DIY Enclosure/Cabinet for PowerAmp & PreAmp

Now that we have more than 10 for the case, I guess we could negotiate to bring the cost down? Do let us know when you get a feedback.

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Thanks bibin
Those knobs look awesome after they are fitted on the panels though I can't see it in full view!
Wondering if we can include it as a part of the GB- as per FMs' interest.

I have seen many such vendors on ebay having slab based rates for such items
ie 1 pc = x, then 2 pc = 1.8x, 3 pc = 2.5x etc
Also shipping cost can be saved since this is hardly a weight.
We can ask the seller to make a listing on ebay specifically for us with applicable rate for say 8 sets with combined shipping. Actually its a simple task on ebay for any seller.

What do you say? It might come down to Rs. 350 or less per pair. Can we try? I can message him if needed.

EDIT: Shipping saver is already inbuilt in the listing

+1 to that. I would also be interested in getting two knobs, similar to the one that bibin has. If more number of FMs are interested, then we can save on shipping and get volume discount
+1 to that. I would also be interested in getting two knobs, similar to the one that bibin has. If more number of FMs are interested, then we can save on shipping and get volume discount

Pls check the other thread, I ordered a couple of bigger knobs. I realized late that the shipping saver is already built into ebay listing for additional quantities. Volume discount- I felt there's nothing to bargain for such cheap products so just swiped my card. :licklips:
Pass B1 Cabinet GB members
1) apk
2) mbhangui
3) thecoolestone
4) rohitmusic (Wooden Front Panel)
5) ruenigma
6) denom
7) Santy (42mm cut for volume/Source selector knobs)
8) keith_correa (Wooden Front Panel)
9) santnai (require minor modification on the front panel and also need the power switch, power socket and power cable)
10) bibin
11) baswamin

Please let me know how many of you require other components like the Power switch, Power socket, Power Cable, Source selector switch, RCA, DC Terminals, Stainless Steel Hex allen bolts etc.

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Since you asked for the second time, I would like to bother you for all these items, if its not a pain to get them:
- Rotary switch (with big click sound :ohyeah:)
- Power cable (atleast 1.5 m)
- Power socket
- Power switch
- RCA connectors with washers
- Hex allen bolts
- Raisers (is that what you call it)
- Blue LEDs

A few queries
-Is the card board used for fixing connections on the front and rear panel a part of the case?
-Can we have an LED for the power also
-Is a direct DC input really needed?
- What about the feet?
Since you asked for the second time, I would like to bother you for all these items, if its not a pain to get them:
- Rotary switch (with big click sound :ohyeah:)
- Power cable (atleast 1.5 m)
- Power socket
- Power switch
- RCA connectors with washers
- Hex allen bolts
- Raisers (is that what you call it)
- Blue LEDs

All the above items can be provided.

A few queries
-Is the card board used for fixing connections on the front and rear panel a part of the case?

There is no card board, that is a protective layer on the panel and i was too lazy to remove it from the back side.

-Can we have an LED for the power also
It can be added, but does it really needed. One of the source indicator LED will be on by default

-Is a direct DC input really needed?
Not mandatory

- What about the feet?
I have used Penn-Elcom bushes (Plastic Cabinet Foot).

But Penn-Elcom bushes i have only limited qty. in stock now. I will try to find some alternative.
Please let me know how many of you require other components like the Power switch, Power socket, Power Cable, Source selector switch, RCA, DC Terminals, Stainless Steel Hex allen bolts etc.


Hi Bibin,
I would be interested in getting components like power switch, power cable etc all together as a kit. Am going to be out of the country for a couple of weeks....will get in touch with you once I get back.

I went scouting around for heat sinks. Found lots of them including the one Magma made for our ex FM Cranky. Unfortunately fins on all the heat sinks are placed horizontally.

The best I found was similar to the one Omishra has posted here but the dimensions are a little different.

Length: Any length
Width: 210 mm
Base thickness: 15 mm
Fin length: 60 mm
Fin thickness: At base 6 mm & at tip 4 mm
Inter fin distance: 5 mm

I have four options to use this heat sink.

1. Take the 300mm length of the heat sink (210 mm wide) and make a cabinet by aligning the heat sink vertically, the way Audiodoc has suggested. The amp would be 300 mm high, 210 mm deep and of appropriate length across.

2. Take appropriate length of the heat sink (210 mm wide) and place two of them vertically each having 210 mm width, side by side, the way Anilva has made his cabinet. However, this would make the cabinet 17" (420 mm) deep.

3. Take appropriate length of the heat sink (210 mm wide) and place two of them vertically each having 210 mm width, side by side but bending each of them at 140 mm so that the balance 70 mm or near abouts coming onto the front and back sides which can be joined in the front and back by steel or aluminum pieces of appropriate length and requisite width. The up side of this design is, I can reduce the depth of the cabinet to about 12" (about 280 mm).

4. Take appropriate length of the heat sink (210 mm wide) and place two of them vertically each having 210 mm width, side by side but bending each of them at 100 mm so that the balance 110 mm or near abouts coming onto both the sides which can be joined in the front by a face plate and back by 100 mm steel / aluminum piece of appropriate length for mounting the RCA power socket, RCA and speaker binding posts. The up side of this design is, I can not only reduce the depth of the cabinet to about 4.5" or there abouts (about 110 mm). I've not worked out the layout of the PCBs yet so if the design necessitates, the depth can be increased by attaching thick metal plates on to the sides too.

I invite the opinions of DIY gurus if any of my ideas above can't be implemented. Also invite suggestions with regard to height of the heat sinks in case of designs 2, 3 and 4.

I'd be interested in one cabinet for the F5, without the heat sinks.

In view of the foregoing, the cabinet would not match my requirement. Hence opting out with heavy heart.:sad:
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Pass B1 Cabinet GB members
1) apk
2) mbhangui
3) thecoolestone
4) rohitmusic (Wooden Front Panel)
5) ruenigma
6) denom
7) Santy (42mm cut for volume/Source selector knobs)
8) keith_correa (Wooden Front Panel)
9) santnai (require minor modification on the front panel and also need the power switch, power socket and power cable)
10) bibin
11) baswamin

Please let me know how many of you require other components like the Power switch, Power socket, Power Cable, Source selector switch, RCA, DC Terminals, Stainless Steel Hex allen bolts etc.


I will need other components also - (Power switch, power socket, source selector switch, RCA sockets, bolts, screws). Once everything is finalized, let us know the amount to be transferred and NEFT details.

BTW the cabinet looks awesome and pro.
Updated the list.

Pass B1 Cabinet GB members
1) apk (need all accessories and hardware)
2) mbhangui (need all accessories and hardware)
3) thecoolestone
4) rohitmusic (Wooden Front Panel)
5) ruenigma
6) denom
7) Santy (42mm cut for volume/Source selector knobs)(need all accessories and hardware)
8) keith_correa (Wooden Front Panel)
9) santnai (require minor modification on the front panel and also need the power switch, power socket and power cable)
10) bibin
11) hifipal4all (need all accessories and hardware)

Hi Bibin,

Any updates on the pricing of the GB Cabs??? Pls advise.


Please include my name for B1 GB (with all the accessories).
request you to publish the list of accessories with Total amount. (cabinet+ accessories)


FM Jayant has very kindly agreed to help us with the knobs. Thanks Jayant!!! Much appreciated.

I will request him to post on this thread so that we can start another long discussion on knobs :-)

Thanks Awesome news!!! Thanks Keith for initiating this:yahoo:
Eagerly waiting to hear from Jayant :clapping:
FM Jayant has very kindly agreed to help us with the knobs. Thanks Jayant!!! Much appreciated.

I will request him to post on this thread so that we can start another long discussion on knobs :-)

Hi !

It will be a pleasure to be of help on this project with the Knobs. I would recommend Black Polyacetal (POM) as the preferred Plastic. This material is made by my company and we also machine high quality parts. The only limitation is that we do not handle any metals so any metal inserts will have to be inserted later.

I will need a design to comment further.

Hi !

It will be a pleasure to be of help on this project with the Knobs. I would recommend Black Polyacetal (POM) as the preferred Plastic. This material is made by my company and we also machine high quality parts. The only limitation is that we do not handle any metals so any metal inserts will have to be inserted later.

I will need a design to comment further.


Thank you Jayant for offering the help.

This is what we are looking for and it has 2 or 3 mm screw on its side.


You are welcome !

Can you sketch the part out ?

It is not a problem to provide a hole on the side to house the screw. I suppose the screw will mate the knob with metal shaft ?


You are welcome !

Can you sketch the part out ?

It is not a problem to provide a hole on the side to house the screw. I suppose the screw will mate the knob with metal shaft ?


Jayant i am not an expert to create an engineering drawing of the knob. If we provide the dimensions, will that be useful. The outer dia of the flange is 37mm i think and the shft hole is 6 mm. I can sent you an accurate measurement today evening after reaching home.

yes you are right, the screw will mate the knob with the metal shaft. Will you be providing the screw for us? It looks like a custom made screw without head.

Jayant, this POM, does it have a matt or gloss surface? Also, is it a soft plastic - meaning if drawn into a thin rod, if bent, will it crack or give?
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