A journey begins...

I'm looking forward to seeing that.

But, one thing: I am not going to touch his records or his deck! The thing with me and vinyl is that, sadly, I just cannot keep it unscratched :sad:
Got to listen to Abhi's system last evening in its new avatar. I say new avatar because I have listened to his Naim gear and Tannoy Turnberrys several times at various phases. I had often imagined how the system would sound in a larger room and had also built an expectation.

The sound that I heard was a quantum shift from what I had heard before and I was overwhelmed with how well the system was setup. The Tannoys have been given a larger room with cozy and tasteful interiors and ofcourse that view from that window. Since my last visit, he has added the La Platine Verdier TT and has gone through multiple tweaks ...the latest being a battery-powered PS and a 47 Labs RSA-1 tonearm with a Zyx cart. The tonearm is an unipivot and I found the tonearm design to be quite outlandish in that the cart moves freely and adjusts itself to track the grooves. Very musical and involving system. The soundstage that it paints is quite huge and has very good stable imaging.

I could live with that system for ever. I asked him "What more are you looking for?". He smiles and says "more" :).

Always good to meet Abhi and listen to his system. He is a deep thinker and he knows exactly what he wants from his system. I am always amazed at the way he articulates his thoughts...whether it is about a system that he has heard or what he is looking for or missing in a system.

Thanks for the great hospitality Abhi, will visit again before I return to Bangalore :).

Thanks Santhosh for being so generous:ohyeah:

The Tannoys are interesting speakers, that it can sound good both nearfield and midfield, small or big room. Really versatile.

It is always difficult to explain what "more" to get when a system is playing good music. Well, it is one thing to put together a nice sounding system but optimizing it is totally different chapter. Almost everything about music reproduction can be optimized to sound more musical though nothing drastic in any particular area. The overall result can be very profound. I want to keep it simple but I have to address few areas which clearly needs more attention. When I have the bandwidth I will upgrade the amp. Before that I want to settle my TT playback, a decent rack and a decent power conditioning equipment. Only after all this the amp comes into picture. The Tannoy certainly deserves higher resolution and control, but I agree that it is not exactly essential to enjoy music.

Some pics of the new tonearm:

Remarkable-looking thing! Remarkable-looking combination, but remarkable in sane ways: none of the crazy design that some seem to think a necessary part of high-end TT design.

Does nothing soft, or grippy, come between the platter and your LPs?
Remarkable-looking thing! Remarkable-looking combination, but remarkable in sane ways: none of the crazy design that some seem to think a necessary part of high-end TT design.

Does nothing soft, or grippy, come between the platter and your LPs?

A mat is supplied but I prefer it without the mat, Thad. Mat seems to dampen the highs a bit.

Dr. Bass, have you tried the Accuphase E 560 amp with your Tannoy's?

No Malvai, in fact I havent heard the Tannoy with any high end amps till date. My Naim integrated is the most expensive amp I have heard the Tannoys with. I dont have good friends among singapore audiophile community who will get their amps over:(

@250K INR, I would say it is a real bargain.. they are much expensive in Germany

Yes it is, considering that Singapore prices are INR 300k+.
No Malvai, in fact I havent heard the Tannoy with any high end amps till date. My Naim integrated is the most expensive amp I have heard the Tannoys with. I dont have good friends among singapore audiophile community who will get their amps over:(

Man, I sooo wish you could try the Accuphase E 560 with 'em... I tried a pair of Vintage Tannoy Monitor Gold 15's with my E460 and it was superb!

The 560 will only be better! Several notches better, in fact.

I do need more power with my speakers hence I didn't by the 560...

Do try, IMHO.
Dr Bass. Unless you are very keen on massive power, instead of e560, the Luxman L-550 A-II may be a better class A choice. It is a 20 watter, it also has a well reviewed phono stage which may give you a valuable alternative, and not as hideously expensive. Cybervinay on our forum uses one with his Monitor HPDs. And classy looks.
The Luxman is a good option too! Have heard it at cybervinay's place with his 16" HPD's and his12" Gold Monitors.

Sounded quite nice.
I'll be there next month. Have already exchanged PMs with Abhi about coming to see that view. Probably will listen to some music too ;) :lol:

Hesitant to post away-from-home dates on the net --- but I wonder who else might be there?

Thad, may I request you to get some of your favourite CDs over ? I do not have any carnatic classical CDs:). Moreover I would love to hear some good carnatic and add it to my genre of listening.
Trust Dr Bass to find weird and wonderful stuff:)

Isn't it true that there is also the pivoting headshell can be bought for use in arms that have removable headshell?

jls, it is true that this tonearm is weird. I would say it is for nerds who are really into unconventional stuffs. Thankfully it is very easy to setup (to get some music) but to fine tune it is nerdy.

Sonically it can sound near reference level in some aspects, like PRAT and bass dynamics. There is a certain freeness to its sound, may be because nothing rigid, not even the headshell. Basically one gets a taste of a real high end tonearm for relatively little money but obviously you dont get the sophisticated solid feel, adjustments are adhoc and not easy to repeat, some things are not adjustable or measurable (e.g cartridge alignment). I dont get the velvety smooth, near zero-distortion vocal texture of the SME 3012. It is less forgiving of the record quality and recording quality, so you hear any noise/damage/statics that is on the record. Even slight bit of dirt on the stylus tip is now audible. All this was very well taken care of by the SME. So you see there are tradeoffs.
Manav and Gerry, thanks for the recommendations. I am taking it very slow with the amps. I will try to audition accuphase and luxman here and post my opinions.
Thad, may I request you to get some of your favourite CDs over ? I do not have any carnatic classical CDs:). Moreover I would love to hear some good carnatic and add it to my genre of listening.
I had been wondering if you still had digital sound source connected! Yes, sure, I will bring some CDs. Any potential to play FLAC, or must it be pure cd?

Would you believe... at home, these days, mostly I listen to Western classical and Rock music! But I have a big (well, a hundred or two) collection of carnatic and will pick one or two. Mahler's 2nd symphony (yes, Resurrection, as in the recent thread about speakers of that name) may blow your house apart! A little Grateful Dead may do the same for your head ...it did mine, forty years ago :cool: . Some Incredible String Band is great for detail in acoustic harmonies. These things, as well as (or because of!) being amongst my favourite music are also my audition material

I'd travel with vinyl --- but it just isn't worth the risk to just-about-irreplaceable records, and you might also fear the results on your stylus of navigating my scritch-scratches
Thanks Viren for your informative post. Your post inspired me to get one level deeper into the different tube designs and hear for myself. Couple of days back I had an appointment with a dealer in Singapore who sells both Audio note and Leben. The amps under consideration were Leben CS300xs and Audio note OTO SE. Leben is a push-pull design whereas Audio Note is a single ended design based on two EL-84 tubes per channel. The Audio Note supposedly implements a low degree of negative feedback as well.

In general I am familiar with the Leben sound. It has always appealed to me. The dynamic, clean and transparent sound yet with a sense tube magic always makes me smile when Leben plays. Audio note on the other hand is quite a bit unknown to me. I have only heard it in the Singapore hifi show where they were playing an Ongaku which doesnt give me any idea about what an OTO would sound like.

When I entered the store Leben was already connected while the AN was lying in one corner. So we started with the Leben. Since I knew the Leben sound I straight away played the most "important" CD among the stack I was carrying, a Hindustani track consisting of only a Sitar, Sarod, Tabla and Tanpura. It is not only a very good recording (Chanda Dhara) but a very musically involving track. I have very familiar with it. The Leben as usual did what it does best, very clean and nuanced presentation, there is a certain purity about its tones, you know there is just no grunge in it. After a 15 mins listening session somehow I felt like I should go to the Audio note, may be because I felt I know the Leben enough.

Same track played back through AN, initial impression, hmmm...tubes are playing !! There was a clear sense of lot more tube things going on. Everything became fuller, a bit of rounding though not much, things more relaxed (not laid back !!), a feeling of calmness. At this point even though I could point out differences between the two amps I could not really judge if one was preferable over the other. The Leben gave me a more "exciting" presentation where as the AN was more like "soothing". So to understand more about AN I started playing a variety of music. A bit of western classical, some female vocals and rock. Rock was interesting, I played CCR and Rainbow. The AN had a way of playing rock, the old school way, nice, full, dynamic, very coherent and foot tapping. One would feel like air guitaring after some time BUT unfortunately the kick drums sounded quite loose, muddy and rounded. I agree that the bass passages were quite heavy but the looseness was not something that one can pass. I played couple of such music and all of them gave me the same impression, dont expect deep and tight bass. OTOH acoustic bass like Tabla, dholak and double bass was okay, meaning it was not as tight as Leben but it was not bothering, there was something likeable about it. It was 30 mins or so listening to AN, I thought I should play just couple of more tracks and get back to the Leben. Played a few live recorded music (Clapton, Jagjit Singh)...Suddenly things started sounding interesting, previously also it was nice but now something special. Music sounded LIVE ! Okay it is a live recording but how live can a live recording sound especially the ones that I am so familiar with for years. After analysing a bit around this "live" thing I had a smile on my face:). Now I was hearing something really special. Then I realized, the amp was lying in a corner so it was cold, now it has warmed up, it was confirmed by the store guy also. I immediately played back some more familiar tracks from other CDs and yes, it was unlike anything I have heard.

I went back to Leben, sometimes one becomes too appreciative of even little improvements...that is dangerous because later it will seem like a appreciation in haste. Leben is a good reference for me to check against. Again the same hindustani CD, then the western classical symphony, Jagjit singh, Tracy Chapman and finally CCR/Rainbow. I took roughly about 15 mins to play all these CDs on Leben..how ? It took less than 2 mins each genre to understand whats going on!!

Generally the Leben had a lot more control when heavy bass passages especially drums come into play, very marked difference. Audio note is almost triple the size of the Leben but cannot hold the drivers in place when something very demanding comes up:lol:. The Leben also had deep control over the images, one could literally see the two halves of the tabla separately. Apart from that there was a see through transparency which is rare even in SS amps. The Leben was also a bit more nimble with better snap.
But the Audio Note had something entirely different to offer, easy to notice (after the warm up though). It made the Leben sound somewhat like a typical solid state amp:sad:. I could never imagine this but the reason I could finish the second round of Leben audition within 15 mins even though I played & CDs was because I was desperate to hear the Leben the way I have always imagined its presentation. I could not accept the Leben to have a typical SS like sound. The same tones which I always adored about Leben now sounded somewhat dry and cut out of the actual whole. The music through Audio note had an "aura", something going on apart from instruments, not sure how to express this. One observation, through the Leben the instruments were clearly separated and the gap between the images had "nothing", it was see-through clean which we audiophiles generally like but now I started feeling the gap is missing "something", I dont know what but the gap was also a bit dry and I would call "non-performing". Can a gap perform ? Well, with the Audio note the gaps are not dry, there is something even the gap which performs and adds to the overall experience, I suppose it is this something that creates the aura I was talking about. It is not grunge or noise that fills the gap, it is something more like ambient..presence information that ultimately connects all the performers, the room/hall and audience (if live recording) together as one unit. With the Leben, it suddenly felt like a well arranged 5 focussed speakers are playing 5 different instruments and I am listening to each of them and combining them in my brain, they are all in tune but some amount of cerebral activity is going on!! Audio Note does it for you, that is why there is a sense of music wash all over your body, mind and soul. This is exactly what I missed with the Leben.

Some of my best friends here are Leben owners so I know the risk I am taking:ohyeah:. I hope I am forgiven, believe me I am not happy with my findings as well. Leben is one of the best amps I had on my shortlist for the amp upgrade and now I am in a tough situation. But then here is what I think...when one comes back from a trip to hill station the city seems too noisy and crowded. Same here, Audio note gave me a session of musical tour which had few stunning moments and it really showed me what a complete music reproduction could possibly sound like. That could have made the shortcomings of the Leben a bit too glaring but then I know how much I liked the Leben whenever I have heard it in isolation. Moreover I dont think I can tolerate the muddy bass of the AN...not sure. Another thing, the overall neutrality of Leben will allow me to tailor the sound as per my tastes using tweaks (cables, isolation, room treatments) which I do not think I can do with Audio note because the basic requirement (power, control) is has to come from internals. It is adequately powerful but I know the Tannoy deserves much more. At this point I am stuck.

The next plan is to take my Naim Nait 5i to the same store and do a head to head comparison with Leben. That should give me yet another perspective of what I was actually hearing while comparing Audio Note and Leben.

Dr.Bass, what are the recordings of Hindustani classical cds being top class for the quality of recording in Chhanda dhara and other labels? What are the titles do you listen as the reference? In Singapore and Malaysia, do people show interests on Indian Classical music? It is said that, 'Waterlily' label previouly released some SACD albums on Indian classical. Have you heard?
I had been wondering if you still had digital sound source connected! Yes, sure, I will bring some CDs. Any potential to play FLAC, or must it be pure cd?

Would you believe... at home, these days, mostly I listen to Western classical and Rock music! But I have a big (well, a hundred or two) collection of carnatic and will pick one or two. Mahler's 2nd symphony (yes, Resurrection, as in the recent thread about speakers of that name) may blow your house apart! A little Grateful Dead may do the same for your head ...it did mine, forty years ago :cool: . Some Incredible String Band is great for detail in acoustic harmonies. These things, as well as (or because of!) being amongst my favourite music are also my audition material

I'd travel with vinyl --- but it just isn't worth the risk to just-about-irreplaceable records, and you might also fear the results on your stylus of navigating my scritch-scratches

Digital source is still connected and doing good. I too have many favourites only on CDs so there is no way out. Please feel free to get whatever music you would want to listen. I dont have a way to play FLAC though. Records will be good, dont worry about scratches, if it is listenable we will play.
Dr.Bass, what are the recordings of Hindustani classical cds being top class for the quality of recording in Chhanda dhara and other labels? What are the titles do you listen as the reference? In Singapore and Malaysia, do people show interests on Indian Classical music? It is said that, 'Waterlily' label previouly released some SACD albums on Indian classical. Have you heard?

I have few Chhanda Dhara, EMI, Sense Records, Water Lily and ECM records. Among them I like Chhanda Dhara the most, both for its music content and recording quality. Water Lily the worst because music is typically junk and recording quality is too refined (westernised). While I havent met people who are into Hindustani here in Singapore (except the Singaporean Indians) but I do see people getting getting curious about this music when I play any of them.
Here is a long-overdue report and a few comments. I am sorry I could not write it earlier.

On my way back to India a month ago, I spent one full day at Singapore. It was only natural that I met up with Dr. Bass and checked out a few systems including his own.

I stayed at a hotel not too far from the Adelphi. The before-lunch session was spent there. We heard a few systems: A McIntosh pre-power with Focals, Kondo SET with huge horn-loaded AvantGardes, Naim Supernait with the Mini Maggies and a few PMCs fed by some German amps. I may discuss these auditions some time later (for the price, the mini maggies were great and very very musical). I also did a bit of shopping: a Zerodust stylus cleaner, a pack of Mobile Fidelity inner sleeves for LPs, a LP etc.

After a delicious lunch at Dr.Bass' place, meticulously prepared by his wife, I started listening to his own system. Unfortunately the Verdier was not available because the motor went for some upgrading, but the Naim CDP and the Technics 1200 TT were there.

We heard for about 2 hours a variety of music, mostly on CD, a few also on the TT. However, the majority of our choice was classical music, both Indian and Western.

The system is indeed a joy to listen to - my kind of system and very far from the audiophile systems I heard at the Adelphi Mall. I liked Dr. Bass' system more than some of the so-called accurate and refined systems at the Adelphi - a stupid statement to make? So be it, I think the Naim+Tannoy combo conveyed the music better.

The music was alive, it was near, and the supertwweters did their job. Anybody thinking of getting the Turnberrys should definitely get the supertweeters.

However, as Dr. Bass already mentioned, I also pointed out a few places in the music where I thought the amp was struggling to cope with the demand of the situation. But still, I would be able to live very very happily with the current system for my whole life.

A huge thanks to Dr.Bass and his wife. I came back to the Changi airport just in time to catch my flight, and even remembered to pick up a reasonable supply of dark chocolates from the duty free shop there.

A beautiful, well-constructed speaker with class-leading soundstage, imaging and bass that is fast, deep, and precise.