Fans of Television Series

Scandal (TV Series 2012 ) - IMDb - Started with Season 2 and an excellent opening in Episode one. Hopefully as good as Season 1... a good serial that's far from the routine of love, sex, cops, criminals, animals, etc. that we find on other serials.

The Walking Dead (TV Series 2010 ) - IMDb - Started with Season 3 and the first few episodes are the usual high in setting up the main plot for season with the introduction of The Governor character. Some characters from the group die but I'm not going to say who as I don't want to reveal any spoilers and the plot in general. Highly recommended if you are into this stuff i.e. zombies, vampires, werewolves, or anything that's supernatural.
How come nobody has mentioned Boardwalk Empire yet? The series has completed 3 seasons, with the 4th coming up soon.

I haven't watched many mini-series (just Breaking Bad, Game of Thrones, Sherlock, The Wire, The Pacific, Band of Brothers, Friends), but IMHO Boardwalk Empire stands heads and shoulders above them all in terms of production quality, plot-lines and character development. There's a very good line-up of actors too.

I'm yet to watch the others. I'm lining up The Sopranos, Dexter and Homeland for the next couple of months or so.
Finished watching Lost last month.. I must say the overall experiance was one of the best although towards the begining (2 -3 episodes of season 1) was not liking it that much. But I do feel that what Lost showed in 6 seasons the same could have been showed in 3 - 4 seasons as well. Some Indian Directors can even shrink this to a 3 hour movie :) Right noe continuing Mentalist in season 3 and Homeland in season 1. Mentalist is as good as ever, they have managed to keep up the standard between seasons like Lost. But Homeland is a bit slow to me..
Sci-Fi fans here please watch Battlestar Galactica, in my opinion one of the best sci-fi series ever made.
Sherlock is one of the more refreshing experiences of recent years.
Game of Thrones is an amazing adaptation from the actual novel, and what a creation ! Peter Dinkladge is to be applauded for his acting prowess.
Homeland keeps one hooked, beautifully developed script from a seemingly simple plot outline.
I am hearing a lot of talk about Broadwalk Empire, that I plan to watch next.
HOMELAND ........ Well just finished season 1 for HOMELAND, and boy what shall I say, after a long time a show that actually made me 'hooked' to the bone, and when I say hocked I mean not the usual hooked. I have seen quite a few TV series now and have enjoyed most of them, to an extent that I keep watching them. But few of them are kind of those that move you from inside to an extent that you have that etching feel, at the end of every episode that you have to watch the next , even if its like 2 AM in the morning ... :D

Flashforward, firefly, veronica mars, were few that fall in that category and now after a long time HOMELAND justifies my definition of 'being hooked'. Infact HOMELAND for me is notch better than the best I have seen.

Its quality at its best, not only the plot is innovative, the performances, my god!!!, ultra realistic, specially Claire Danes as Carrie Mathison. Best of all the show....does not portray America as some God, against Terrorism, it has an ideology and does not take sides of ether perspective. This clearly is evident in the depth of each character being played. The plot outine is well thought out, provocative and very maturely executed. One of my Top best shows out there. Hope the second season lives up to this expectations.................8.5/10 for this one, with Season 1 ending.
How come nobody has mentioned Boardwalk Empire yet? The series has completed 3 seasons, with the 4th coming up soon.

I haven't watched many mini-series (just Breaking Bad, Game of Thrones, Sherlock, The Wire, The Pacific, Band of Brothers, Friends), but IMHO Boardwalk Empire stands heads and shoulders above them all in terms of production quality, plot-lines and character development. There's a very good line-up of actors too.

I'm yet to watch the others. I'm lining up The Sopranos, Dexter and Homeland for the next couple of months or so.

I've watched all of Boardwalk Empire, but found it losing momentum in the last season. The acting and production remains first rate, but the plot twists turned relatively tepid with mass shootouts replacing drama. Specially considering it ran during the same time as Homeland and Breaking Bad at their peak, comparisons become inevitable

Am watching 2 new thriller series - The Americans and The Following (with Kevin Bacon) nowadays. Both are promising but to my mind, suffer from the giant shadows cast over the spy/crime genre by Homeland/Breaking Bad.

Another new title I enjoyed was House of Cards I (Kevin Spacey, Robin Wright) which was released all at once (13 episodes broadcast on Netflix in a single day). Again, beautiful production and acting, set against a glossy Washington political setting.
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^^, Kevin Spacey, David Fincher, Joel Schumacher, enough guru names for me to put House of cards in my must see TV series list, thanks for bringing this up. Looking forward for this one.
Scifi/Drama: Battlestar Galactica anyone...considered to be one of the best TV series ever made!
Recently finished watching: Sherlock, Last Resort.
Currently Watching: Arrow, Suits, Elementary(American Sherlock), Top Gear( New season), The Walking Dead.
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Some of what I have watched and enjoyed in the recent past

Homeland Season 1 and 2
Harry's Law
Person of Interest
Covert Affairs
Fairly Legal

and right top of the list, The Good Wife

Iim now also enjoying an old series The West Wing
^^ The Good Wife is also long pending in my List .....god so much to see .. :D
Anyone here watched Northern Exposure ?
This is one of a kind, this will move you to rethink life the way it is and the way of the world. Touching but not melodramatic, humorous and yet sensibly meaningful. To everyone, you should watch it, and if you can appreciate the quality you will know what you were missing.
Here is the IMDB link : Northern Exposure (TV Series 19901995) - IMDb
For me it was entirely different than anything I had seen, and it was amazing.
Any popular television series which explores life in hospitals/medical profession?

ER, Grey's Anatomy are a couple, although the latter has had to dramatize the plot-line a little too much to keep it as believable, but a good watch none the less.
Finished HOMLAND season two, and this has becomes by far my all time fav TV show along with FireFly at the two top spots. Adding to whatever I have said in my previous post, this show is DAMM Excellent. SE02 retains everything that was their in season 1 adds new dimension and plot possibilities making this a must must watch for any TV series thriller drama fan.......... About the ending of SE02, what can I say, just when I was thinking everything seems to be ending with a happy outcome, they make this twist that makes it an wide open climax, ready for always awaiting Season 3. Which BTW is way down in sep 2013 .(Just like walking dead..... have to wait almost a year for this.)

Anyway to wrap up, HOMELAND by far has become my best TV Series up until now along with only FireFly to compete with........rating pumped up to 9.0/10 for this. A rare feat from me as far a rating goes.
Finished HOMLAND season two, and this has becomes by far my all time fav TV show along with FireFly at the two top spots. Adding to whatever I have said in my previous post, this show is DAMM Excellent. SE02 retains everything that was their in season 1 adds new dimension and plot possibilities making this a must must watch for any TV series thriller drama fan.......... About the ending of SE02, what can I say, just when I was thinking everything seems to be ending with a happy outcome, they make this twist that makes it an wide open climax, ready for always awaiting Season 3. Which BTW is way down in sep 2013 .(Just like walking dead..... have to wait almost a year for this.)

Anyway to wrap up, HOMELAND by far has become my best TV Series up until now along with only FireFly to compete with........rating pumped up to 9.0/10 for this. A rare feat from me as far a rating goes.

I agree with you that it is a great great series, one of the best I have watched. In my opinion it could have ended on season 2, perfectly acceptable it would have been. Because of the amazing success of the series the network is pretty much determined to reap its profits at least for another season. And that is why the twist in the end. It could have done without it though. Everything that has happened in Homeland, it all happens in front of the audience, if you notice you will see that the different 'plots' unfolded as the season progressed, nothing happens beyond the audience. But now, with this last twist the script goes in 'reverse engineering' mode, which I think is a detachment from how the series progressed through the 2 seasons. Carrie, Brody, Saul and others are now to figure out 'how' it happened, whereas previously it was about figuring out 'what' would happen and how to stop you agree with me?
Another point about Homeland is that it IS a great series, no doubt but it has little resale value. It keeps me hooked but once I know what the outcome is I am not going back to it, but I guess that is the nature of such a series.

All in all though one of the great ones, no question.
Continuing Justified - I am beginning to believe that if Raylan Givens can shoot his way out of a nuclear holocaust and walk out with a blonde in hand ;)

Finished 'Breaking Bad' last week. I liked the performances of both Bryan Cranston and Aaron Paul with the support cast doing a good job as well. I also like how the series has unfolded over the seasons. If it can be likened to a movie, it goes from Dark comedy that eases you in, builds up in the mid section and goes for an all out assault during the finale. I also much preferred how the writers handled Walter White. He transforms from this person whom we feel sympathetic about to someone we wish to see dead. That short opening piece of music, those opening clips which show little of something to trigger our interest - sometimes a non-linear sequence from the past - was interesting. Can't wait till July to see how this ends.

I have also started watching X-Files (currently on Season 2). Considering it's a nine season marathon, not sure if and when I will finish it.

More subjective opinions follow....

Is "Breaking Bad" better than "The Wire", which is often regarded as the best series ever made? This was the question that pushed me towards watching BB. I would say that it is highly subjective and I can only state my opinion - which is BB is the more interesting one (and perhaps the more popular as it can easily appeal to a wider array of people), whereas I personally would still give a slight nod to "The Wire". Apart from drug from being a common theme, both shows have very different approaches - one takes the traditional character based story telling point of view and the other from a larger social angle. While McNulty can be considered the star of 'Wire', he is hardly the center of the universe like Walter White. One show appeals to the heart, is stylish, twisted, entertaining and involving, while the other makes less or no compromises (barring some elements in Season 5) in it's realistic manner of story telling and remains thought provoking after you finish watching it. The Wire gives you a sense that you can land in Baltimore and would not be shocked to come across some of the people, whereas BB is still fictional. It also took me only a few episodes to get into 'The Wire' and think it was awesome, whereas with BB, it's the last two seasons which pushed it from being one among the bunch of series I like to something that pulled above that 'bunch'. That said, I think one should not miss either series. One can like both (as in my case), or hate one of them (like many who can't get into 'The Wire') or both, but they are still worth a shot.

Now on to the other thing - X-Files vs Fringe. It's hard for any Sci-Fi series not to be inspired by X-Files. X-Files is centered around aliens and Fringe is centered around universes and distorted time lines. However, even within the short span of 30 episodes, X-Files has covered a wide variety of subjects - everything that falls within the realm of paranormal which is fodder for Sci-Fi fantasies and horror genre - Vampires, Werewolf, Alien abduction, shape-shifting killers, monsters created by science - you name it, you are likely to find an X-files episode dealing with it. But, Fringe does go the story arc way much earlier. Until Season 2, X-Files was a case a week show which had less about the lead characters and more about enthusiasm covering every nook and corner of the weird and the impossible. I would say I like X-Files better at this stage, though I don't know if I'd feel the same after finishing all 9 seasons and related movies.

While there are plenty of interesting / shady / odd ball characters in X-Files, no one (yet) approaches the level of Walter Bishop - that is something Fringe may have got right. With changing times, comes changes in how female leads do things - Scully, while intelligent, always appears a bit vulnerable and comes across someone reluctant to hold a gun, whereas Olivia is a much stronger character.

Here's an interesting blog post about X-Files and Fringe (which makes me want to watch Twilight Zone next): FRINGE vs THE X-FILES | My Mind. My Words.
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