Why Chi-Fi Matters And Can No longer be Used in a Pejorative Sense

I have read that many thousands of people in US and China also live in slums. The only difference visavis India is they are completely hidden from public view. Maybe they are ashamed of that where Indians are more open in accepting our poor have nots population.
True - we are only speaking averages..not the worst..difference is when a poor guy in USA goes to collect food stamps..he goes to the collection center in a car. Just that in developed countries the poverty rates are much lower and no one dies of hunger. In China also there are poor people of course, but at a much smaller scale. Chinese are four-five times wealthier than Indians on per capita basis. In late 80s we were equally poor.

some videos of how bad things are in some parts of US

You mean to say if you are poor in India and live in slums, it's better to move to USA and China because you won't die of hunger and you shall have a car to fetch your food. Not a bad proposal I would say.
Time to bring this discussion back to Audio ... the tangents are interesting but probably better suited for another forum. I think the original discussion was about gear manufactured in the PRC. Let us get back to that as there is plenty of treasure to be found there.

Here are some starting points for consideration

AM Hi End - http://www.am-hiend.com/index.html

Line Magnetic - https://www.lm-audio.com/en/

Kinki Studio - https://www.kinki-studio.com/

Willsenton Audio - https://www.willsenton.com/amplifiers/

Sound Artist - No website but plenty of info available online

Boyuurange Reisong - No website but plenty of info online

Shuguang Electronic - No website found but plenty of tube resellers out there ...

I'm sure that there are many more names that are out there.
I for one have become very interested in exploring gear from the PRC.

For those not wanting to splurge lakhs on hifi equipment, hoping and praying that the ban on Chinese websites is lifted so that we can buy directly from Aliexpress and others. Also some tax rationalization from the government so that we get products in INdia at European prices if not USA prices. For example:

4K AVRs from 50K onwards
4K projectors from 60K onwards
A highly distorted post presented in a convincing manner.

GDP is total income of a country through its products and services in an year.

Then total wealth of Adani and Ambani has been deducted from the GDP 😝. If the calculation has to be rational, the income of Adani and Ambani in that particular year has to be accounted, rather than their total worth including all assets.

Often this type of distorted presentation originates because of frustration due to reasons known only to them.

I sincerely do not wish to mislead the topic, but couldnt resist myself from pointing out the factual errors in the post.
While development can be defined in many number of ways, one can agree that for a family to say they live a decent life, it means say for a family of four (a) atleast 5-600 sq feet pucca house(outside mumbai of course) (b) Atleast 20K of monthly income (c) Access to quality education and healthcare (d) average life expectancy of 75......etc. 70-80% of India lack these.
An example of unwittingly deciding a ‘development pattern’ for everyone. I wonder what a tribal or a gypsy would think of it! The fact is, unless we can undertand and value the diverse cultures, lifestyles and needs of different constituents and strive to preserve and fulfil them, we’d always be imposing a our (social, cultural or economic) ‘ideal’ on all. This has been the story of both the industrialisation and post-industrialisation eras, almost worldwide.
Similar to audio equpments, in photography there is a brand named as Benro which is as good if not better than the insanely priced manfrotto tripods. I may be mistaken, but I believe there is no equivalent of Nikon, Canon, Hasselblad, etc.
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Want to respond with more facts and figures but since Nikhil being the moderator has guided us to stick to Chinese AV - should respect his decision. Maybe we can open another thread in General forum and discuss

Thanks. Would be nice to bring this discussion back to Audio as like I said there are some great products available from the PRC

Similar to audio equpments, in photography there is a brand named as Benro which is as good if not better than the insanely priced manfrotto tripods. I may be mistaken, but I believe there is no equivalent of Nikon, Canon, Hasselblad, etc.

I don't think Chinese have presence in DSLR camera market. I believe that's because it needs a complete camera ecosystem to be developed with lenses rather than individual products. So they are yet to get into canon/nikon category. They do have some presence in lens market with brands like 7artisans, laowa / venus optics but those are manual focus, though glass is very good and cheap.

In audio, branded companies were having insanely priced products and chinese were easily able to do a price disruption by producing similarly performing products.
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