DENON Owners thread

Hi Guys!
I have a question regarding the surround modes. I think it is the same for all AVRs starting from the xx13 series.

Suppose I engage a particular surround mode for a specific source. It automatically remembers that. How can I disengage it?

e.g. One of my BDs has a Dolby TrueHD 5.1 track as well as a Dolby TrueHD 2.0 track. So when I first started watching the 2.0 track I enegaged the PLIIc Movie surround mode for more immersion. But now the problem is that whenever I select that track it automatically goes into PLIIc mode. How can I get to watch it again in 2.0?

U can Bit stream it (it will be in the audio settings of BD player) in your Blue ray player ,so that the AVR will do the decoding job and then u can select the required audio formats from ur BDplayer (thro Audio selection in ur remote) ..Hope this may helps..
Thanks for replying, but thats not my issue. The AVR does the decoding using the surround mode, but it remembers and applies it everytime for the same source. So when I use a BD to see the Dolby TrueHD 2.0 in PLIIc 5.1, it automatically applies it every time. I cant seem to find an option to off it. When i switch to the Dolby TrueHD 5.1 or DTS HD MA it automatically switches to the proper mode. But I cannot get it to play as 2.0 unless I choose stereo surround mode or Pure/Direct.
Please suggest good center speaker for denon avr 1513. I'm using 8 ohms sony front speakers and 16 ohm sony rear speakers
11 speaker connections, 13.2 pre-outs (middle of back panel).


Note connections for front height speakers and rear height speakers.

Great going by Denon... 13.2 Channels preout.. He he OMG... So front wides, front high, surround, surround back & surround height .....Fabulous...

There might be an other model next year which is Denon X9200W which is 13.2 AVR ...

Would be interesting to see Onkyo's move
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Dolby has been wanting 7.1 +4 heights for their first generation Atmos layouts. This receiver seems to be a prelude to that. But no mention of object-audio decoding (might be added later via firmware update).
But no mention of object-audio decoding (might be added later via firmware update).
Spoke too soon.

Denon AVR-X3100W, AVR-X4100W, AVR-X5200W et AVR-X7200W, demandez le programme !

For those that can't read French:

AVR-X4100W: 7.2 Dolby Atmos, available in September at a price of 1,500 euros

AVR-X5200W: 9.2 Dolby Atmos, available in September at a price of 2,000 euros

AVR-X7200W: 9.2 Dolby Atmos, available in January 2015 at a price of 2,800 euros

All Denons of course.
When this new models were available in india any idea Atmosphere will be in X2100? ?
Great to hear this news...dolby atmos in avr.........
In a 7.1 AVR no less, showing that Atmos doesn't require a ton of speakers. 3 front, 2 surrounds, 2 heights, allows you to separate sounds in the front soundstage vs sounds around you vs sounds above you.

More speakers would give better precision, but at least a 7.1 Atmos AVR lets you cover the main vectors: soundstage vs surround field vs overhead.
Is that any avr having auro 3d...???
If you go to the Auro website, the only AVR manufacturers listed as partners are Denon & Marantz.

So who knows when Auro will show up on AVRs, but I can guess which brand will be one of the firsts, if not the first (see title of this thread).
the X5200 is exactly what I have been waiting for. ...possibly the X7200 if it has an 11 channel amplifier built in (does anyone know?).

I am greatly looking forward to the release of these new models (to be announced to the US this December from what I have been told).

I will finally be giving up on Onkyo as my brand of choice.
the X5200 is exactly what I have been waiting for. ...possibly the X7200 if it has an 11 channel amplifier built in (does anyone know?).

I am greatly looking forward to the release of these new models (to be announced to the US this December from what I have been told).
According to the French site I linked to earlier, the X5200W is due out in September.
I will finally be giving up on Onkyo as my brand of choice.
Good move, since Onkyo is dropping Audyssey room correction in a cost cutting decision, replacing it with the free/cheap equalization that comes in the DSP decoding chip.
Just as the Marantz 8801 was a pre-pro version of the Denon 4520 receiver, the just-announced Marantz 8802 will be the pre-pro version of the Denon 7200 receiver.

Good move, since Onkyo is dropping Audyssey room correction in a cost cutting decision, replacing it with the free/cheap equalization that comes in the DSP decoding chip.

Is Onkyo dropping the Audyssey for its entire range of AVR products (or) would they retain for Higher end series from 1010 onwards...
Is Onkyo dropping the Audyssey for its entire range of AVR products (or) would they retain for Higher end series from 1010 onwards...
I was hoping it was only for their lowest priced models, but even AVRs costing $1200 on their website no longer have Audyssey. Maybe their very top models will still have Audyssey, but that remains to be seen.
Any idea (or another thread?) when Denon S series is expected? They are taking pre-orders on their US website. Release is planned for June, the site says. S700w with 7.2 is priced at $449 (link), comes with HDMI 2.0, built in wifi and BT. Seems like killer pricing. Even if the India price is $800, it is still worth it, considering a n/w capable Pioneer VSX 823 sells around the same price. This one is sort of future proof with HDMI 2.0. Any thoughts/ leads?
Onkyo ,Pioneer is also having Dolby atmos..Ofcourse Onkyo HTiB is having Dolby Atmos enabled speakers (Top firing speakers in lieu of ceiling speakers to recreate the height dimensions )
Seems the speaker technology itself changing for Dolby Atmos (if ceiling speakers are of space constraint)..

Read in some Internet reviews that AURO 3D AVR is already launched and some Bluray formats already contains AURO 3D codec..
Auro-3D Processors & AVR | The Emotiva Lounge
Datasat LS10 mid-range home cinema processor | Datasat Digital Entertainment
StormAudio - Homepage>Products>3D AV Surround Sound Processors..

As theater /Movies people already somewhat struggling to stick on (adopt) the 3D sound formats..
In my view ..Home theater enthusiastic should be given the option of adapting both decoders or common platform to be established..(for both Dolby Atmos, Auro 3D etc.,)

Any views on this..
Purchase the Audiolab 6000A Integrated Amplifier at a special offer price.