Fully agree. Ascend speakers are uber expensive and sure must be sounding great.
I fully respect your judgement in selecting what appealed to you and wish you years of musical bliss.
I was just trying to present a different perspective about stereo sound which comes out not from any super expensive equipment but from simple vintage equipment and technology which is so magical that one has to hear to believe what it is.
It is purely a matter of one's own choice whether to be open to new ideas or stick to one's own.
yes, Ascend speakers are very nice. They are very accurate and natural. The ones I listen to were the new towers, at proto stage. They still sounded very nice. But I wouldn't call them uber expensive as the amount of money people spend on speakers/amp/other gear.

The stereo perspective is correct and I was also into it. Most of the time, I use to play my Onkyo AVR in stereo mode for music. But I was seating about 17 ft away from mains, which were 12 ft apart. That was a narrow cone. Then I heard a well setup multi-channel 7.1 setup and it opened up my perspective. I was lacking the wide soundstage due to very narrow listening cone. These deficiencies were removed in my setup as I went with multichannel music. So much so that another person also went with multi-channel music after listening to the same 7.1 setup (not mine). May be I need to do some more writeup on that.