Vinyl I am listening to...


Please describe your setup... I see a level Amp... And those are Tannoy speakers ?

And the turntable ?
It's a Vpi Classic with Dynavector 20x2 cartridge. Leben CS600 integrated tube amp and Tannoy Turnberry GR Speakers. Cabling is a mixture of Siltech, Oyaide and Acrolink.

Nice setup!

Are those dark mauve panels in the background some room acoustic material?

Kind of Blue - Miles Davis
Yes and john coltrane is the star of the show.
Hi vasu
Maybe sometime in october november.
Meanwhile shall have a chat one of these days

I think its the contrast between soft and mellow Miles and fast and hard Coltrane that makes this album what it is. It's the game of soft and loud that Miles and Coltrane play that makes this album great.
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