Whats so great about following movies?

Contrary to what it suggests, there is meaning in the post, and its not hidden.

But I get your point, its important to have specific vision to appreciate some forms of art(not all, but some) And you should not go overboard to develop that vision.

Any word about Wong kar wai? I was mainly impressed by his 'The Hire' episode. But movie was duh!
With WKW, I have watched only Chungking, In the mood for love and Days of being wild. Only In the mood for love stood out for me. From my vague recollection, I liked IML > DoBW > Chungking. I am yet to watch his other movies though!

PS: I was just kidding. It's not hard to understand that post.
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When I asked theredcommando to open his own thread, what I had in mind was that he would list the world movies he has watched and what he liked or disliked. I was thinking about listing some of the movies which were not art house movies, follow a plot at least loosely - based on his list. But the opening post asked something completely different and the discussion has gone the other way. It was interesting, but still.... the thread can be rebooted in a different direction. But, I leave that decision to the discretion of the TS :)
I have watched some art house movies. Rest of them are hollywood or bollywood movies which are different and noticeable, which I appreciated a lot.
The reason being, art house movies are very difficult to obtain, unless through some pre-refined channel, like some good friend who has already explored it.

I can try to compile the list but it might not contain many art house movies, so I dropped that thought. And instead asked forum members to put their own list/movies (and giving it discussion feel, where everyone is involved) and discuss further.
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