DIY Enclosure/Cabinet for PowerAmp & PreAmp

I think instead of coutersink headless screw would do the job.

Yes, this would get the job done indeed!

... If possible please put small volume level indicator groove or dot on the knobs so as one does not accidentally power on with max. volume.

It would be great if this could be done! A small dot would be enough, I think.
Folks who want knobs - so far:
  • keith_correa [7 pot knobs + 5 selector knobs]
  • jls001 [1 pot knob + 1 selector knob]
  • hydra [1 pot knob + 1 selector knob]
  • apk [2 pot knobs + 2 selector knobs]
  • TheCoolestOne [4 pot knobs + 4 selector knobs]
  • mbhangui [1 pot knob + 1 selector knob]
  • vktarun [1 pot knob + 1 selector knob]
  • ruenigma [1 pot knob + 1 selector knob]
  • jai1611 [1 pot knob + 1 selector knob]
  • baswamin [2 pot knobs + 1 selector knob]
  • gvenu [1 pot knob + 1 selector knob]
  • rohitmusic [1 pot knob + 1 selector knob]
  • sann [1 pot knob + 1 selector knob]
  • sachu888 [1 pot knob + 1 selector knob]
  • captrajesh [ 6 pot knobs + 6 selector knobs]
Great looking knobs. I'm stocking a few for my future builds. Updating the list.
If possible please put small volume level indicator groove or dot on the knobs so as one does not accidentally power on with max volume.
Since the material is plastic, a small dimple can be made at the appropriate place by touching it with a well heated nail/needle.
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Enrolling myself for the knobs GB. Here is the updated list:

Folks who want knobs - so far:

keith_correa [7 pot knobs + 5 selector knobs]
jls001 [1 pot knob + 1 selector knob]
hydra [1 pot knob + 1 selector knob]
apk [2 pot knobs + 2 selector knobs]
TheCoolestOne [4 pot knobs + 4 selector knobs]
mbhangui [1 pot knob + 1 selector knob]
vktarun [1 pot knob + 1 selector knob]
ruenigma [1 pot knob + 1 selector knob]
jai1611 [1 pot knob + 1 selector knob]
baswamin [2 pot knobs + 1 selector knob]
gvenu [1 pot knob + 1 selector knob]
rohitmusic [1 pot knob + 1 selector knob]
sann [1 pot knob + 1 selector knob]
sachu888 [1 pot knob + 1 selector knob]
captrajesh [ 6 pot knobs + 6 selector knobs]
svaze [2 pot knobs + 2 selector knobs]
Adding myself for the knobs GB to updated list:

Folks who want knobs - so far:

keith_correa [7 pot knobs + 5 selector knobs]
jls001 [1 pot knob + 1 selector knob]
hydra [1 pot knob + 1 selector knob]
apk [2 pot knobs + 2 selector knobs]
TheCoolestOne [4 pot knobs + 4 selector knobs]
mbhangui [1 pot knob + 1 selector knob]
vktarun [1 pot knob + 1 selector knob]
ruenigma [1 pot knob + 1 selector knob]
jai1611 [1 pot knob + 1 selector knob]
baswamin [2 pot knobs + 1 selector knob]
gvenu [1 pot knob + 1 selector knob]
rohitmusic [1 pot knob + 1 selector knob]
sann [1 pot knob + 1 selector knob]
sachu888 [1 pot knob + 1 selector knob]
captrajesh [ 6 pot knobs + 6 selector knobs]
svaze [2 pot knobs + 2 selector knobs]
Omishra [2 pot knobs + 2 selector knobs]
I'd prefer that the base of the knob stay flush with the face-plate. But I'm ok with it jutting out too :)
The base of the knob is 4mm. So I'll just tell Jayant to increase the base to 6 mm.

Is it me, or does the bald knob (the one without the knurls) look better, material-wise?
It's just you :D

Design-wise, I would prefer a set of plain/bald knobs (without knurls).
To satisfy both camps, here is what I propose and what I think will look killer. Instead of the knurls starting right from the front of the knob, I think we should leave a bald band, followed by a knurled band and a bald band again till the base. What do you folks think? :ohyeah:

Would it be possible for Jayant to countersink the opening of the threading for the screw just a bit, so that the head of the screw disappears into the knob?
Like Hiten said, the grub screw needs to be headless. I don't think the grub screw is a very good idea. Spoils the aesthetics. And folks will need to source a black screw. But there is no alternative unless the hole for the shaft is a half round so that the half round shaft mates with the half round hole. So if there is to be a grub screw, the screw hole will need to be moved downwards so that there is no overlap in the knurled area. Currently because of the knurls there is some serration in the hole edge which spoils the aesthetics a bit.

The pricing sounds great to me! Many thanks for your efforts, Jayant and Keith! :clapping:
It's all thanks to Jayant for getting this done. Me, I'm just a postman :-) Guys, I don't think this GB of knobs will be done again. So get them while you can.
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Since the material is plastic, a small dimple can be made at the appropriate place by touching it with a well heated nail/needle.
Heat? Ugh! Bad idea! I think, we should just stick some sort of sticker if we need an indicator. Think womens Bindi stickers :D

If we manage to get Jayant to put in a small dimple [or whatever] for an indicator, will the indicator line up with the markings for the source that Bibin has put in? Instead of a dimple, what about a slight milling of one portion of the edge of the knob?
Heat? Ugh! Bad idea! I think, we should just stick some sort of sticker if we need an indicator. Think womens Bindi stickers :D

If we manage to get Jayant to put in a small dimple [or whatever] for an indicator, will the indicator line up with the markings for the source that Bibin has put in? Instead of a dimple, what about a slight milling of one portion of the edge of the knob?

Keith, there are no markings for the source selector and volume on the panel. But a small marking (dimple/milling/hair line etc.) on the knob is necessary to identify the position.

Ask Jayant to make the bottom similar to this and keep the base thickness 4mm.

the grub screw needs to be headless.
Yes something like this.

I think, we should just stick some sort of sticker if we need an indicator.
I think tiny drilled marking would be permanent.
Keith, there are no markings for the source selector and volume on the panel. But a small marking (dimple/milling/hair line etc.) on the knob is necessary to identify the position.

Ask Jayant to make the bottom similar to this and keep the base thickness 4mm.
Bibin, Jayant has kept the base thickness 4mm. what is the significance of the round cutout at the bottom? Is it for the pot nut to fit in? If yes, can you let me know the dia and depth?
Keith, there are no markings for the source selector and volume on the panel. But a small marking (dimple/milling/hair line etc.) on the knob is necessary to identify the position.
Yes I know that there are no markings for the volume. But what about the source? there are text indicators on the panel, right?
Bibin, Jayant has kept the base thickness 4mm. what is the significance of the round cutout at the bottom? Is it for the pot nut to fit in? If yes, can you let me know the dia and depth?

Yes, it is for the pot nut to fit in. I had mentioned the dia in my drawing. Posting it here again for reference. Depth can be 5mm or 6mm

Why is it so?:rolleyes: Bindi sticker is not only far bigger and would look ugly but also would peel off at some point of time.
Oh, the "bindi" was what came to mind at that time. The possibilities are endless. A drop of nail polish for instance. Funky! :D
Sometime back, I was trying to get a small radium sticker which can glow in the dark. Seems its not available easily as it was 10 years back.. We used to stick them on the light switch at our home.

Sent from my GT-I9001 using Tapatalk 2
jls001, hydra, apk, TheCoolestOne, mbhangui, vktarun, ruenigma, jai1611, baswamin, gvenu, rohitmusic, sann:

Anyone in B'lore? Jayant is in B'lore and instead of him sending all the knobs to me and me to all of you it would be better [and cheaper] if someone collects the knobs from Jayant when all done and ships it to all. Any volunteers?
jls001, hydra, apk, TheCoolestOne, mbhangui, vktarun, ruenigma, jai1611, baswamin, gvenu, rohitmusic, sann:

Anyone in B'lore? Jayant is in B'lore and instead of him sending all the knobs to me and me to all of you it would be better [and cheaper] if someone collects the knobs from Jayant when all done and ships it to all. Any volunteers? in Ahmedabad.
jls001, hydra, apk, TheCoolestOne, mbhangui, vktarun, ruenigma, jai1611, baswamin, gvenu, rohitmusic, sann:

Anyone in B'lore? Jayant is in B'lore and instead of him sending all the knobs to me and me to all of you it would be better [and cheaper] if someone collects the knobs from Jayant when all done and ships it to all. Any volunteers?

I am in Bangalore. Can collect depending on where in Bangalore Jayant is based. As I've discovered, there are parts of Bangalore which are farther from my house than Tamil Nadu!
jls001, hydra, apk, TheCoolestOne, mbhangui, vktarun, ruenigma, jai1611, baswamin, gvenu, rohitmusic, sann:
Anyone in B'lore?
Hi keith,
omishra, rohitmusic, sann and svaze are in Pune and stay close, all the knobs can be sent to any single address.
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