2011 Samsung Plasma 3D PS51D550

Hey is the brightness in 3D mode very less? Does it make colors look dim or inaccurate? People who have the TV pls honestly reply. Do i have to consider 40D6000 led if want better 3D brightness??
Hey is the brightness in 3D mode very less? Does it make colors look dim or inaccurate? People who have the TV pls honestly reply. Do i have to consider 40D6000 led if want better 3D brightness??

My dear friend. Color is directly linked to the brightness of the picture. So any TV, when it boosts brightness, the colors do become inaccurate. That applies to LCD's too.

Besides LED backlit LCDs have Horrible cross-talk. Plasmas are lot better. Unfortunately there are no tv's which have 0 cross talk.

But amongst everything considered, Plasma is your best bet for 3d.
Miracle is that when 55inch 3D LED with Hybrid 3D (frame sequencing but with polarized glasses) will be available for 50-60k :clapping: . Prankey will make that deal happen in about 16-18 months i guess :-)
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i'm in market for a plasma. today i went to do a few demos.

i saw the Pana 42X30 vs Samsung 43D490. I was surprised to see that the samsung actually had better blacks and more natural colors than the pana. But i felt the Samsung had more reflection than the Pana.

i then saw 50X30 vs 50U30 and the U series clearly had a much better picture with more vibrancy and better colors. The small jump in price from X to U is totally worth it.

Then i went to another samsung store and saw the 51D550. It had very nice colors and was bright enough. But the reflection was pretty evident. I told the demo guy to turn off the LCD TV behind me whose reflection i could see on the 51D550's panel.

Then i told him to also switch off the overhead tube lights. After switching off the Lcd behind me and the tubelight above me i could see the real quality of the 51D550. It had really nice colors and a very natural picture. Very nice indeed.

But this much is true. Plasmas don't like Ambient light. The reflection can be a real problem and people should carefully consider the lighting conditions in their room before deciding on a Plasma.

I also went to a Panasonic store where the dealer had a brand new packed 50V20D. He quoted Rs. 90000 and said that this TV is better than even the newer ST,GT and VT series and that it the best and most successful Plasma that Panasonic ever made.

I tried hard but could not find a side by side comparison between the Panasonic 50U30 vs. Samsung 51D550. Has anyone compared both of these sets ? Any place in delhi where they are put up side by side ?


the printed price on tv was about Rs. 60000 for 50X30 and about Rs. 68000 for 50U30. I did not negotiate and i'm sure they can be bought for lesser than that.
today i went for another demo with my mother to NEXT. I finally got to see the world famous and highly touted Panasonic 50V20D in action. Besides it was the Samsung 43D490.

Although the Samsung was pretty good for what it did, there was no doubt that the 50V20D was from another planet and a few notches above. Both me and my mom felt that it had a more natural picture with effortless colors and very smooth motion.

To be honest the Samsung 43D490 was not far behind but if you have the extra cash then the V20 wins pretty handsomely.

That being said i would have loved to compare the V20 with the Samsung 51D550 which is quite popular vfm plasma on our forums but unfortunately i can't find both of them together. But my guess is that since the D490 series and D550 series essentially use the same panel and the only difference being that the D490 is 720p and the D550 is 1080p, in that respect the V20 should trounce the D550 comfortably.

The real contest in VFM Plasma should be between the Samsung 51D550 vs. Panasonic 50U30. The day i can find these 2 plasmas side by side is the day i'll be able to make my decision as to which plasma i'm going buy. I hope is should be easy since both are newly introduced sets and i'd be grateful if anyone in Delhi is aware of where i might find them side by side.

Has anyone had a chance to compare the above 2 side by side....?


Does any owner or member know what is the the "Moving Picture Resolution" of the 51D550 ?

Is it 1080 lines or less ?
Someone told me that 2011 Samsung TV's do not play movies with Bitrate more than 10Mbps. Is it true?? Someone please try. All SBS 3D movies mkv have bitrate more than 10Mbps so its important. If it does not play then will the bluray player be able to play it.
Just got my tv installed yesterday. Not started it yet as electric work is still on. What would the ideal settings for the first 100 hours to prevent any image retention or burn in.

Here is a pic of the tv. My unit works still on though tomorrow i should get it started and my s3400 ht also installed to go with it. Have bought the 3100gb glasses for 3.5k


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Super...congrats for the purchase!
Just use the cinema mode or customise settings with lowered cell light,brightness & contrast for the first few hundred hours,that would do just fine.Also u can use the inbuilt scrollbar & leave that running overnight for a week to fast forward the burin period.

Dont forget to post pics when ur tv & entire ht setup is up & running! :)
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