Thanks a lot, sqvare. Lamington Road in Mumbai clearly seems to be the go-to place for most things electronic. In my case, I am in Pune, and my trips to Mumbai are usually infrequent. I'll try trawling the old city areas in Pune for electronic shops that sell adapters.
The power supply I have zeroed in is the Meanwell GS60A12-P1J. This SMPS has an output rating of 5A at 12V, which I think should fit the bill for the Topping TP20 amplifier.
The datasheet PDF can also be downloaded from the URL:
Meanwell Power Supply Products
Can anyone please review the model and let me know if this will be suitable for the amplifier?
Does the quality of the SMPS power supply matter all that much? Or, can I just go for any brand? Basically, is the extra effort to procure a Meanwell SMPS worth the effort?
Incidentally, when I spoke to a lady over the phone to inquire about the SMPS, she got very confused when I referred to the product as a "power supply". She referred to the product as an adapter. Apparently, the term "power supply" is reserved for bigger, badder, and more serious stuff; and our humble "adapter" need not apply to this club