So for I read through this entire thread for the last 30 mins and ended up doing 2 things.
1.) Grabbing the code to register for ARAMEX before it vanished. Now I am charged only 5 USD.
2.) Adding a new US Paypal Address.
Surprisingly, for me it worked. This is what I did
- logged into Paypal
- login denied, forgot password.... lol.... reset password, tried logging in again, login successful.
- in My account --> Profile --> Add or Edit Street Address.
It showed me a list of linked addressed and option to remove them, or add new ones.
I added a new address and it got added successfully.
What problem are you guys facing.
Although, there is still a problem with my Paypal account, but thats not linked to adding a new address.
I moved out of US and didn't use this Paypal account for a while so as a security mechanism, they are still waiting for me to do to the Pending Phone verification.
I need to give them a US Phone number which will be then linked to my Paypal Account and they would send a unique code at that number. Once that's done, I will be good to start using Paypal for shopping from the US.
Thanks MGdelhi for the code