Topping TP20 tripath 2020 amplifier (versus NAD C320BEE)

I suppose this may have been discussed during the course of this long thread. Still if anybody is in a good mood, can they elucidate as to what the difference is between a Tripath Class T and a Tripath Class D amplifier? Any pros and cons?

And why are people not suggesting the TP21 which is slightly beefier at 2*25W instead of the 2*20W TP20 amp?
Class D is a generic term for digital amplifiers. Class T is a term coined by Tripath to refer to their specific kind of digital amplifiers. So most references will be to Tripath Class T amplifiers, but if someone says it's a Tripath Class D amplifier, they wouldn't be wrong either.

The TP20 is supposed to sound better than the TP21, in spite of the TP21 having greater power.
Thanks for the excellent review, psychotropic. I had not heard about this brand before, it seems to be a great option for those on a budget looking for a small hi-fi setup. I didn't find much information on the company in the internet though, is there a website?

Regards, Shriram
Marantz PM7001 | Marantz CD5001 | Monitor Audio BR2 | Onkyo TX-SR501 | JBL SCS135SI | Wharfedale Diamond 9.5 | LG 32in LCD TV | Sony DVD Player
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I didn't find much information on the company in the internet though, is there a website?

Hey Shriram;

Topping's website is here, in Chinese.

You won't find much about Tripath itself because it went belly-up years ago, but there are still a lot of Tripath chips floating about, and several manufacturers have used them in their own implementations, like Topping, Sonic Impact, Trends, HLLY, Nonsuch.

I've also read that Bel Canto & Audio Research have used TA2024's in their power amps, though I don't know if that's just buzz.
Bel Canto has used tripath chips, as has red win audio and other high end manufacturers. But possibly the best regarded tripath amplifiers are from this company called Virtue Audio. Somewhere along the way, that is an upgrade that I would consider. They are apparently superb amps, and have a much more power and grip than the TA2020/2024 based amps.
@ sqvare, psychotropic, bnsbhat

Thanks for the useful information. Couldn't gather much from Topping website as most of the info is in Chinese :D. But i remain intrigued enough to ask if there are the distributors in India or is it available only online. Also if there is a way one would be able to audition these somewhere?

Marantz PM7001 | Marantz CD5001 | Monitor Audio BR2 | Onkyo TX-SR501 | JBL SCS135SI | Wharfedale Diamond 9.5 | LG 32in LCD TV | Sony DVD Player
Couldn't gather much from Topping website as most of the info is in Chinese :D

My default browser is Chrome, which automatically offers to translate other-language pages. Of course, the translation's usually freakin' hilarious :) though Topping's front page isn't bad.
at my house. come on over.

Thanks for the offer, psychotropic. :) I will PM you my contact number so we can fix up a mutually convenient time.

Marantz PM7001 | Marantz CD5001 | Monitor Audio BR2 | Onkyo TX-SR501 | JBL SCS135SI | Wharfedale Diamond 9.5 | LG 32in LCD TV | Sony DVD Player
What's with audio equipment related chinese translations and "gall bladder"??? Cracks me up. Every time.

I think the "bile taste" amps fill a room (or bucket) better than the "classic taste" ones...

The gall bladder needs to be over-sized for besht kawwality sound effect , like a good tranny... :) :D


Oversized trannies are scary, man, especially when they have deep voices...:lol:
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Hi Guys,
added a tube buffer to the topping tp20 amp as a kind of "pre" . Was expecting the tube sound for the mids and the bass and control of the topping. Wasnt able to acheive that(kiiler combo imo) but sound is now mellow and more detailed in the mids.

Those who want to extract more detailing (in mids) from the topping->cd chain (25% increase in details ) can do so by simply adding a tube buffer. I got mine for 5k.

Hi Guys,
added a tube buffer to the topping tp20 amp as a kind of "pre" . Was expecting the tube sound for the mids and the bass and control of the topping. Wasnt able to acheive that(kiiler combo imo) but sound is now mellow and more detailed in the mids.

Those who want to extract more detailing (in mids) from the topping->cd chain (25% increase in details ) can do so by simply adding a tube buffer. I got mine for 5k.


Hi maniac,
Can you give more details about which tube buffer this is, what were the sonic enhancements, and where it fell short exactly?

actually im a bit surprised that a tube buffer would ADD details
Extracting detail is not generally a tubes strong point- mellowing down,analogue experience bass difference are more its forte
actually im a bit surprised that a tube buffer would ADD details
Extracting detail is not generally a tubes strong point- mellowing down,analogue experience bass difference are more its forte

A case of better impedance matching between source and amp maybe. That makes all the difference.

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