sachinchavan 15865
Well-Known Member
Humour is an effective defense mechanism. After all, we can only bother about so many things before our bandwidth’s full.
Good question @Hari Iyerhmm ok. How are you personally going to address this issue? Most probably at personal level nothing can be done about this. You only get more stressed by reading these and getting personally involved. I would rather refrain from reading such news if i cannot do anything much about it. That way i am more peaceful. Also you are probably right about me overlooking what's happening at Manipur and Kashmir - let me give you an anology - if in my society at Thane if i am not getting drinking water at all for one month - how is somebody sitting at Bangalore affected by it. Its only that i may go thirsty and no one else. Can anyone sitting in Bangalore do anything about it - probably not. Giving the dynamics, complexity and diversity of our country most issues are like that and getting personally involved in everything that's happening around will emotionally drain you and its better to get isolated with such events.
Alright. The biggest challenge that I am currently facing is how do I place my OB and sealed speakers so that my TV viewing is less obstructed. Also I may have one more box for the cone tweeters on top of the sealed which I have not yet told my family members. How do I break that news . These are currently my top priorities at my homeGood question @Hari Iyer
Ignoring the issue and avoiding “news” is an option. I am sure many choose this.
But every situation has multiple ways that one can react.
Some choose the safe way - if you can’t beat them (the conflict mongers and divisive politicians) join them
Others choose to become “conscientious objectors” (risking being labelled as anti nationals and urban naxals and similar”
I believe that there is a third way (there must be more surely) where you don’t disengage completely or become a full blown anarchist or revolutionary.
It’s possible to be engaged in social issues and problems of our time, calling out hypocrisy and corruption when it’s evident and be guided by our strong moral compass (assuming it exists) To stop justifying violence, corruption and bad governance using “whataboutery” and diversionary tactics.
Our personal audiences are our families and our social networks and we talk with them. Persistently.
We surely will not be able to convince everyone. Being convinced is their choice. Our option is to make well reasoned arguments using clear evidence and facts. Some will choose to engage, other will not. Some will choose to ignore and avoid such discussions. That’s their choice.
We have become the most populous country in the world and the challenges of good governance and quality services are more needed than ever. We surely do not need politics that divides and fractures our society more and promotes hatred so that a few can become powerful and rich.
I believe any society that calls itself advanced will ensure no one lacks basic needs (food, shelter, clothing, personal security, equal rights and opportunities to develop in life, where the gap between the richest and poorest is minimal. Where those in need, the disabled, under privileged are given the extra support they need to overcome the disadvantages they face. It’s not a one time action, it’s continuous and based on continuous monitoring and response.
But it all starts with a majority that believes in equal rights of all and disapproves violations of this in any form. You and I can start this at home setting an example for our children and youngsters in our families. Have the courage to set a good example. We individually can not change our society or the world. We surely can make a difference for those in our sphere of influence.
Hope this addresses at least some of your questions.
Your choice Hari. I am sure you will enjoy the experienceAlright. The biggest challenge that I am currently facing is how do I place my OB and sealed speakers so that my TV viewing is less obstructed. Also I may have one more box for the cone tweeters on top of the sealed which I have not yet told my family members. How do I break that news . These are currently my top priorities at my home
It's for my family members. I never watch TV. Only watch cricket match if my daughter is watching. I have stopped watching TV news. debates, reading any kind of newspaper both print and online 10 years ago and I am more at peace . If find them completely waste of my time and energy.Your choice Hari. I am sure you will enjoy the experience
When the TV is uninstructed what will you watch?
Post independence generations in India including our own have mostly enjoyed peace and only heard of the horrors of wars in the past or about wars happening elsewhere. Since then globalisation and world wide supply chains have made it impossible for any country to remain unaffected in case of widespread wars. Our dependence on oil from Middle East, armaments and spare parts from Russia, and to a lesser degree from the US, France and recently Israel makes it a challenge to remain disengaged in a multipolar world.As someone pointed out earlier in the thread, the number of wars has greatly reduced in the last 100 years. About 200-300 years ago, war was the normal state. Peace was just the state between wars. This was true in India, Arabic countries as well as Europe.
But in the last 75 years or so, we as humans have come to expect peace as the normal state. So now we are agitated when another war happens.
I hope fervently that human society finds new ways to resolve conflict without having to kill each other.