Class D is still not as good in 2024?

I have just started using a class d amp - fosi audio v3 - initial impressions are great. I used to have a "classic" class-d amp - the venerable Panasonic SA-XR57, which was one of the first to use tripath and use TI chips. It was brilliant and I feel bad I "upgraded?" to a Denon AVR-X1300 for the atmos part, but sonically Panasonic was way way better.
This Fosi Audio definitely comes close and may be better, as I am still running the new gear in.
and I am no audiophile, so YMMV
Bryston - the venerable class a/b amplifier manufacturer with famous 20 year warranties has entered Class D:
Btw linear toroid power supplies for class D is nothing new, nuprime was and is doing it from a few years . This is the ST10, I used to own it and it sounded very good indeed.

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TI TPA3255 based amps like Fosi Audio v3, ZA3, Aiyima A07, Wiim Amp are very good - my FOsi Audio v3 is tonally quite pure.
Now Fosi has a new TI TPA3255 on Amazon for Rs 13,800 or so with balanced inputs and can be used as a monoblock. I got one Aiyama A07 few months back and was quite satisified with it. Dead silent even with volume control at max when there is no input. My son took that amp to connect it to his tv. I'm eyeing this and will pull the trigger if there is a further discount in the amazon freedom sale that starts tomorrow. I have an ancient dac from 2012 with balanced out and I will connect it to the dac's balanced out.

I'm also on the lookout for this speaker switch from Fosi audio. It was available on last month for Rs 15000 or so. Maybe it will be again put on sale during the freedom sale.
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That rating is based on the ASR review right? Or is it from actual users?
These ratings are from actual users and one can go through all the posts where users posts both good and bad (e.g. the phase inversion problem, rca connector quality). Yes, there will be detractors who have equipment many times the cost of these amps who will never be happy. They can criticize ASR. It's a free world after all and to each is own from where to take informed decisions.

The current review page for v3 mono blocks is running into 149 pages, which itself indicates how popular that amp has become
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ASR is the biggest joke website out there. I can't think of any other review site that does not "listen" to audio equipment.
In my opinion, the joke is more on "reviews" that are based on listening and people who make purchase decisions based on these reviews. It's a given that everyone hears differently, each room affects the sound differently and each component affects sonics differently, right? So what value these reviewers that listen as opposed to ASR? There is no standard reference and ASR for all the bashing they get at least have a standard.
Take for example a well known reviewer reviewing speaker X with Source A by listening to it. People make a decision to buy speaker X based on that review even though they are going to hook it up with Source B.
What use is that review and how stupid to buy based off that review? Same works for ASR too. But insinuation that one is better than the other is incorrect, IMO.
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In my opinion, the joke is more on "reviews" that are based on listening and people who make purchase decisions based on these reviews. It's a given that everyone hears differently, each room affects the sound differently and each component affects sonics differently, right? So what value these reviewers that listen as opposed to ASR? There is no standard reference and ASR for all the bashing they get at least have a standard.
Take for example a well known reviewer reviewing speaker X with Source A by listening to it. People make a decision to buy speaker X based on that review even though they are going to hook it up with Source B.
What use is that review and how stupid to buy based off that review? Same works for ASR too. But insinuation that one is better than the other is incorrect, IMO.
To counter that, what use is the SINAD of a device if it is 95dB or 105dB? There is absolutely no chance that you will hear a difference. What you will hear though is differences due to topology of the device or the parts used internally or the robustness of the power supply. These may or may not affect the final SINAD of the device.

Ranking devices by SINAD is the dumbest thing one can do. As for the case you mention, there is natural synergy between certain components. If those synergies are mentioned to work for DAC A or AMP B and Speaker X, it makes sense to buy both or none at all.
To counter that, what use is the SINAD of a device if it is 95dB or 105dB? There is absolutely no chance that you will hear a difference. What you will hear though is differences due to topology of the device or the parts used internally or the robustness of the power supply. These may or may not affect the final SINAD of the device.

Ranking devices by SINAD is the dumbest thing one can do. As for the case you mention, there is natural synergy between certain components. If those synergies are mentioned to work for DAC A or AMP B and Speaker X, it makes sense to buy both or none at all.
I agree (for the most part) and don't dispute the futility of what you state.
I did check ASR reviews when available to help decide regularly in the past. The graphs were impressive.
Until I saw the review of the MHDT Pagoda which Amir found to be the worst measuring DAC among all DACs tested by him.
I have extensively listened to the MHDT Havana (over a year) and more recently the MHDT Orchid (said to be very similar to the Pagoda) and loved their tone and presentation. I have no explanation except that when it comes to DACs they are not measuring what really matters to me.

It’s possible to measure the dimensions and quantity of water in a container very accurately but impossible to measure its taste objectively?
Guys, I have had mixed experiences with reviews on ASR. On the one hand I have discovered a whole cornucopia of Chinese Hi-fi, that in my objective tests have outperformed some of the higher end/more expensive gear from the western nations, while at the same time just interpreting measurements without listening is a dis-service to the manufacturer's imo, as I have discovered in some listening experiences. As in life/geopolitics etc., one has to balance both subjective/objective opinions and conclude for themselves. However fwiw the equipment reviewed in ASR is relatively usually in-expensive compared to main stream audio companies, so one can procure and try for themselves - I recently got this -
It will beat the pants off any $1000 pre amp - ss or tube out there (I bought it just for the pre-amp stage).
At the same time I bought this -
I can tell you confidently, paired with a subwoofer - this will beat the pants off any $1000 speaker's out there, regardless of what ASR measurements show. So at-least to me it is a question of being able to audition rather than trust anything blindly.
Any way my subjective opinion - as that is what is the question here - YMMV.
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I always look at ASR review and most importantly the poll result where members, who own the product vote for it. The polls cannot be wrong (unless one takes a cynical view that all members who join ASR are some kind of retards). Review posts always start with few standard measurements. The most controversial figure are the SINAD numbers, which I never look at. I look for things like the frequency curves channel imbalance, AC noise creeping into the output, build quality, power supply, etc. Once the review is posted the thing that is more important is not the review but the posts by members who buy the product and posts issues they find with the product. The thing about ASR is that that many manufacturers take the measurements and the feedback seriously. Special mention must be made for three Chinese manufacturers Toppings, SMSL and Fosi. Many of the product improvements of the Chinese products are a result of the debates on the ASR forum. Similar to ASR, the diyaudio forum also has manufacturers part of the forum. The diyaudio forum is where the device is taken apart and shortcomings posted. One Indian manufacturer (Allo which has closed shop) was part of both these forums. I have taken at least two decisions thanks to ASR and diyaudio forum and I'm glad I did. Like it or not, forums like ASR and diyaudio are there to stay and IMO, they are doing a huge service to the gullible user who get swayed by youtube and audiophile magazine reviews.
Once the review is posted the thing that is more important is not the review but the posts by members who buy the product and posts issues they find with the product.
This I agree with 100%, once we get feedback from real users, it is definitely a reason to investigate, because at this point both subjective/objective opinions are getting converged.
So we are left between

2. A group who independently measures what they can objectively even if it’s not possible to measure the most important aspects that impact musical reproduction .


Manufacturers who publish data of their own products, some of whom may not be trustworthy

Best is to listen for ourselves and decide free of any external influences or opinions as possible
Best is to listen for ourselves and decide free of any external influences or opinions as possible
It is what I have recommended from the past 12 years or so!
True all, but seems like v3 monoblock is a very popular product..both measures well as well as sounds good as per ASR and reddit real life reviews.

Fosi v3 monoblock is the only class D that has been
I always look at ASR review and most importantly the poll result where members, who own the product vote for it. The polls cannot be wrong (unless one takes a cynical view that all members who join ASR are some kind of retards). Review posts always start with few standard measurements. The most controversial figure are the SINAD numbers, which I never look at. I look for things like the frequency curves channel imbalance, AC noise creeping into the output, build quality, power supply, etc. Once the review is posted the thing that is more important is not the review but the posts by members who buy the product and posts issues they find with the product. The thing about ASR is that that many manufacturers take the measurements and the feedback seriously. Special mention must be made for three Chinese manufacturers Toppings, SMSL and Fosi. Many of the product improvements of the Chinese products are a result of the debates on the ASR forum. Similar to ASR, the diyaudio forum also has manufacturers part of the forum. The diyaudio forum is where the device is taken apart and shortcomings posted. One Indian manufacturer (Allo which has closed shop) was part of both these forums. I have taken at least two decisions thanks to ASR and diyaudio forum and I'm glad I did. Like it or not, forums like ASR and diyaudio are there to stay and IMO, they are doing a huge service to the gullible user who get swayed by youtube and audiophile magazine reviews.
And interestingly the fosi v3 monoblock next gen is reviewed well on ASR. Outstandingly well actually.
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