Bug Head Player

Just to add to Nikhil's suggestions, Rewrite can also be used to rewrite your music tracks. Choose a folder containing the music you want to play and click Rewrite button. This needs to be repeated over time as its effect wanes over time. I think this is because Windows' less than optimal way of writing and storing files in hard disk. Defrag is a long and painful process we used to use for improving computer speed. It stores data of a file in contiguous regions of the disk instead of spreading it over unrelated regions, this speeding up read/write speed. Rewrite is something similar (though I guess it does more than simply defrag) but can be applied over a small area of the disk instead of having to do it to the whole disk.

Thank you JLS - i am not sure if i understand correctly. I think player does the rewrite everytime by default when it plays the track. What is the use of separate rewrite icon in my desktop? i clicked it and nothing happened. May be i need to try that again.

Thanks very much for your very informative posts that inspired me to use this player and I am glad i did that.

i clicked it and nothing happened. May be i need to try that again.

Double click the Rewrite icon on the desktop. It should bring up a very busy looking window which allows you to choose to rewrite drivers or audio tracks.

Rewrite at the time of playback rewrites the audio tracks but doesn't do anything to the drivers. So invoking the Rewrite independently before actual playback allows you to rewrite drivers as well.

By the way, I can trace the driver for my sound card to the driver folder in OS directory (Windows>system32>drivers) but I can't Rewrite it as I can't go to that file from within Rewrite window. Rewrite expects to find a folder, not an individual file, so it's not possible in my case

I do the next best thing - I run an optimisation script written by member Keith who kindly sent it to me. This allows me to select both Infinity Blade process and my sound card driver process and assign the highest priorities to both processes. Thanks Keith :thumbsup:

If you're running Windows 10 or Server 2012, the set of instructions which Keith had compiled (on another thread around here) for optimising the computer are MUST do. I've done most of it and I'm a very happy camper:)

Since most tasks in his instructions are fairly advanced tasks for a regular user like me who's not too savvy with the inner workings of Windows, it took me nearly three and half hours to complete it but it's worth it.
Do try different settings of buffer in ASIO driver. Click ASIO button on bottom right of player main screen, choose your driver and change the current/default setting of 512 to 1024. Try playing again. If there's still clicks and pops (basically it's stuttering), change to next higher value of 2048. Sometimes using a lower value of 256 worked on some versions of Bug Head/Infinity Blade. So do experiment.

May I know which ASIO driver you're using?

Not sure about the ASIO driver. It says Asio for USB. Drivrs downloaded when I used Schiit Modi Uber 2 for the first time. I will try your suggestions tomorrow and update. Basic version is working fine. Stuttering happens when I add other options.
I was going thru the website Highend-AudioPC - High-End Computer Audio

after downloading their PDF manual for tweaking of PC , came across one statement on page no 18...as shown below

If such a website recommends Bughead ...:clapping:
No need to be intolerant I must say...live and let live..


That's right, Dheeraj :thumbsup:

I'm the sole user of my music PC so only one user created with full admin rights, so I tend to forget about using admin privileges:)
I was going thru the website Highend-AudioPC - High-End Computer Audio
If such a website recommends Bughead ...:clapping:
No need to be intolerant I must say...live and let live..

This is a guy trying to sell his own product. So obviously he is going to push products that work well with his own product/implementation. No offense to anyone.

If such a website recommends Bughead ...:clapping:
No need to be intolerant I must say...live and let live..

Now that you've read that PDF, please try making the recommended changes in BIOS.

Though the recommendations are for Server 2012, it's applicable to Windows 10.
Now that you've read that PDF, please try making the recommended changes in BIOS.

Though the recommendations are for Server 2012, it's applicable to Windows 10.
And for Windows 7 too. That [and more] is part of my tweaks to come in the next installment of my Win 10 tweaking pdf - so much to do, so little time!
Double click the Rewrite icon on the desktop. It should bring up a very busy looking window which allows you to choose to rewrite drivers or audio tracks.

Rewrite at the time of playback rewrites the audio tracks but doesn't do anything to the drivers. So invoking the Rewrite independently before actual playback allows you to rewrite drivers as well.

By the way, I can trace the driver for my sound card to the driver folder in OS directory (Windows>system32>drivers) but I can't Rewrite it as I can't go to that file from within Rewrite window. Rewrite expects to find a folder, not an individual file, so it's not possible in my case

I do the next best thing - I run an optimisation script written by member Keith who kindly sent it to me. This allows me to select both Infinity Blade process and my sound card driver process and assign the highest priorities to both processes. Thanks Keith :thumbsup:

If you're running Windows 10 or Server 2012, the set of instructions which Keith had compiled (on another thread around here) for optimising the computer are MUST do. I've done most of it and I'm a very happy camper:)

Since most tasks in his instructions are fairly advanced tasks for a regular user like me who's not too savvy with the inner workings of Windows, it took me nearly three and half hours to complete it but it's worth it.

Thanks JLS - So you suggest every time when I play a album, I should use rewrite first and play or it can rewrite the whole directory of music at single click? Apologies for the dumb questions. I have windows 8 in my Laptop and it is used by others in the family too so can not take risk of touching settings without confirming the implications (You know once I defragmented C drive and PC stopped booting itself). I can dedicate another laptop but it is Celeron with only 1 GB processor.
Thanks JLS - So you suggest every time when I play a album, I should use rewrite first and play or it can rewrite the whole directory of music at single click? Apologies for the dumb questions. I have windows 8 in my Laptop and it is used by others in the family too so can not take risk of touching settings without confirming the implications (You know once I defragmented C drive and PC stopped booting itself). I can dedicate another laptop but it is Celeron with only 1 GB processor.

You cannot Rewrite the whole music directory:) It works only at folder level.

I don't know if there's a recommended Rewrite interval, but once I do it I usually don't repeat the same folder. May be it would be advisable to Rewrite if you're playing the folder after a long time.

The Celeron with 1 GB will not be adequate for Bug Head.
Finally my gaming PC got some use....:D

Does anyone use any advance modes other than normal. Which one you liked and why??
If you mean you cannot rewrite contents of a folder and sub-folders within that folder - you can - click the "search sub directory" button.

Thanks for the pointer. Will try this out. I organise all my songs as \Music\Genre\Individual Albums (even CD 1 and 2 or 3 in multi-disc albums are at this level and not within sub folders), so have never really felt the need to Rewrite all contents of a folder including sub folders.

6.59 is out.

Looks like I missed all versions from 6.50.
Anyone try out the versions in between?

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