Why are people selling their Denafrips Ares 2 DACs

A bit difficult to say precisely since I do not have the RME with me now and a side by side comparison is not possible. Having said that I do feel the Qutest is the superior DAC. One of my distinct impressions going from RME to Chord was the refinement in the higher frequency and (don't quote me on this) a wider soundstage. Better tonality is a contributing factor too possibly.
Thats exactly what I read/heard about the Chord Qutest.

The RME is indeed very smooth as opposed to what conventional wisdom dictates for an ESS based DAC!

On the flipside, I believe the Chord Mojo has better (and we are splitting hairs here) tone and emphasis on sonic cues than the RME despite the former being down on refinement and transparency. However, the RMEs bass performance is simply superb! Made even better with the tone controls to add more heft if the need arises - I've shelved at the frequency where my speakers start to roll off (57 hz) so that the boost is only applied to the subwoofer in order to avoid any boominess. One of if not the best bass/treble control on any device that I've come across - especially useful since the Cambridge Audio CXA81 is devoid of them.

The Chord is better as a DAC but RME was pretty good as a headphone amp (not perfect but good) and I could play around with filters and the parametric equalizer to tailor it how I wanted.
I've seldom ever used it as a headphone amplifier but its good to have for the few occasions that I've felt the need. Perfect for my Hifiman HE400i which can sound a bit thin but made easy work with the EQ on the RME.
Granted, most of the time this tinkering was for fun, to listen to music though generally one sticks to a setting they have felt comfortable with.
Thats quite true! The RME has a truckload of useful features (the manual is some 100 pages - beefier than some I've seen on cars) and allows you to tweak the sound to suit one's listening preferences.

One of the features that I have found invaluable is variable loudness. An able weapon to defeat that darned fletcher munson curve, especially during late night sessions!

I’ve listened to the RME and Chord (Mojo) in direct A-B comparison on Quad S5, as well as Wharfedale Evo. Here is the deal. I preferred the RME over Chord because it sounded just a little bit sharper in the upper mids . DB1989 preferred the Chord for its overall resolution and tonality (he can elaborate better ). Mojo being less than half the price of Qutest I can imagine the latter would best the RME to my ears too significantly (I hope ).
Half? Make that less than a quarter of the price when i got it a couple of years back. 😁 Unbeatable VFM
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Thats quite true! The RME has a truckload of useful features (the manual is some 100 pages - beefier than some I've seen on cars) and allows you to tweak the sound to suit one's listening preferences.
Manual? That thing reads like an engineering white paper!
Take a chill pill folks :D

This almost sounds like a denafrips bashing thread, by those who don't own one. Very similar to the typical ASR posts. Where everyone claps and cheers, when a reigning champion is brought down by someone at half the price, which the audience can afford.
You shall not name that name (hush....it is AS....R) here.
If you want I can turn this into a 'ASR-bashing' thread from the Denafrips variety! Just kidding but quite honestly I get tired of ASR threads very quickly, the hallowed numbers supersede emotions of music there (just my feeling, not looking to offend anyone).

Sticking to the thread though, calling it Denafrips bashing a bit unfair perhaps, plenty of reasoned comments by past and present Denafrips owners for their choices.
Take a chill pill folks :D

This almost sounds like a denafrips bashing thread, by those who don't own one. Very similar to the typical ASR posts. Where everyone claps and cheers, when a reigning champion is brought down by someone at half the price, which the audience can afford.
I don’t fully agree with ASR, but I think most equipment (including the Dave recently) they review is send by members who actually afforded and bought it.
I don’t fully agree with ASR, but I think most equipment (including the Dave recently) they review is send by members who actually afforded and bought it.
He is not talking about the donor members of that site but rather about the commenting members who cheer when anything el-chepo scores well and something costly is not so good on measurements.
He is not talking about the donor members of that site but rather about the commenting members who cheer when anything el-chepo scores well and something costly is not so good on measurements.
Yes said this many times here, Denon is the BEST avr on the planet according to ASR, i have had 2 Denons(2300/3600) previously & always found that it sounds average, especially when compared to NAD, Anthem & Arcam. The last 3 are trashed in ASR forums but i feel they sound the Best. Guess for me measurements doesn't matter as i didn't like the Denon sound but actually using the thing for what it's meant to do, enjoying movies/music from the device & not measuring with meters :rolleyes:
If measurements were everything in audio then tubes would have been long dead, afaik measurements are only good to designers for detecting errors, system failures, sound signature tweaking/designing and to ensure product uniformity when products leave the factory coz components differ in a same product over time according to availability but sound signature must not change.
For rest of us best is at home in your own setup demo for any product. If someone in India could start up a company which could allow for home demo of audiophile gears even if takes full amount refundable deposits and to and fro courier charges of demo piece, i would definitely prefer to audition gear in my setup rather than to believe in measurements and online reviewers, but sadly such a company doesn't yet exists and we are left with mostly paid online professional reviewers or ASR or FM's views about the products or blind luck for most of the gear purchases.
If measurements were everything in audio then tubes would have been long dead, afaik measurements are only good to designers for detecting errors, system failures, sound signature tweaking/designing and to ensure product uniformity when products leave the factory coz components differ in a same product over time according to availability but sound signature must not change.
For rest of us best is at home in your own setup demo for any product. If someone in India could start up a company which could allow for home demo of audiophile gears even if takes full amount refundable deposits and to and fro courier charges of demo piece, i would definitely prefer to audition gear in my setup rather than to believe in measurements and online reviewers, but sadly such a company doesn't yet exists and we are left with mostly paid online professional reviewers or ASR or FM's views about the products or blind luck for most of the gear purchases.
I see that headphone zone offers a 7 day return with a store credit on return. Not sure about the shipping charges. At least it’s a good start. Once they start offering high end stuff, it might be the thing that we all hope for. For now, one can upgrade from an Aries to Pontus easily within 7 days if the buyer is not happy with Aries as they sell both models.
I see that headphone zone offers a 7 day return with a store credit on return. Not sure about the shipping charges. At least it’s a good start. Once they start offering high end stuff, it might be the thing that we all hope for. For now, one can upgrade from an Aries to Pontus easily within 7 days if the buyer is not happy with Aries as they sell both models.
Nopes now heaphonezone is not offering 7 days return window, just confirmed it today on their offical helpline.
Got a Project T1 Turntable few days ago, recently my dad told me he had vinyls and liked listening to it back when he was young.

Did a small comparo between a Turntable, Denafrips Ares II, SMSL SU9 & Audiolab 6000A Dac.
Chain is TT > Audiolab > KefQ150 or Wiim Mini > DAC > Audiolab > Kef Q150
Source was Tidal or Spotify

All I can say is that TT sound is super smooth, Ares II sounds closer to it than any other DAC's. I am liking the Ares II's soundstage and depth, enjoying it more with Kefs than with QA I had. I am still waiting for new my speakers to come in.
I tried the Denafrips II here in Singapore which went around among many members on Home Trial. I had for 3 days and somehow the sound did not grip for a long listen. It has a scattered image, Trimble. Some times it stresses a particular Frequency (Instrument).
After my tern, I forgot the Denafrips.
Instead, I am happy playing WAV through the TDA1541 S1 in the ARCAM Black Box. Musical, you are not critical about hifi Jorgan, instead just enjoying the music.
Now I have the Okto DAC 8pro, just using as 2 channel DAC. Wonderful sound.
Cut long story short, it's called Upgraditus.
Nothing wrong with the model, only positive i see is members getting a change to get one preowned.
Don't worry so much.

I do the same, 1-2 years i Upgrade, you lucky you don't have this issue ;)
People forget that hospitals cost them a bomb when their aged parent/s get sick and flaunt money in large numbers going for upgrades in AV equipments. An angio plus stent costs Rs. 4 lakhs, a pace maker 3 lakhs but the guy who sold me his Denon 2700h within 3 months of use, reasoned that a Marantz SR 8015 with better speakers is the charm but now i heard he is in search for a below 2 lakhs acoustical solution to not disturb his old parents with heart disease. Thats life whence indulgence. (Call it OCD, Upgraditus, addiction, passion beyond VFM or whatever). And I got to hear a song from the ladies in the house for installing two soundstages in my house, some even second hand equipments with BR discs collection i bought at Amazon on huge discounts. And there are guys out there who change gears two times before breakfast each day 24/7/365 with no regrets whatsoever.

Ps: or their childrens' college education will cost them if parents' health problems are not an issue for those with argumentative moods over a couple of beers.
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People forget that hospitals cost them a bomb when their aged parent/s get sick and flaunt money in large numbers going for upgrades in AV equipments. An angio plus stent costs Rs. 4 lakhs, a pace maker 3 lakhs but the guy who sold me his Denon 2700h within 3 months of use, reasoned that a Marantz SR 8015 with better speakers is the charm but now i heard he is in search for a below 2 lakhs acoustical solution to not disturb his old parents with heart disease. Thats life whence indulgence. (Call it OCD, Upgraditus, addiction, passion beyond VFM or whatever). And I got to hear a song from the ladies in the house for installing two soundstages in my house, some even second hand equipments with BR discs collection i bought at Amazon on huge discounts. And there are guys out there who change gears two times before breakfast each day 24/7/365 with no regrets whatsoever.

Ps: or their childrens' college education will cost them if parents' health problems are not an issue for those with argumentative moods over a couple of beers.
2 Cents. If you have the resources why Not. We all do similar things unwittingly. What seems as a wasteful spending to one, need not be the same to somebody else. One of our building watchman (old man) questioned me as to why is that I have spend money on keeping a car that I hardly use. It was only mode of transport when Kids where young.
I also have Ares II connected to Denon x4700h -> Emotiva XPA 3 with Qacoustics 3050i and it sounds good. Have done a bit of calibration using the umik 1 too.
If members are open to audition their system probably we can learn from each other , this will help in making purchase decisions or plan a upgrade path… just a thought
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