jmascreen, is Premnagar available on Odeon? I have only found Columbia pressings till date. Also how is the first press Shor in terms of sound quality? I haven't had good experience with Shor first pressings. So finally settled for a later press
Today's spinning with RD's bests...!
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Better to live with ijaazat cassette, until a new releases comesPrice of Parinda and Ijaazat LPs have sky rocketed. Honestly I do not like Parinda SQ. It's very thin sounding
Hans Zimmers "Interstellar"
Pure bliss !
Felt like I was traveling in Space :yahoo:
Spinning the Magnum Opus of Pancham Da...
1942 A Love Story
Superb pressing, made in UK LP
View attachment 22380
Hi, is this an old pressing or the one just released?
this is the new release.