First of all - let me clarify that this amp is now out of the picture - as due to a last moment large financial commitment I had to back off from this transaction. A lot of apologies were made but he understands that the situation is unavoidable and no grudges held.
So please know I haven't heard this amp.
To answer your question
@Credoh - I do not know how to really explain this except that I have known him for 15 years and he has introduced me to a lot of things music including various artists and brands like Marantz, Dali and Etymotic. We have a long history of listening music together. So I kind of get his preference and I know I do not like what he does and he finds my sound preference very lifeless and pointless and jingly jangly. His preference is a very dark sound signature where treble almost loses all its emotional characteristics - to my ears. So we had a long discussion and in our conversation he pointed out that - I will enjoy it and it is right up my ally as it sounds very similar to the soulless Etymotics - for me that is a compliment to the amp. His complaints were very common complaints you will find on many forums about Class D amps, which I completely disagree with. The couple of Class D amps I have heard are perfectly musical. So I was happy to take a leap of faith with a few 100 EURs written off the MRP.
Please note - like I said above I haven't heard this amp and this is all hearsay or imaginative analysis. So none of the above holds any value in true use case - I am making no comments on the sound signature of the amp.