ATC SCM 50 vs JBL Synthesis 4367

That doesn’t sound like just stating one’s view, but a definitive statement on what constitutes love of music.

I can't speak for one's subjective interpretation of my post. I hope people read my post literally rather than emotionally. I encourage you to reread my post in it's entirety and to be taken as a whole. Failing which, since there is no other option, please feel free to interpret it as you please though your personal interpretation will not sway the meaning of my post, the meaning of which is clear. My post still stands.
I just upgraded from SCM 40 Actives to 50 Actives and I can tell you without a shadow of a doubt that you should hear a pair of 50s before buying anything else. I've had Spendors, JBLs, KEFs, etc and the 50s are far and away the best speakers I've heard in this price range. Don't believe the "ATC sound clinical and dry" myth. I have yet to find a type of music that they cannot play (from Baroque, to Drill). I have been sitting up til 2-3am every day listening to tracks I know intimately as well as completely new music because the improvement is dazzling. They're fast, tight, and contrary to what I was expecting - "warm" in that they make most tracks sound interesting because you hear exactly how they were mixed. Sure they reveal every nuance of the production process (who knew Paul Young was so poorly produced..?) but by revealing each channel more clearly than anything I've ever heard, you imagine yourself in the mastering room. Their defining characteristics? 1) channel separation 2) seamless integration between drivers 3) detailed tight bass 4) soundstage is wide rather than deep 5) and above all, their effortlessness. There is one secret: I use mine with an RME2 Dac with Loudness on which at lower volumes say less than -30db - makes them come alive. Otherwise you need serious SPL to hear their power. I could go on..they are fantastic and I don't even feel the need for SCM 100s let alone 300s (yet!)
I also had a chance for a small listening session on my friend's recently aquired SCM100 actives , and the expereince was similar. Being a Harbeth p3esr user I was taken aback at how much like in tonality , it was to the british LS 3/5a monitor sound , but also realised they were miles ahead in every respect , especially dynamics . The stars of the show were of course the midrange driver and the 12" woofer that gave a clean but relaxed nature to the sound. Cant wait for a longer session.
Wonderful speaker ! what Amp are you driving it with...they love low power tubes preferably SETs.

Also which year of manufacture is it ?
Its AL5, recent model of la scala but there is new AL6 since coming soon i guess

driving with Mcintosh pre and power amp. But will move to SET amp when i find one or move to Mcintosh mc275 vintage but current tube power model
Its AL5, recent model of la scala but there is new AL6 since coming soon i guess

driving with Mcintosh pre and power amp. But will move to SET amp when i find one or move to Mcintosh mc275 vintage but current tube power model
Very Happy for you. it will be worth spending time on setting it up. this is a speaker which will do very wll placed against its back wall to get better bass.
Perhaps the MC275 is too powerful considering you will not need more than 4-5 W at any time so getting any nice SET or even Push Pull up to 20W will be very good
Nope :) i will be judged as stupid for buying la scala for typical indian living room :)

but we all are (have been) stupid in this hobby :)
Superb!! Congratulation's! What a dream setup! I recently watched a demo video on SkyFi Audio where they showcased all the Klipsch models. The La Scala, in particular, was on a whole different level—truly impressive!
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