DIY Enclosure/Cabinet for PowerAmp & PreAmp

Updated for folks who want the knobs

Color: Black
Material: TBD
Shaft diameter as measured by Jayant from samples sent to him by Sachin:

Potentiometer: 6.3mm
Selector: 6.0mm

Folks who want knobs - so far:
  • keith_correa [7 pot knobs + 5 selector knobs]
  • jls001 [1 pot knob + 1 selector knob]
  • hydra [1 pot knob + 1 selector knob]
  • apk [2 pot knobs + 2 selector knobs]
  • TheCoolestOne [4 pot knobs + 4 selector knobs]
  • mbhangui [1 pot knob + 1 selector knob]
  • vktarun [1 pot knob + 1 selector knob]
  • ruenigma [1 pot knob + 1 selector knob]
  • jai1611 [1 pot knob + 1 selector knob]
  • baswamin [2 pot knobs + 1 selector knob]
  • gvenu [1 pot knob + 1 selector knob]
  • rohitmusic [1 pot knob + 1 selector knob]
  • sann [1 pot knob + 1 selector knob]
But when are we going to close GB and place order? ;)
Cabinet work is over, this is the last piece of the DIY kit to be received!
I'm ready to close it even now but I have not been able to collect the knobs that Jayant brought over to Mumbai yet. Maybe over this weekend. What I will be doing is to take some closeup pics of the knobs, posting them here, collect opinions on the material to be used [Jayant has samples in 2 types of material for us to choose from], finalize the material, get final prices from Jayant, give more people the opportunity to join in, give people the opportunity to back out and THEN close the GB. Phew!!!
give more people the opportunity to join in, give people the opportunity to back out and THEN close the GB. Phew!!!

Hope this helps :D

To all DIYers,
He is known by many names,
Ghost who walks is one of them.

There's old jungle saying which goes
The Phantom moves on cat's paws

Pick the knobs, which you find exciting
& Phantom will be as quick as lightning.

Update: All the panels are ready......

A bit more job pending for the wooden panels, need to curve the edges and fix the 3mm acrylic panel behind it. I am also thinking about reducing the thickness of the wooden panels. Please let me know if you need to reduce the thickness or keep it as it is.

Bibin, nice work. Just see that power switch fits snugly into wooden panel. Thickness could be issue.
Bibin, nice work. Just see that power switch fits snugly into wooden panel. Thickness could be issue.

Thank you.....

That's why i was thinking about reducing the thickness to say 6mm and current thickness is 12mm. Actually the power switch, LED, Pot and selector switch are mounted on the 3mm acrylic and which will be kept behind the wooden panel. Because of the 12mm thickness it looks like the switch is placed inside a hole.

I will post few pics with the switch mounted for reference.

Keith, Rohit and Ramesh,

Please have a look at this and let me know your comments. If you agree to reduce the thickness i will try to make it 6mm otherwise i will keep it like this.

Sent PM.
Summary: Nice work on panels!
Any way of raising the components to panel level? (Using some fillers)
(IMHO, I guess by our original design thicker panels will look more sturdy and appealing?)

But since you have it with you so, you are in best position to take the call :)
Sent PM.
Summary: Nice work on panels!
Any way of raising the components to panel level? (Using some fillers)
(IMHO, I guess by our original design thicker panels will look more sturdy and appealing?)

But since you have it with you so, you are in best position to take the call :)

Thank you Rohit....

Got your PM....actually 12mm gives a rich and solid feel. Reducing the thickness makes it look like veneer. See even with 12mm thickness we can easily access the switch.

Bibin, can't we route [roundover] the sides of the cutout for the switch? Like a waveguide? Know what I mean?
I finally collected the knobs from Jayant's office. Pics. are below. These are very very well made. Excellent stuff!! I placed one in my hand and asked a friend to guess which material it was made of and he guessed "Powder coated aluminium". Keep a machined aluminium knob next to the ones that Jayant created and no one will know the difference except when handled.

So, like Jayant mentioned before, he has created 2 sets of samples - 1 from PET and one from POM. To my eyes and fingers, both look and feel identical. If one material is cheaper than the other, let's get the cheaper one :-)



One thing came to mind. The base of the knob - What I'd like is for part of the base to jut above the cutout for the knobs. So maybe half the base recessed and half jutting out of the cutout. What do you guys think?

Jayant has drilled and threaded the hole for the screw that will need to be put in to hold the knob to the shaft. He will not supply the screw. That's something that we will need to purchase individually.

The knurled knobs and the plain knobs look equally good to me. I'd be happy with either. I'm very slightly partial to the knurled ones though.

Jayant has yet to confirm exact pricing but he has said that the cost of one knob will not exceed Rs.100. Shipping extra. He will send all the knobs to me and I will dispatch them to individuals.

Look at the pic with the volume pot. shaft inserted in the knob. The shaft length is too much. If the pot is mounted just behind the faceplate - how do we deal with the extra length of the shaft?

Sachin, please PM me your address - will send you your pot. and selector switch that I collected from Jayant.
Updated for folks who want the knobs

Color: Black
Material: TBD

Shaft diameter as measured by Jayant from samples sent to him by Sachin:
Potentiometer: 6.3mm
Selector: 6.0mm​

Folks who want knobs - so far:
  • keith_correa [7 pot knobs + 5 selector knobs]
  • jls001 [1 pot knob + 1 selector knob]
  • hydra [1 pot knob + 1 selector knob]
  • apk [2 pot knobs + 2 selector knobs]
  • TheCoolestOne [4 pot knobs + 4 selector knobs]
  • mbhangui [1 pot knob + 1 selector knob]
  • vktarun [1 pot knob + 1 selector knob]
  • ruenigma [1 pot knob + 1 selector knob]
  • jai1611 [1 pot knob + 1 selector knob]
  • baswamin [2 pot knobs + 1 selector knob]
  • gvenu [1 pot knob + 1 selector knob]
  • rohitmusic [1 pot knob + 1 selector knob]
  • sann [1 pot knob + 1 selector knob]
  • sachu888 [1 pot knob + 1 selector knob]

So, like Jayant mentioned before, he has created 2 sets of samples - 1 from PET and one from POM. To my eyes and fingers, both look and feel identical. If one material is cheaper than the other, let's get the cheaper one :-)



One thing came to mind. The base of the knob - What I'd like is for part of the base to jut above the cutout for the knobs. So maybe half the base recessed and half jutting out of the cutout. What do you guys think?

Jayant has drilled and threaded the hole for the screw that will need to be put in to hold the knob to the shaft. He will not supply the screw. That's something that we will need to purchase individually.

The knurled knobs and the plain knobs look equally good to me. I'd be happy with either. I'm very slightly partial to the knurled ones though.

Jayant has yet to confirm exact pricing but he has said that the cost of one knob will not exceed Rs.100. Shipping extra. He will send all the knobs to me and I will dispatch them to individuals.


I'd prefer that the base of the knob stay flush with the face-plate. But I'm ok with it jutting out too :)

Is it me, or does the bald knob (the one without the knurls) look better, material-wise?

Design-wise, I would prefer a set of plain/bald knobs (without knurls).

Would it be possible for Jayant to countersink the opening of the threading for the screw just a bit, so that the head of the screw disappears into the knob?

The pricing sounds great to me! Many thanks for your efforts, Jayant and Keith! :clapping:
Nice looking knobs with excellent finish. Good work by Keith too.
I think instead of coutersink headless screw would do the job. Shaft after fitting pot inside the cabinet can be cut to proper length. Also flush with the face plate can be adjusted by moving the knob on the shaft and tightening the screw. If possible please put small volume level indicator groove or dot on the knobs so as one does not accidentally power on with max. volume.
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