured in the DTS demo 9 Disc !!

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Hi Sreekanth
I just forgot almost everything about the movie "Frequency". Just remember it was a good one and could recollect little bit of story line
I have seen "Day After Tomorrow" and you are very true in saying that the movie has some fantastic sound
By what you posted I gather that english titles sold in india are not imported and are made by the Indian companies. Am i right?
So basically they must be getting the source material from the production house and they re-master it over here and do the mass production?
If you can, can you explain us all in short why cant these Indian companies have the same quality for their dvds as the ones sold aborad?
And i guess that would also imply to audio cds(foreign artists) which are manufacturerd in india?

I will have a look at your HT setup and post comments
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