Amp upgrade with Canton speakers: Feasibility study

I hear the NCPA hall in Mumbai does a great job. Never been there though.

I can vouch for this. I have had the pleasure of attending a few performances and it was an electrifying experience every time. The last one was a piano recital and the notes were absolutely clear in the middle of the auditorium where I was seating. Fortunately the crowd that turns up at NCPA is mature and truly respectful of the performer.

I have heard that Blue Frog (much smaller venue of course) is also very well wired for sound but I have never been there.

I do not listen to Indian Classical music but I have heard good things about our own Shanmukananda Hall here in Mumbai.

As for my own setup, I find myself increasingly doing all my listening at the witching hour. Or very early morning on holidays. Much quieter and easier to hear every nuance in the recording.

I am trying, desperately of course, to get back to listening to the music not the gear! Easier to get out of the mafia I think.
As for my own setup, I find myself increasingly doing all my listening at the witching hour. Or very early morning on holidays. Much quieter and easier to hear every nuance in the recording..

Truer words were never said. Don't know about other cities, Bombay NEVER seems to sleep! And difficult to carry out mods (soundproofing etc.) to rented acco.

I am trying, desperately of course, to get back to listening to the music not the gear! Easier to get out of the mafia I think.

Hi folks,

Good wishes to you all on this first morning of the month of Baishakh. Brings memory of my late parents who used to celebrate this day always in a special way. We all used to get some new clothes.

Coming back to our discussion, especially with respect to my Canton speakers, I was doing searches on old Canton speakers in general. I found a few proud owners of old Canton speakers in the forum and also elsewhere. Not many Karat 60 (my speakers) owners, but a few Karat 20, 30 and 40 owners. These are little brothers of my speakers. They were all made in 1980's and were in production till 1990. The Karat 20 and 30 were 2-way speakers and the 40 was very similar to mine except the woofer was a bit smaller. According to a site by the name Hauptseite - - die freie Gertedatenbank they are all well above 90 db sensitivity (SPL at 1W and 1m) (lowest for the Karat 20 at 91.9 db). They all had 4 Ohm impedance.

There are three owners in that forum of a big floorstander from Canton called "Ergo Passiv" built in the early 1980's (price at that time USD 2600). Looks like two of them bought their pair used for USD 900 around 2005. One other guy got it around USD 400 early 2009. They are all tremendously happy about the speakers. They have put up pictures of these speakers. Boy, they look immaculate even after nearly 30 years. And yes, they were all handcrafted.

The recent buyer was looking for specs for his acqusitions. The following is the excerpt on his interaction with Canton:

"Thanks to all who researched this speaker, and/or responded with information! Contacted Canton to see if they might have some more information, but they could not help me. Any more information, such as user guide or original ad would be great. It is amazing just how rare this model is...never see/saw another pair for sale anywhere in the world! The sound is absolutely amazing for a 20+ year old speaker. Thanks again!"
(post #8 by "safeharbor" in Vintage Canton Ergo Passiv Loudspeakers - Home Audio Stereo Discussion Forums)

The response from Canton in my case was worse, as I have described in my earlier post. If they do not keep details on these old speakers any more, they should just say so, instead of pretending to know and then give a wrong information which they cannot back up.

To summarize the opinions of the people who own these very old Canton speakers:

1. They are built to last and are still sounding great. Actually the Ergo Passive and the Karat 40 owners are trying to say that these are some of the best speakers they ever heard. Within a price point, I totally agree with them as I mentioned in my first post of this thread and at various other points.

2. They all have high sensitivity (well above 90db) and with impedance of 4 Ohm.

3. They apparently do not need a lot of power in the bass region. Apparently the impedance do not go down very much. Pretty flatish performance across the whole frequency range - according to the users (collected from several discussions on the net).

4. The sound signature is very neutral and open with good control in all frequency regime. People are especially mentioning very airy and extended treble and detailed midrange and a big soundstage.

5. Another point they (along with current Canton owners) are making is that the good sound qualities of the Canton speakers remain present across different production lines including relatively lower priced ones (like the current GLE 490 which retails under a a thousand Euros now, I think).

I guess in the 1980's they were not really mass-produced as they used to be handcrafted. BTW, Canton always makes all major components (drivers, cabinets etc) in-house. Only from around 1990 or later, Canton started making speakers in large numbers. I know they built their first in-house anechoic lab only in 1989, although they (four friends really) started making speakers from 1972.

I am getting more confident that pairing with an amp of my choice may not be that difficult.
Well cranky, in a few weeks from now, I should have a new amp. You will know when I announce it officially :).

Should come before the announcement of CBSE 12, IITJEE, WBJEE etc results.
Though one can be built for around a lakh, once you start selling it costs climb rapidly and requirements extend to support, marketing and other services. There are only a handful of designers who take the trouble to do this sort of thing - Hugh Dean and Greg Ball are two such,

Hi Cranky,
Do Hugh dean use this design in the "lifeforce" or "soraya" designs ? From what I hear they are giant killers ;)
Hi Asit,
There seems to be another Canton proud owner on this forum.I have been using them since 2000.Bought a pair of FS CT920SC from the middle east.The story goes that American ships docking at Jeddah port would have sailors coming to this shop specifically to buy Canton speakers.I have a catalogue of that year where models KaratM50 DC and Karat M70 DC are mentioned.FYI the specs for the 70 are 3 way Bass Relex,4--8 ohm imped,power 180/300watts,SPL(1W/1M) 88db,freq22....30000hz,woofer 10",mid 2X6",twet 1".The 50 DC also has senst 87db.Sorry the Karat 60 are not mentioned ,guess they were about 10 yrs older then ..My speakers are 1"twet,180 mm mid,2x200 mm woofers and the specs are 3 way BR,18...30000Hz,180/320 Watts ,sens 89 db.The thing about these speakers are that it comes with a "control box" which is an integral part of the speaker "system" and this is a powered unit (has to be looped in between the mains in and pre out ).I asked Canton as to what this box is, because the sound quality with and without the box is a tremendous difference.And the reply I got is that it "optomizes and equalizes the Bass freq response ".I dont use a sub woofer as the Bass is excellent with these FS,I am very happy with the other freq as well ! I have been using these speakers with a Onkyo Integra TXDS 989 and I thought that the SQ is great.However my meeting with Viren (Lyrita Audio )and auditioning his 2A3C SET amp changed all that.I listened to about an hour and half of music from his amp with my Canton (Multi driver,89 DB) and the sound was excellent.There was more than enough power and at no stage did I find the amp struggling or the speakers wanting in any way .That was my first and last auditioning for an amp and now I am eagely waiting for it ( 3 weeks approx) to come home.I hope you have similar luck in finding an amp which suits your speakers.Cheers
Actually, no. Hugh uses a completely different topology, one that is wrapped in very strict IP stipulations. Its so tight that he doesn't even reveal the power supply voltages, and so one of our members had a big problem when he was moving from the US and needed new transformers for the amp to work in India. Needless to say the amp is sitting idle and I hope to be able to help him out once I move back home in May.

Anyway, Hugh did look over the design, and was all praise for it. Actually, if you head over to the DIY audio forums, you'll see the design get a lot of attention, and it really deserves it - a pure Class B is tough to crack (Hugh uses high-bias AB AFAIK though it's not that simple) and the designer has really done it very well. The fact it's there for anyone to build is pretty awesome, and no doubt there soon will be some cheap Chinese ebayer who will sell it commercially (happens to all designs on DIYA). I obviously won't mention the designer by name or the design, just head over and take a look ;)

I had a look at the site.
Distortion In Power Amplifiers
Very impressive although I could not understand most part of it;)
Douglas self seems to be getting much attention at Diy audio site too. There is a book too.
Are there anyone who has attempted this amp in India ?
However my meeting with Viren (Lyrita Audio )and auditioning his 2A3C SET amp changed all that.I listened to about an hour and half of music from his amp with my Canton (Multi driver,89 DB) and the sound was excellent.There was more than enough power and at no stage did I find the amp struggling or the speakers wanting in any way .That was my first and last auditioning for an amp and now I am eagely waiting for it ( 3 weeks approx) to come home.


Welcome to the SET world.

However my meeting with Viren (Lyrita Audio )and auditioning his 2A3C SET amp changed all that.I listened to about an hour and half of music from his amp with my Canton (Multi driver,89 DB) and the sound was excellent.There was more than enough power and at no stage did I find the amp struggling or the speakers wanting in any way .That was my first and last auditioning for an amp and now I am eagely waiting for it ( 3 weeks approx) to come home.I hope you have similar luck in finding an amp which suits your speakers.Cheers

Wonderful to hear about your new amp. Please do let us know more in detail once it is with you. SET amps are supposed to be magic. However, they are traditionally always with low-power. For example, your 2A3C amp will deliver only 3 Watts per channel. But you are saying it had no problem driving your 89db Cantons. That's wonderful to hear! That also means that my calculation last week with 4 Watts of power, 85 db speakers and a 4m listening distance is not just theoretical, it can actually make sense at least with Viren's SET amp and your speakers. Great!:clapping:

Viren has another SET amp 6C33C which gives out 15 Watts per channel. Did you hear this amp as well? Why didn't you choose this one? Or is this one inferior to the 2A3C SET amp in some way. Both these amps cost the same, as far as I remember.

Anyway, I am really really pleasantly surprised that a 3 Watt SET amp can drive 89 db floorstanders. I thought you needed special (highly sensitive / high impedance / single-driver) speakers to be driven well by these valve SET amps. Push-pull designs (with low power valve designs) can usually accommodate more normal speakers.

Please keep us posted and congratulations for your new amp!
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Hi Asit,
At Virens place I had auditioned his push-pull and the single ended amp which I mentioned.The quality and texture of sound fom the SET was much better and very apparent.Then he wanted to have a go with his SET amp ,all of 3 watts,on my speakers and in my room.Like I said,the sound quality was fantastic.At 12 0clock ,the volume was very good ,Chris Botti was like playing his trumpet right in my ears exclusively for me !Viren is confident about it working well on my multi driver not so efficient speakers(89 db) . like you I have absolutely no intentions of changing my speakers.SET and single driver high efficiency speakers tango well ,I am sure it does ,the SQ on my set up convincd me that it works on other good speakers as well .I did not audition the SET 6C33C ,I guess he would have offered that in case the 2A3C did not work well with my speakers.As it turned out it did work well. Will let you guys know more when I get it in about 3 weeks time. Cheers
I just discovered a formula given by our forum member "soundsgreat" in post #26 of the thread .

The formula calculates the requirement of power from the amplifier for a given loudness level, distance of the listener from the speakers, sensitivity of the speakers and the dynamic headroom required. I think the formula calculates the amp power from requirements of a single speaker only. For two speakers with the amp in stereo mode, the loudness level should increase if there is constructive interference at the position of the listener (this is ensured if the listener sits equidistant from the two speakers).

The formlue:

dbW = Lreq - Lsens + HR + 20 x log (D2/Dref)

W = 10 raised to the power of (dbW/10)

In the above,
Lreq = loudness required at the listening position (in db)
Lsens = speaker sensitivity (in db)
HR = dynamic headroom neded (in db)
D2 = distance (in m) of listener from each speaker
Dref = Reference distance (taken to be 1m)
W = Powered required from the amp

Now, we should keep in mind that the power W that the formula is calculating is the instantaneous requirement from the amp for a given dynamic headroom, and has nothing to do with the RMS power of the amp that it is supposed to deliver continuously. Dynamic headroom of an amp can be several times the RMS power capability of the amp.

A big hearty thanks to soundsgreat for producing the formula. What I have done now is to use the formulae to produce some numbers for various situations. It very easily shows that if the continuous loudness level is kept at a sane level of 75db, how little power is required from the amp even if the dynamic headroom required is as big as 15db even with a insensitive speaker of 85db/W/m.

The attached table shows the power requirement for a lot of combinations with a seating distance of 3m.


Asit; [I said:
Viren has another SET amp 6C33C which gives out 15 Watts per channel. Did you hear this amp as well? Why didn't you choose this one? Or is this one inferior to the 2A3C SET amp in some way. Both these amps cost the same, as far as I remember.[/I]

Hi Asit,
Clarification .I have auditioned the 6C33C SET amp and thats the one I am going for and not the 2A3C .Got carried away there...
Asit; [I said:
Viren has another SET amp 6C33C which gives out 15 Watts per channel. Did you hear this amp as well? Why didn't you choose this one? Or is this one inferior to the 2A3C SET amp in some way. Both these amps cost the same, as far as I remember.[/I]

Hi Asit,
Clarification .I have auditioned the 6C33C SET amp and thats the one I am going for and not the 2A3C .Got carried away there...

Okay, that makes more sense and also in accordance with the table I made above. The table shows that with a 89db speaker only about 11 Watts of power is needed at 3m distance to achieve a dynamic headroom of 15db over a sustained level of 75db (amounting to a total loudness level of 90db). A 15 Watt (rms) amp should have enough reserves to accommodate dynamic headroom much above that 15 Watts. So loudness with your speakers should not be a problem. Still it's an example for the rest of us that a 15 Watts well-designed amp may just be enough for a 89db speaker pair. Viren is a well-respected person and if he himself auditioned and recommended the combination, I guess I shall accept it.

Just a clarification. The amp "nirmalprim" auditioned is the Lyrita 6C33C SET amp, not the 2A3 SET. Nirmal is not familiar (yet!) with valve lingo, and assumed the amp was the one mentioned on the Lyrita website.

That website is due for a revision soon - most of the products have evolved a bit more, and new ones have to be added.

I would never have recommended using the 2A3 SET with the Canton speakers. The 2A3 SET is very specific to be used with speakers of sensitivities of 93 dB or more. It was to allow pairing with a broader range of speakers that the 6C33C SET was designed, offering 15 watts of single-ended power per channel. So far, this amp has proven itself with Jamo floorstanders (an earlier version of the C800 series), the Canton floorstanders, and the Rogers Studio One monitors.

Hi Viren,
I'm guessing you're in Delhi. Is there anyway to audition your product(s?) in the south? Also, would it be possible for you to PM me the prices of both the 2A3 and the 6C33C amps? Thanks a lot.
Hi Viren,
I'm guessing you're in Delhi. Is there anyway to audition your product(s?) in the south? Also, would it be possible for you to PM me the prices of both the 2A3 and the 6C33C amps? Thanks a lot.

Hi Grubyhalo,

Where are you based in the South?

If you are in Madras you are welcome to audition Viren's 2A3 SET amp and his Phono Stage at my home.

Hi Guys,

Last evening i was attempting 'the ultimate upgrade' and the results are really superb!!!!!

Most of us have poor rooms and placement of our HIFI is always less than ideal. My current room is really small. The amount of time/money i spent on components/cables/tweaks was getting on my nerves. The sound of the set up is very good but i really felt the need to pull the speakers away from the rear/side walls which is not possible. At the moment the 805s are a foot away from the rear walls, and the right speaker is about 2 ft from the side wall.

The 'upgrade' was shifting the entire set up to my bed room which is larger. This was on the cards in a few months anyway but i just wanted a taste of it before i really made a few changes to my home. Though i will need another dedicated line/ new wall outlets/new A/V unit etc etc. This room is 16ft X 14 ft and i placed the speakers about 7 ft apart, sat about 10 ft away and there is almost 3 ft behind the speaker.

The sound of the set up is much much better. Any way i was happy with my set up but this experiment to a larger/better room seems the best and last upgrade for me.

Hi dinyaar,

I always had my speakers about 7 feet apart from each other and my listening position is about 10 feet from each speaker. I had these speakers in Germany, and then we moved to the US and now finally in India. At all of these places, they were placed with respect to my listening position like that. Even for my all Technics set-up before all this (as a student in US), the distances were roughly the same. I think this is the ideal position for the set-ups I have owned.

My Canton speakers do not need any toeing in. Their off-axis performance is great. Is that true for your 805's also? Usually I hear that people recommend a distance of 5ft or so between the speakers, or am I wrong?

My only regret is that I never tried different postioning of my speakers with respect to the walls, even though I have always put them in decent sized rooms (lack of planning and intent, I guess (read laziness)). They were always close to back walls and at least one of them was close to a side wall or another wooden cabinet.

BTW, I recently (while cleaning) found out that they are actually front-ported but the opening is small and has a sort of a grille in front to have escaped my detection before (will never succeed as a detective, I suppose). So the the user manual has it right in calling them bass-reflex speakers (I expressed some doubt about it in my first post of this thread and also once in another thread, I put across a question to cranky, I think).
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