Thats exactly what I read/heard about the Chord Qutest.A bit difficult to say precisely since I do not have the RME with me now and a side by side comparison is not possible. Having said that I do feel the Qutest is the superior DAC. One of my distinct impressions going from RME to Chord was the refinement in the higher frequency and (don't quote me on this) a wider soundstage. Better tonality is a contributing factor too possibly.
The RME is indeed very smooth as opposed to what conventional wisdom dictates for an ESS based DAC!
On the flipside, I believe the Chord Mojo has better (and we are splitting hairs here) tone and emphasis on sonic cues than the RME despite the former being down on refinement and transparency. However, the RMEs bass performance is simply superb! Made even better with the tone controls to add more heft if the need arises - I've shelved at the frequency where my speakers start to roll off (57 hz) so that the boost is only applied to the subwoofer in order to avoid any boominess. One of if not the best bass/treble control on any device that I've come across - especially useful since the Cambridge Audio CXA81 is devoid of them.
I've seldom ever used it as a headphone amplifier but its good to have for the few occasions that I've felt the need. Perfect for my Hifiman HE400i which can sound a bit thin but made easy work with the EQ on the RME.The Chord is better as a DAC but RME was pretty good as a headphone amp (not perfect but good) and I could play around with filters and the parametric equalizer to tailor it how I wanted.
Thats quite true! The RME has a truckload of useful features (the manual is some 100 pages - beefier than some I've seen on cars) and allows you to tweak the sound to suit one's listening preferences.Granted, most of the time this tinkering was for fun, to listen to music though generally one sticks to a setting they have felt comfortable with.
One of the features that I have found invaluable is variable loudness. An able weapon to defeat that darned fletcher munson curve, especially during late night sessions!
Half? Make that less than a quarter of the price when i got it a couple of years back.I’ve listened to the RME and Chord (Mojo) in direct A-B comparison on Quad S5, as well as Wharfedale Evo. Here is the deal. I preferred the RME over Chord because it sounded just a little bit sharper in the upper mids . DB1989 preferred the Chord for its overall resolution and tonality (he can elaborate better ). Mojo being less than half the price of Qutest I can imagine the latter would best the RME to my ears too significantly (I hope ).

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