Anyone know of any Purifi 1et400a based amplifiers

I have never heard an Apollon amp but have been reading about them for a decent while. Their evolution and their various offerings on international forums. They produce all highly regarded platforms, Hypex Ncore, Purifi & Icepower; and are generally very highly regarded as a company. "Most" of the negatives about them that I have read are primarily from the crowd that is still not convinced about class D and haven't tried the amp.

One of our board members in the UK and a dear friend just got this very amp and I asked him to tell me what he thinks, he told me the reasons he dislikes this amp and is willing to sell it and I was convinced as what he doesn't like is what I want exactly - we have diametrically opposite tastes, so as he wants to get rid of this, I have requested him to hold on this amp for a day or two so I can confirm that I want this - I will get a couple 100 EURs written off the packet too, so that is a pretty good deal.

I just wanted to know if there are any other amps out there with the same amp module to compare before I call it a day.
Very interesting topic. Could you pls elaborate on what exactly your friend did not like that fits the bill for you?
First of all - let me clarify that this amp is now out of the picture - as due to a last moment large financial commitment I had to back off from this transaction. A lot of apologies were made but he understands that the situation is unavoidable and no grudges held.

So please know I haven't heard this amp.

To answer your question @Credoh - I do not know how to really explain this except that I have known him for 15 years and he has introduced me to a lot of things music including various artists and brands like Marantz, Dali and Etymotic. We have a long history of listening music together. So I kind of get his preference and I know I do not like what he does and he finds my sound preference very lifeless and pointless and jingly jangly. His preference is a very dark sound signature where treble almost loses all its emotional characteristics - to my ears. So we had a long discussion and in our conversation he pointed out that - I will enjoy it and it is right up my ally as it sounds very similar to the soulless Etymotics - for me that is a compliment to the amp. His complaints were very common complaints you will find on many forums about Class D amps, which I completely disagree with. The couple of Class D amps I have heard are perfectly musical. So I was happy to take a leap of faith with a few 100 EURs written off the MRP.

Please note - like I said above I haven't heard this amp and this is all hearsay or imaginative analysis. So none of the above holds any value in true use case - I am making no comments on the sound signature of the amp.
Based out of Hawaii, there's this boutique hi-fi manufacturer/dealer - Underwood Hi-Fi who manufacturers amplifiers under the Living Sounds Audio [LSA] name and they have a Class D amplifier named Discovery Warp 1. A friend bought this blind on someone else's recommendation, and 2 weeks later he sold his very expensive solid state amplifier. He raves about it so though it does not use Purifi modules, if so inclined, you might look this up as an option.
First of all - let me clarify that this amp is now out of the picture - as due to a last moment large financial commitment I had to back off from this transaction. A lot of apologies were made but he understands that the situation is unavoidable and no grudges held.

So please know I haven't heard this amp.

To answer your question @Credoh - I do not know how to really explain this except that I have known him for 15 years and he has introduced me to a lot of things music including various artists and brands like Marantz, Dali and Etymotic. We have a long history of listening music together. So I kind of get his preference and I know I do not like what he does and he finds my sound preference very lifeless and pointless and jingly jangly. His preference is a very dark sound signature where treble almost loses all its emotional characteristics - to my ears. So we had a long discussion and in our conversation he pointed out that - I will enjoy it and it is right up my ally as it sounds very similar to the soulless Etymotics - for me that is a compliment to the amp. His complaints were very common complaints you will find on many forums about Class D amps, which I completely disagree with. The couple of Class D amps I have heard are perfectly musical. So I was happy to take a leap of faith with a few 100 EURs written off the MRP.

Please note - like I said above I haven't heard this amp and this is all hearsay or imaginative analysis. So none of the above holds any value in true use case - I am making no comments on the sound signature of the amp.
Thanks Chander. I think a lot of these subjective terms can sometimes be difficult to extrapolate - dark, warm etc - but I think I get the general idea. At this stage I'd look for an amp that should be as close to neutral & distortion free (measured) as possible. Out of curiosity, what were the other Class Ds you had heard in the past pls?

I have heard Marantz Model 30 and contemplated getting it also - but couldn't justify the cost, as I love the sound of my AL6000a with the Quad S1s. Marantz though sounded better with my S1s - specially bringing out the top end and flattening the lower end a bit so it was very controlled, but I couldn't justify the cost of buying it.

I have heard Crown XLS 15XX - forgot which exactly - which were not better than my AL6000a but for the price are perfectly fine amps and were fine with my Quad S1s. Also as I listen to near field, I could hear the fan sometimes, not sure why as I do not really listen to very high volume, around around 65/70 DB average, but I do listen all day pretty much so maybe that's why the fans would come on.

In the higher end I heard the -
1 - NAD M10 & M33 - though not with my own speakers and I very much liked the M10 over the M33. But different setups so not really a comparison. M10 is another amp I really considered getting - the all in one was fantastic but again couldn't justify the loss of selling my BS Node 2i & Al6000a to buy this.
2 - Peachtree - forgot which one - but an integrated - with some Elac Floorstander - they had a folded ribbon tweeter, and sounded MEH. Nothing to write home about, hence do not remember. The amp was gorgeous looking though.
& 3 - Mytek Brooklyn amp with a Topping DAC & preamp & BS node 2i. They were paired with some Bookshelf from a brand I have never heard of before, so do not remember. But it was very zippy. I remember I was very impressed by the bass - super sharp, come and go, silent.
First of all - let me clarify that this amp is now out of the picture - as due to a last moment large financial commitment I had to back off from this transaction. A lot of apologies were made but he understands that the situation is unavoidable and no grudges held.

Too bad that things did not work out. I have heard some really good things about the amps from Apollon Audio and have been talking about Purifi based amps on a few other forums. It really does seem that the Purifi and N Core based amps are starting to come off age.

I think you are on to something here with Apollon Audio. They have my interest right now.

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