2011 Samsung Plasma 3D PS51D550

*Photos & More Detailed review(including 3d) might/might NOT be coming..all depends upon my mood & the spare time i have!..anyway, i feel,i "sort of" did my duty for the community,some guidance for those confused to make the jump & r in the same situation as i was in the same , some days back!
Nice review indiglo, this one helped me to zero in on "the sexy" d550 :yahoo:. My house is entering the final stages of completion.

And Piyush... BRING IT ON... expecting more detailed review with pics... :D
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Nice review indiglo, this one helped me to zero in on "the sexy" d550 :yahoo:. My house is entering the final stages of completion.

And Piyush... BRING IT ON... expecting more detailed review with pics... :D
You might want to join our group for the best price in India with 1 pair of 3D glasses worth 4k:


And there is no catch and I might be able to ship to you directly on cash on delivery.

I have pressure to sell only the first 8 quantity at 63k as Samsung seems to have narrowed the margin to a great extent, however we may still be able to continue with the offer even after that. Fingers crossed.
For those interested,

My initial review/impression for my Newly purchased Samsung PS51D550 Tv:

1) Picture out of the Box is just Superfantabulous...REALLY REALLY GREAT!!!!!!!!!!,even might NOT be wrong 2 say to a level of ecstasy!

2) Even without changing any of the default modes, the pictures seems so well calibrated,Colours so natural & Real,which i Never ever found in the LCDs.I dont feel any need to change anything,though i have toned down everything/settings in the movie mode & keeping into it for break-in hours!

3) NO colour Banding,which i found like crazy in my LCDs..i tested them with some problematic videos which displayed them the maximum in my lcds, but on the plasma,they simply appear to never ever exist...the colour gradients r really so near perfect..i could so easily find the 18bit colours at play!

4) Pictures are Real real smooth, even my google/youtube videos, 700mb movie rips appear so great on this big screen,..i dont know what sort of picture engine samsung has deployed for the 2011 models or mayb in their plasmas, they really seem to make a Big positive difference

5) SD TV pictures are little soft but No blurring,or blocks appearing on the sd pictures even from my local cablewallah Digital cisco settop box... i really never thought just a ordinary cable connection from my cable service would look so great on a 51"screen..i am honestly awed by samsung's sd upscaling

6) 720p videos r really really excellent(there is some much detail in the picture together with brilliant brightnes & contrast level,u can easily see so much of the picture which u thought never existed,if u have finer tuned eyes,u will catch the amazing Finer details soon) & 1080p a sheer visual treat for the eyes & 1080p at 51"of TV real estate fells the whole thing simply immersive...the experience is unforgettable!...it's Simply like being there! (& this w/o my 3d glassses yet)

7) No 3d experience, as No 3d specs yet here!,they have them at the local warehouse & will b coming soon!

8) No Brightness Pops in Dark scenes which might have caught my eyes "et" in the darker scenes,No judder too..pictures feels so smooth, i feel to tell u that honestly!

9) Black levels r truly Great but Not Best,..they surely Dont COMPLETELY disappear in the Dark(in a pitch dark room) like my earlier CRT Tv or for comparison in plasma tv like the Panasonic V20, so purist may put a minus there(i have cell light at 12,brightness@ 45,contrast@55 ,all advanced settings off)..mayb i have not done it correctly & this tv is Not calibrated well...so still to experience & work out the Best there!.....But one thing...Black here means Pure Blacks, no other colour or tinges of blues or reds....only when all room light r put out, u MIGHT feel a very very faint glow of light on the panel..but whatever it is ,it is at the finer level of the seeeking perfection,unlike the WORST crude level of Back light bleeds in any LCD/leds.

10) Glares & Reflection is subjective,..those who r too sensitive might find some,but to be very honest,i think this issue for the d550 is blown out of proportion.Yes, it does have some reflection/glare(All Plasmas have Glass front end & it will reflect & add to that it does have NO AR filter) but, i could find NONE when viewing the tv during daytime(i have 1 big 2pane window & 1 large 2 pane door straight across the room directly facing the tv where it is installed) worth distracting!Also i didnot find light badly getting reflected from the tv, even when all my lights r turned on in the night which might cause distraction in viewing the tv & the picture getting washed out. My Room is NO TV showrrom,which has BIG window panes all around, but in the confines of my room, i think glare/reflection on the d550 is a Non issue for me worth spending thousands extra for some higher models with some filters which again might have issues of their own .I guess many of the members(new owners of d550) might feel & opine similar p.o.v! Very Honest,the majority of reflection & glares,u will find while the TV is off & i hardly find that distracting.Even if u deliberately try to find out reflections on ur tv,while it is on, ur brain will be always defying u & try to track on the areas where there is absolutely No reflection,something that has solid light & material to view (It's a natural involuntary spontaneous reaction)!

11) Buzzing from my d550 = Big "0"(Zero).No Buzzing even when i place my ears directly on the back body of the TV in running condition,even after increasing brightness & contrast to very high levels & in dynamic mode!.

12) Sound of the d550 is GREATLY improved(loud & bassy),particularly for 2011 models where SRS sound tech has been deployed,..i thinks that makes a big difference!

I don't know how to put it, after experiencing sight & sound so wonderful,natural & real,..I feel i am Now a True Plasma convert..& Samsung d550 has been a True achiever in making me realise that.I feel sorry where i was putting my head into(gimmicky,artificial & tacky LCD/led tv's) & seeking picture perfection & HD awesomeness, until i discovered the true essence of plasma.
After everything, i feel i am Honestly satisfied & pleased to have ultimately found the tv i was seeking for, within the maximum stretches of my budget!


*Also add to that,the Tv looks damm sexy!!!:licklips::ohyeah:

Indiglo my friend..really a great initial review and thank you so much for that...It is really a kind of a decider for me...

Enjoy your sexy TV :lol:
You might want to join our group for the best price in India with 1 pair of 3D glasses worth 4k:


And there is no catch and I might be able to ship to you directly on cash on delivery.

I have pressure to sell only the first 8 quantity at 63k as Samsung seems to have narrowed the margin to a great extent, however we may still be able to continue with the offer even after that. Fingers crossed.

Dear prankey... many thanks; you rock buddy....:clapping:

as i said, the construction of my house is going on and at this stage even if i buy this goodie I will have to sit almost 4 - 5 feet from the set; which i think is not a good idea. :sad:

My current living room is only around 8ft and for the house under construction its 15ft; I love to have d550 there with all my family and friends watching this beauty praising the PQ. ;)

Hope this offer continues and I'll get the same from you. Keeping Fingers crossed.:licklips:
Absolutely TRUE! .... only them who gets to own a d550 will have few other words except this!
..it's really very hard to describe how supelative a tv viewing experience can be without personally watching the d550 in action or better owing one!!!

...for me,this sheer ecstatic feeling has come to such a pass for that,i'm of late gripped with some unknown psychosis that the tv in such perfection maynot long last.. as i often find,in life all the better things comes in small packages or makes a short run only..& as such,my luck with this splendid sexy beauty MAY also run out! I really don't know,but this is such a Wild feeling which has only grown out of my very high levels of satisfactory possession & ownership of the d550 & the sheer brilliance of the pq it displays,which i find many a times quite "nbelieveable" & i'm,simply left "speechless"!!! Though completely unfounded,i 'm getting very possessive abt it, to the point ,i feel that if tomorrow something bad happens with tv & breaks down,that would equally true for me & i would be no more...no more! :indifferent14::( ,completely devastated,finished!!! Strange,but such thoughts do stress me much sometimes :p. Just wish Lord & Luck be my side & everything runs beautifully, as it is now with my d550, for years to come giving me years of superlative tv viewing without any problems!:)
Absolutely TRUE! .... only them who gets to own a d550 will have few other words except this!
..it's really very hard to describe how supelative a tv viewing experience can be without personally watching the d550 in action or better owing one!!!

...for me,this sheer ecstatic feeling has come to such a pass for that,i'm of late gripped with some unknown psychosis that the tv in such perfection maynot long last.. as i often find,in life all the better things comes in small packages or makes a short run only..& as such,my luck with this splendid sexy beauty MAY also run out! I really don't know,but this is such a Wild feeling which has only grown out of my very high levels of satisfactory possession & ownership of the d550 & the sheer brilliance of the pq it displays,which i find many a times quite "nbelieveable" & i'm,simply left "speechless"!!! Though completely unfounded,i 'm getting very possessive abt it, to the point ,i feel that if tomorrow something bad happens with tv & breaks down,that would equally true for me & i would be no more...no more! :indifferent14::( ,completely devastated,finished!!! Strange,but such thoughts do stress me much sometimes :p. Just wish Lord & Luck be my side & everything runs beautifully, as it is now with my d550, for years to come giving me years of superlative tv viewing without any problems!:)

Hi ,
First of all congratulations on getting a new TV , which after reading your review , even i am getting tempted to look at the Samsung Plasma 2011 models ( basically need to upgrade from a 40 inch to 50 inch).
Infact yr review was what I was waiting for , and it was excellently written.

However , just keep enjoying yr new TV without stressing yr self !

cheers ,
Thanks friend,...good wishes from ppl like u do cheer me up!:)...hope samsung has NOT cut any corners in the making of the tv with inferior quality materials,other than their profit margins,for this damm good tv! Panasonic tv's r so much overpriced everywhere vis-a-vis samsung tvs that lead me to having these doubts,for this otherwise Perfectly Great tv!Though samsung D8000 is awarded the ultimate Plasma tv of the year,ahead of the panasonic vt30 & experts r telling that sammy series 5,6,7 & 8 plasma have the same great panel & video processor,also changed d550 to d6500 unlocking the pro 10 pt calibrations,....still in some of my weak moments,i begin to doubt everything!...but that's me!:rolleyes:

Anyway,thanks for cheering me up!:signthankspin:
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Thanks friend,...good wishes from ppl like u do cheer me up!:)...hope samsung has NOT cut any corners in the making of the tv with inferior quality materials,other than their profit margins,for this damm good tv! Panasonic tv's r so much overpriced everywhere vis-a-vis samsung tvs that lead me to having these doubts,for this otherwise Perfectly Great tv!Though samsung D8000 is awarded the ultimate Plasma tv of the year,ahead of the panasonic vt30 & experts r telling that sammy series 5,6,7 & 8 plasma have the same great panel & video processor,also changed d550 to d6500 unlocking the pro 10 pt calibrations,....still in some of my weak moments,i begin to doubt everything!...but that's me!:rolleyes:

Anyway,thanks for cheering me up!:signthankspin:

your doubt is completely valid.. its often we doubt the best deals and miss them.. then go behind the worst...
when u compare lg to samsung.. lg bit costly, gives good contrast and better clarity ( my best picture calibration was lg>panasonic>sony>samsung... but
1.panasonic service and customer care doesnt reach all over india.. i live in namakkal..worth the price because very few complaints...
2. sony over priced for quality.. it is good for watching indian content than blu-rays and hollywood, which i like the most.. of course red is high in picture will love the greens too, but never like the blacks.. irritates like having a good projector but dirty screen.
3. samsung never updates, hard part to adjust anything.. any small adjustment changes ur entire quality..buy it tune it,adjust it forget it..not much features and not very friendly menu..
4. lg economy, superb picture, ultimate features, friendly menu easy to reset, adjustments are minor(i.e. if u increase brightness u can view changes every +1, not sudden increase like samsung..) BUT WORST QUALITY.. it is comparable to china dvd player where u get dts, 5.1 output (Analogue+optical+coaxial all 3 in one player), games,plays scratch discs and good sound picture but life short and unpredictable while sony players plays only original, unscratched disc but last long..

every one has one preference,, these are my views..
ofcourse i dont mind people calling me troll, my advice to them is that forum is for everyone to share their views and i have equal rights to express my view.. u have every right to call my questions and reviews a troll but not me...
regarding your question
its a good one i feel too but my inner feelings say samsung must be good, trusted
because i had samsung tv 10 years back,still have 3 vcd changer, (ofcourse my dvd player failed miserably in two year).
one brand i love miss to my heart is philips.. if any philips personal there i just want to tell him will opt for philips at any price if 3d is there.. miss u philips..
philips has decided to exit out of TV business and few other electronics

Hence the recent huge discounts

i used to love philips befor LCD era

my whole gear was philips
Philips was Really a A1 Excellent Brand with world beating Top Class Product,don't know why they are NOT showing any interest in the indian mkt?My samsung d550 replaces a 11 yr old Philips 29"Flat Crt,which has a premium tv then.After all these years of rough heavy use,it still shows exemplary splendid & vibrant picture as it did on day1, 11 years ago.Even another Philips tv from 1995,in my other room is still going strong without any major problem & shows super picture till now.I have/had high respect for philips & wished it was also a competitive choice while i recently brought two new tv's the Sony 32"Cx420 Lcd & the 51" samsung d550 plasma,but even Reputed Exclusive Philips dealers who only dealt in philips for the last 40-50 years dont stock Philips any more!..it surely saddens to see the demise of a Really Excellent Brand! Hence an imperative question automatically springs up in my mind,how good these new cherished tv's like the samsung & sony are going to be &how many years of trouble free tv viewing can we honestly expect???
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