I laughed hard after reading this....Thanks for keeping it real.Hi,
I am certainly not the "like people whohave a lot of experience" to add here but since the topic interests me and I am fighting my room, I'll chip in.
My room is horrid (there is a little drawing i put in another thread). Concrete and tile and glass. I have no space behind me. And I have an asymmetrical placement where there is a lot of space to the left and far lesser on the right. And I have a 55" sheet of glass between my speakers. I might as well as shoot myself in the face after signing an organ donor form you'd think. Kit wise decent and entertaining but nothing to talk about.
Actually it is not that bad, really.
Positioning, I like the audio beat method. I have a nice tight phantom centre. I have a decent stereo image. TBH I'm talking 1.3mp Nokia E63 type relative to the IMAX3D that I read about on HFV and elsewhere.
I started stupid and put in BBA - cloud, side back and front - before getting a mic. and there is nothing I can do about it now - without calling in a painting crew and that is not worth the scorn snigger and derision I will get from the SO. Not to speak of the bother and expense.
I have DRC. It works. for me. No sub needed, no thank you. It also tightens up the image a shade.
Someday I'll get diffusion instead of absorption on the side - I'd like a little more shimmer and shine. Bass is nice and tuneful. Pianos and voices sound good.
From my experiments and bumbling I a) cannot see the point of untreated rooms and would much rather stick a knitting needle into my ear or travel by a share auto with a boom box b) know that someday I'll figure it out a little better and hopefully get some more out of my rig c) wish I had the money to buy a shack with a purpose built listening room ;P