- amazing service, best prices, same 220V - 5 days delivery

manajit, dont buy anything without first listening to it. go to shops like pro-fx in your city, audition as many combinations as possible-depending on your preferences i.e. you want this set just for HT or for music listening too. You will then get an idea about how each speaker-AVR combination differs in sound and what appeals to your ears most.

As for buying from us concerned - wait for some time if you are totally set on denon 1912 cos it was available for just 379 about a week back, and not shot up to 449.! use this time to audition sets as mentioned earlier.

cheers, all the best.
Just an update on my experience on trying to order from
The listed price for an amp was Euro 348/-

When I tried to order, the amount just before acceptance of card charges
was shown as Euro 348/- + Euro 100 = Euro 448.
There was no VAT deduction. I didn't proceed after that. I wanted to know why the VAT was not deducted. Anyone else have this problem ?
I used Google Chrome so I could see everything in English.
Just an update on my experience on trying to order from
The listed price for an amp was Euro 348/-

When I tried to order, the amount just before acceptance of card charges
was shown as Euro 348/- + Euro 100 = Euro 448.
There was no VAT deduction. I didn't proceed after that. I wanted to know why the VAT was not deducted. Anyone else have this problem ?
I used Google Chrome so I could see everything in English.

If you could tell us which amp you are trying maybe we can be more helpful...
I was wondering why they didn't show the price with VAT deducted and that should not matter what equipment I bought.
In any case the amp was the Behringer nu3000DSP.
manajit, dont buy anything without first listening to it. go to shops like pro-fx in your city, audition as many combinations as possible-depending on your preferences i.e. you want this set just for HT or for music listening too. You will then get an idea about how each speaker-AVR combination differs in sound and what appeals to your ears most.

As for buying from us concerned - wait for some time if you are totally set on denon 1912 cos it was available for just 379 about a week back, and not shot up to 449.! use this time to audition sets as mentioned earlier.

cheers, all the best.

Thanks Nindo. I have auditioned a few combinations but definitely, I could and would do more as suggested.

Also regarding the 1912 on, it allows you to make the purchase at 379, but says that the item is out of stock and will be shipped when available. As I am not in hurry (the interiors of my house will be ready in the next 2 months), so I might as well purchase and wait.

However, my concern is that this being my first HT, will I be able to setup the HT on my own? As I have never done it before, wanted to check how easy/difficult it is for setting up and installing the entire HT? And even before the items arrive, I need to do the cabling for the speakers etc within a week and so wanted to check if any professional or well wisher :) can help me with the selection of the cables/positioning of speakers etc at Bangalore?

However, my concern is that this being my first HT, will I be able to setup the HT on my own? As I have never done it before, wanted to check how easy/difficult it is for setting up and installing the entire HT? And even before the items arrive, I need to do the cabling for the speakers etc within a week and so wanted to check if any professional or well wisher :) can help me with the selection of the cables/positioning of speakers etc at Bangalore?


theres good news for you - with the introduction of audyssey and YPAO (yamaha) room correction/EQ managements systems in budget (as per most AV manufacturers) AVRs, setting up has become a breeze- doesnt matter how oddly shaped your room is.! (not to suggest that your room us oddly shaped). Plus for starters setting up and connecting speakers is not as tough as it might sound/look. Yes on selecting wires etc there are many gurus on this forum who can suggest you. I had bought all my speakers wires form Designer AUdio in Mumbai who gave me suggestion based on my budget. for a small component like speaker wire cost sky is the limit, but you need to control yourself from over spending on such things. For my fronts and centre i used the wire provided with the speaker itself, which seemed to be of quite good quality.

Suggest you do the setting up yourself - no point paying a professional for it- unless you are setting up a dedicated high end home theatre (with a separate room, acoustic conditioning etc etc). ofcourse any of the forum members based in bangalore might help you.
Always try to keep the amp as close to the speakers as possible. You can cut down on speaker wire length and the shorter it is you can get away with just decent guage of oxygen free copper wire. Maintain your connections, RCA , speaker terminals etc. They corrode over time and just cleaning them up regularly will make a huge difference !
I have feedback from regarding deduction of VAT when they export.
VAT is deducted if the item ships "from " .
Some items ship from a different company and that is mentioned on the web page. They may or may not deduct VAT. You are expected to contact the seller ( by clicking on their name and getting their email address) and ask them before you purchase the item.

So that I guess is clear enough for us.
Have ordered the Onkyo 609 and Heco Victa 700 FS and center speaker from
Only heard reviews and picked them up.Gurus, please help on setting it up when the package arrives.
Have ordered the Onkyo 609 and Heco Victa 700 FS and center speaker from
Only heard reviews and picked them up.Gurus, please help on setting it up when the package arrives.

Congratulations psj .....
Never heard Helco Victa as well.... Do give us your unbiased take on it .
Well, bad news for my Onkyo 609. The update shows a exception, so I called UPS And they mentioned that the package was offloaded from the flight from Mumbai to Bangalore as it was considered a security risk ! So it is being sent to Bangalore via Gati surface and will take a additional 3 days, this is painfull :-(

Mumbai, India 17/03/2012 0:30 Pkg delay-add'l security check by Gov't or other agency- beyond UPS control / Delivery rescheduled
Well, bad news for my Onkyo 609. The update shows a exception, so I called UPS And they mentioned that the package was offloaded from the flight from Mumbai to Bangalore as it was considered a security risk ! So it is being sent to Bangalore via Gati surface and will take a additional 3 days, this is painfull :-(

Mumbai, India 17/03/2012 0:30 Pkg delay-add'l security check by Gov't or other agency- beyond UPS control / Delivery rescheduled

Security Risk....!!!
:) They hav considered Onkyo s explosive sound in literal terms......
I was wondering why they didn't show the price with VAT deducted and that should not matter what equipment I bought.
In any case the amp was the Behringer nu3000DSP.

The Behringer cant be shipped to india when you pick as the seller... The other seller(Just Music or something like that) ships to India but charges 100 euro as shipping charge & does not deduct vat... Also you will have to pay custom duties yourself over the Euro 448 that you pay for the amp... The vat deduction & pre payment of custom duties is only available if is the seller & it ships to India... You could always request them to include this in the ship to India list... Weather they include it or not is another story altogether... But overall Amazon does have good service so if it is possible for them to do it for you they will...
Well, bad news for my Onkyo 609. The update shows a exception, so I called UPS And they mentioned that the package was offloaded from the flight from Mumbai to Bangalore as it was considered a security risk ! So it is being sent to Bangalore via Gati surface and will take a additional 3 days, this is painfull :-(

Mumbai, India 17/03/2012 0:30 Pkg delay-add'l security check by Gov't or other agency- beyond UPS control / Delivery rescheduled

Probably they have realized that the 40 euro shipping is too low and they are saving cost now.
I have placed an order for Denon 1312 and a basic active sub (Kenwood SW 40). :)

Will update this thread about the progress.

That's amazing. It is so fast. :clapping:

Ordered on 14th, shipped on 15th and today at 12:50PM, it is in my hands. :yahoo:

Do we need to change the title of this thread? :p

BTW, I have just received the AVR and not the sub but it was already mentioned on that this sub is out of stock and they will ship it in next few days.
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