Class D is still not as good in 2024?

If I am not mistaken the Evolution is their entry level series. I wouldn’t waste my time on it. With these companies you have to go for their top of the line. The lower models are introduced only to milk the brand name.

I heard the Mola Mola a couple of years back. Came away very unimpressed. All these amps have great specs but somehow I have not been able to see that translate into musicality. Some day I would like to hear Atmasphere Class D amps.
I couldn’t interpret the prose so got an AI to help

The HiFi Rose RA280 review on Darko.Audio discusses the performance of the RA280 amplifier, highlighting its ability to deliver detailed sound with a focus on the low noise floor. The reviewer notes that unlike other class D amplifiers that emphasize extreme detail, the RA280 maintains a balanced sound with a strong emphasis on the midrange. This is particularly evident in the way it handles vocals, which are described as "warm and inviting." The amplifier's ability to handle a wide range of music genres is also praised, from classical to electronic and rock. Overall, the RA280 is seen as a well-rounded amplifier that excels in its ability to produce a natural and engaging sound

Courtesy perplexity ai
I kind of suspected that’s what he said but didn’t know for sure.😄
Since we live in interesting times, Do we know if perplexity ai has any financial ties with hifirose?
Joining this discussion rather late but I have to admit that I am one of those who are cheering for Class D.

My interest in high end Class D was piqued by this article by Jeff Day (introducing the SPEC RSA-M3 EX) which is a long fascinating read. If you are an audio enthusiast, I would highly recommend it for the sheer audio history in there. More recently Dean Waters wrote a very favorable review of the Mola Mola Perca Amplifier which is based on the new 5th generation Class D called Trajectum.

If I have to make a pick - Class D with a Tube buffer is what has my attention right now.

Interesting times IMO.

Just to get a sense as to what all areas of customer expectations would benefit if Class D starts sounding as good as Class A or A/B?

Is it going to be -

a. Amplifier's weight
b. Better fidelity than Class A, A/B
c. Heat radiation
d. Size of the amplifier
e. Fidelity at lower price

I just like to hear what shortcomings you all see in Class A/B that make you interested in development taking place in the area of Class D.
Back in 2003/2004, when I was buying yet another CD player (and I had a collection of 500 cd's), I recall this conversation with an audio lover friend of mine who was working in IT. He said that convergence of computer audio into mainstream was inevitable, not only for convenience but for SQ as well. I smirked to myself, thinking to myself that this is impossible - maybe for video, but definitely not for audio. Well here we are, 20 years later, I have about 15-20 cd's left but I am enjoying new jazz releases every week on qobuz.
At the same time, I was big into tube amplifiers (albeit push/pull - I could never get into SET due to the type of speakers I preferred), to me they were the best sounding. And I had the same thoughts then on amps., that this it it - I will never move away from tubes - I wouldn't even consider solid state Class A or A/B then. Well here we are now 20 years later - I don't own any tube amplifiers, but I own a Class D amp. and am planning to consider more down the road.
Not sure for others, for me at-least these devices are going to be ubiquitous soon, just as streamers are, and not just due to convenience but also due to sound quality. And I foresee many mainstream - so called high end brands also getting into these type of amplification devices soon.
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recently got aiyima a07 max, which is on sale in amazon. i'm surprised how clean the audio.
Just 3 days back Erin had reviewed and liked it. But Amir Sir (ASR forum) found channel imbalance in his tests.
So you are satisfied, which speakers ?
I think many will be surprised at how good well implemented Class D sounds. We need to distinguish between budget friendly offerings as well. Class D just happens to be available at very affordable prices which has led to them being implemented at scale in most consumer goods offerings but that should not define the way we think Class D sounds.

The sound of an amp depends on the implementation and design. Class D amps are going to be more and more popular and it would help to explore the options available with an open mind.

Just 3 days back Erin had reviewed and liked it. But Amir Sir (ASR forum) found channel imbalance in his tests.
So you are satisfied, which speakers ?
I'm using pioneer aj speakers. i didn't find that issue or not observed close enough. But my friend also ordered same and he said he got that issue of 1 to 1.5 db channel imbalance.
The sense I am getting after doing some reading is that by the time Class D becomes acceptable to Class A/B folks, it will be more expensive than Class A/B amplifiers. In my opinion, it will defeat one of the purposes/reasons of cost why designers got inclined towards Class D.
Another interesting thought that comes to my mind is that these circuits with switching devices on them are the culprits of causing noise, which is what needs to be controlled and mitigated. The day they are able control/mitigate the noise, they can come back to switching power supplies and may start replacing the bulkier linear supplies from Class A/B with SMPSs. Just my thought, I see an impending tech-war where we all could be potential martyrs :).
The sense I am getting after doing some reading is that by the time Class D becomes acceptable to Class A/B folks, it will be more expensive than Class A/B amplifiers. In my opinion, it will defeat one of the purposes/reasons of cost why designers got inclined towards Class D.
In my opinion, going ahead the future will be excellent wireless / BT headphones and wifi connected active speakers. Most of the existing kit we use for digital will vanish, or demand will be so low, that prices will be exorbitant. Only Vinyl and tubes might survive as a niche I think.

Once big corporations with the deep pockets of apple or samsung get down to do home audio properly and manufacture at scale, then the power of advanced processing with modern tech will most likely beat everything we have today except at the high end. A Dutch& Dutch 8C or Kii3 made by Samsung or LG will cost 1000 dollars at most.
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Just for fun -
I'm using pioneer aj speakers. i didn't find that issue or not observed close enough. But my friend also ordered same and he said he got that issue of 1 to 1.5 db channel imbalance.
Basically points to very poor quality control. Aiyama is best avoided. Fosi is a tad better in QC but it does have its own set of issues like sudden death.
I have just started using a class d amp - fosi audio v3 - initial impressions are great. I used to have a "classic" class-d amp - the venerable Panasonic SA-XR57, which was one of the first to use tripath and use TI chips. It was brilliant and I feel bad I "upgraded?" to a Denon AVR-X1300 for the atmos part, but sonically Panasonic was way way better.
This Fosi Audio definitely comes close and may be better, as I am still running the new gear in.
Wharfedale Linton Heritage Speakers in Walnut finish at a Special Offer Price. BUY now before the price increase.