Fans of Television Series

LOST is old now, .... guess you recently starting watching TV series ...... I think I can safely presume you would not have watched "Prison Break" ..... if not that should be your next venture, or if you are in a mood of ground reality sci-fi do not miss at any cost HEROES .... if not already watched ofcourse ....

Just saw you have Prison Break on your list .... then please do add HEREOS as well ...... season one is just epic ........ Firefly what should I say aout firefly that I already have not spoken ..... I will just add with more then 20 TV series added under my belt Firefly is my all time fav top 1.... so you can see .....

Okkkk.... I may not add anything new, but let me say....
I went on to watch "Prison Break" on Bluray and guess what....Tonight, I finished the 'Final Break' !! Wow wow wow... what a series ! Outstanding !!
And I finished it within 3 & half can read the addiction :-)

I loved the season 1, but I like the season 2 the most when the entire cat-mouse race between various convicts and FBI was there...and thought season 3 could be boring due to a slow start, but it was a momentarily thought.
Season 4 invented new dimensions showing what Scofield was about and the show ended on a high note !!

Well... Protagonists are always everybody's favourites, but I would like to mention ... "T-BAG" was one character I liked...yeah he was a psycho and deadliest criminal...but really an unpredictable and witty character...and I loved the way he played his character like a Chameleon...
Oh yeah...PAPI...watching Prison Break is one of the greatest entertainment !!

And not to forget,,,,I'm glad that I watched the entire show on Bluray, because quality wise everything looks great. I loved the Cinematography...specially in Season 2 and 4...various US cities looked damn beautiful...being it Chicago, LA, Miami... or a central american country 'Panama'... Wow !!
And Videophiles interested in seeing another great presentation of Color and Black the season-3 of Prison Break on Bluray!!

What Next... This thread has ruined me...
Awaiting for 'Game of Thrones' season 1 Bluray from Amazon UK...and also asked my friend in US to bring following BluRay items...

- Deadwood - The complete series Bluray: Because I love watching Westerns
- Breaking Bad - Season 1-4 Bluray: Heard a lot and I believe in high IMDB ratings

One more show, which I ordered at Amazon UK...
- Mad Men - Season 1-5 Bluray: Following the league of best rated Drama shows. Wanna watch it in its best format.
Prison break : Apart from 4 season, one more is there season 5 ( i do not know whether it comes with blueray) , not that interesting :-)

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Prison break : Apart from 4 season, one more is there season 5 ( i do not know whether it comes with blueray) , not that interesting :-)

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This is what called as 'Final Break'; a 90 minute TV movie...which came after 22 episodes of Season-4. And it is included in Prison Break all season Bluray box.

Please avoid writing spoilers. That's where entire fun is ruined for everybody else.
That's one of the reason I prefer reading reviews on IMDB, because they have Spoiler Alert. And seriously, while watching LOST and Prison Break, I avoided reading anything about them anywhere.
And when I am planning to watch few more shows, I have stopped reading about them.
One more precaution, if you're watching a show...better don't join any facebook page of the same or anything like that. People have bad habit of writing lot of spoilers !!
Prison break : Apart from 4 season, one more is there season 5 ( i do not know whether it comes with blueray) , not that interesting :-)

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Ever heard for SPOILERS dude ....
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Already a fan of Prison Break, and would have purchased the Blu Ray box set just for your glowing review and collection sake, but by ****ing god, its more than 100$/100 Pound. Not going to purchase it (cant afford it). Only if it goes down to 50$ will I think about it.

Okkkk.... I may not add anything new, but let me say....
I went on to watch "Prison Break" on Bluray and guess what....Tonight, I finished the 'Final Break' !! Wow wow wow... what a series ! Outstanding !!
And I finished it within 3 & half can read the addiction :-)

I loved the season 1, but I like the season 2 the most when the entire cat-mouse race between various convicts and FBI was there...and thought season 3 could be boring due to a slow start, but it was a momentarily thought.
Season 4 invented new dimensions showing what Scofield was about and the show ended on a high note !!

Well... Protagonists are always everybody's favourites, but I would like to mention ... "T-BAG" was one character I liked...yeah he was a psycho and deadliest criminal...but really an unpredictable and witty character...and I loved the way he played his character like a Chameleon...
Oh yeah...PAPI...watching Prison Break is one of the greatest entertainment !!

And not to forget,,,,I'm glad that I watched the entire show on Bluray, because quality wise everything looks great. I loved the Cinematography...specially in Season 2 and 4...various US cities looked damn beautiful...being it Chicago, LA, Miami... or a central american country 'Panama'... Wow !!
And Videophiles interested in seeing another great presentation of Color and Black the season-3 of Prison Break on Bluray!!

What Next... This thread has ruined me...
Awaiting for 'Game of Thrones' season 1 Bluray from Amazon UK...and also asked my friend in US to bring following BluRay items...

- Deadwood - The complete series Bluray: Because I love watching Westerns
- Breaking Bad - Season 1-4 Bluray: Heard a lot and I believe in high IMDB ratings

One more show, which I ordered at Amazon UK...
- Mad Men - Season 1-5 Bluray: Following the league of best rated Drama shows. Wanna watch it in its best format.
Already a fan of Prison Break, and would have purchased the Blu Ray box set just for your glowing review and collection sake, but by ****ing god, its more than 100$/100 Pound. Not going to purchase it (cant afford it). Only if it goes down to 50$ will I think about it.

Don't worry... you can buy it when the price is down.
Prison break Bluray box was down to 49 GBP few days ago. Check this post.

I had bought it in 44 GBP including shipping during Amazon UK end of summer sale. Better you go to and set a price tracking for this item. Whenever the price is down, you'll receive an email.

P.S. Sorry for being off-topic.
Thanks Sam9 and others for suggesting Homeland. Have watched 4 episodes Season 1 till now and it is riveting. A good find for me and my missus to watch.
MisFits ............. since I am upgrading my NAS I cannot access the TV shows stored on it, so REVENGE has taken a back stage after first season. Mean time started this really really unique TV series called MISFITS. When I will tell you the tag line for this serial I am sure almost all of you would say, not again, not another one .......
The tag line goes like this .... "A group of young offenders doing community service get struck by lightning during a storm, and begin to develop superpowers" .........
So .... does it sound like another HEROES or the likes probably but, this is far far different and unique than the avg super hero show where usually it about using the powers for some greater benefits/humanity, out of the extraordinary situations, battle between good and evil, struggling to balance between super hero life and the normal like ....blah blah ... Misfits does not have any any of these elements, still remains as interesting, as complex as thrilling and as funny as any other super hero show might be.

Show develops slowly, characterization is immaculate and the chemistry development between characters (despite of every single one of a totally different from each other) is so ground reality based that you actually feel this can happen and this is how the situation should be unfolded.

Lastly this is a British Show, and so the accent is so bloody messed up that you have to have subs to enjoy this, specially few characters like Kelly are impossible to understand. make sure you have subs. Plus this is strictly an adult show, with loads n loads of swearing, sex, and sex humour, so that might not be appreciated by some, but over all it is fantastic. Have completed first season (only 6 episodes per season) and have started second. This one easily gets 7.5/10 from me.
time to update ...

Well misfits has gone from good to awesome to mind-blowing .. and then a sudden drop dead at the end of the second season. Well thats not exactly shows fault ... one of my fav characters decided to quite the show and so did I. Not that other characters were not good, but it was just as a team that made the whole difference.... as a spoiler safe wont tell the character name, but if you are watching the show you can guess.

Anyhow even with two seasons this show definitely is one of its kind and all the characters demonstrated also are just unique, making the whole experience very enjoyable. Well misfits ended for me, now since my NAS - SamStation is also shaping up I can move with my previous addiction Revenge .. will update on the same.
Am surprised there aren't many Battlestar Galactica fans. I'd always seen this show being aired in random TV channels, but never quite got hooked...that is, until I started watching the episodes in sequence. The narrative is very compelling, the characters have depth and the dialogues are very well-written. So, do give it a sequence.

The show has 4 seasons with around 20 episodes each, but the story actually starts off with two 2-hour pilot movies. Post that, there are around 3 movies interspersed across the seasons. Important that you get the sequence right to stay off spoilers.
Am surprised there aren't many Battlestar Galactica fans. I'd always seen this show being aired in random TV channels, but never quite got hooked...that is, until I started watching the episodes in sequence. The narrative is very compelling, the characters have depth and the dialogues are very well-written. So, do give it a sequence.

The show has 4 seasons with around 20 episodes each, but the story actually starts off with two 2-hour pilot movies. Post that, there are around 3 movies interspersed across the seasons. Important that you get the sequence right to stay off spoilers.

Thanks Rishi for your comment. I had earlier asked opinions on this series as I read on internet about this science fiction series. And I wanted to take chances on watching this, so I bought the complete series Bluray box set yesterday, as it was available on sale price of 39 GBP at Amazon Uk.
Hope it proves worthy.

After finishing Lost and Prison break earlier, currently I am watching Homeland and The Sopranos.

Homeland: Have watched all the episodes till date (season 2 has come to its 10th episode and 2 more remaining for this season). A show which runs at its own speed. This is not a show with lot of cliffhangers, but gradually gets the elements which keeps you hooked to it.
Sorry, I am not a good reviewer, but I must tell that I love the character of CIA agent Carrie who is a complete psycho and she does wrong most of the time during the course of her investigation, but everything wrong she does, comes out as an exposure to a big secret. The character of mystery Marine guy Brody (who just returned from Iraq after 8 years of solitude and brainwash) keeps you guessing... on whose side he is...America or the terrorist Abu Nazir !!
Along with the lead characters, there are supporting characters like Brody's daughter Dana whose attitude makes you laugh and chuckle most of the time. Saul is a cool CIA guy... and he knows well how to handle a criminal emotionally.
I guess, as only 2 more episodes remaining for the season, I am going to experience the thrill of waiting for next one year to watch the third season of the show.

The Sopranos: Wow..what a show! After watching movies like 'The Godfather' and 'Goodfellas' on Italian Mafia; this show is a treat to watch !! Set in its real timing of late nineties, this show revolves around the life of Tony Soprano, who gets to meet a Psychiatrist after having a panic attack and then the show begins!!
So far, I have watched season 1 and till 5th episode of season 2. I don't watch it so frequently, because watching every episode of 60 minutes is like watching a movie. You get to see all the stuff like a, crime, action (lot of gun-shots)..comedy (yeah...lot of F words...probably would surpass the record of F words in Goodfellas when the show completes 6 seasons) as well... The Bar..Bada Bing and The Striptease...Tony and the gang doing Italian styles ;-)
Now I understood the reasons of high ratings to this show...Each element of a movie, seems like following each genre of cinema.

And when I laugh the most...whenever Livia Soprano (Tony's mother) speaks...she's is so funny and realistic. What an acting!

Will update more when I move to next few seasons of The Sopranos.
The most popular in our hostel:
1. The prison break
2. Game of thrones
3. 24
Call them addictive. Watch one episode and you need more and more untill you watch them all.
My fav are the comedy ones,same like yours.
Dont know where to buy,one peson gets it and it spreads like virus in every pc. Probably pirated brdrip copies they are.
The most popular in our hostel:
1. The prison break
2. Game of thrones
3. 24
Call them addictive. Watch one episode and you need more and more untill you watch them all.
My fav are the comedy ones,same like yours.
Dont know where to buy,one peson gets it and it spreads like virus in every pc. Probably pirated brdrip copies they are.

Somehow never got addicted to 24, didnt much like the show and dropped watching it after the first 2-3 episodes. Both the other show are at the top in my pile of favorites.

On that note (same lead actor Kieth Sutherland) I like "Touch" a lot though they are completely different genre.

Another of my favorite show is "The Mentalist". Started watching it a few years ago, and till now keep downloading (sorry, have not yet started buying my TV shows yet) it every week just as they air.

Some of my other favourites in no particular order
The Suits
White Collar
Band of Brothers
Person of Interest - Again a Top favorite, infact I guess all of the others in my list are, :p
Sherlock Holmes - Both the older one (if you are fan of the books) and the new one.

I am sure there are tens of other shows I have missed but these are the ones I remember from top of my head. None of these should/would let you stop once you start watching them.
Started watching Lost season 1, but disappointed that it is no way closer to Fringe. Even in Season 5 Fringe is equally interesting.
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