Fans of Television Series

I agree with you that it is a great great series, one of the best I have watched. In my opinion it could have ended on season 2, perfectly acceptable it would have been. Because of the amazing success of the series the network is pretty much determined to reap its profits at least for another season. And that is why the twist in the end. It could have done without it though. Everything that has happened in Homeland, it all happens in front of the audience, if you notice you will see that the different 'plots' unfolded as the season progressed, nothing happens beyond the audience. But now, with this last twist the script goes in 'reverse engineering' mode, which I think is a detachment from how the series progressed through the 2 seasons. Carrie, Brody, Saul and others are now to figure out 'how' it happened, whereas previously it was about figuring out 'what' would happen and how to stop you agree with me?
Another point about Homeland is that it IS a great series, no doubt but it has little resale value. It keeps me hooked but once I know what the outcome is I am not going back to it, but I guess that is the nature of such a series.

All in all though one of the great ones, no question.

Yes infact I had no doubt that its gonna end with a happy note, and I agree, that the immense popularity of the show much have pushed the producers to go for a 3rd season. But I wonder when would have had they decided the same, as it certainly did not look a last episode decision. But it definitely ended with lot of plot possibilities they can steer the show to. Hope they keep it as professional as they have kept it all along the way till now. Would be interesting to see how Brody character is brought in the series as it appears, most of the time he would be hiding.

Replay value goes as down as suspenseful the event/series is, as suspense is what makes it keep going, so its no news that any suspense thriller has a low replay value. Comedy series/movies have the max replay value like Big Bang Theory, or Friends etc you can watch them over and over again and still find something to laugh at ... :)

Any way looking forward to season 3 with full eagerness.
Well thought to update, started The Good Wife and down to 12 episodes. Its holding good till now, will update more in details once I complete first season.

Next for me would be The walking dead SEASON 3, 12 episodes have been aired so I guess I can start it, by the time I reach the 12th, complete season 3 would be aired.

BTW any one who has seen The good wife till the last season, need to know if its worth perusing beyond season 1 or may be 2 ...... reason I am asking is I am eager to start with House Of cards so was just wondering if The Good Wife is worth the effort in season 2 and beyond .....
Yes infact I had no doubt that its gonna end with a happy note, and I agree, that the immense popularity of the show much have pushed the producers to go for a 3rd season. But I wonder when would have had they decided the same, as it certainly did not look a last episode decision. But it definitely ended with lot of plot possibilities they can steer the show to. Hope they keep it as professional as they have kept it all along the way till now. Would be interesting to see how Brody character is brought in the series as it appears, most of the time he would be hiding.

Replay value goes as down as suspenseful the event/series is, as suspense is what makes it keep going, so its no news that any suspense thriller has a low replay value. Comedy series/movies have the max replay value like Big Bang Theory, or Friends etc you can watch them over and over again and still find something to laugh at ... :)

Any way looking forward to season 3 with full eagerness.

Judging by how the series was made for the first two seasons I guess we can have faith that it is not going to disappoint too much on the 3rd.
Sam, I suppose you have watched Big Bang Theory and Friends many number of times, I can not recall how many times I have watched Friends, at least 5 times over the entire 10 seasons ! :D
I have been following Walking Dead and season 3 has held up its own so far (I have watched till episode 11), but I am very very curious how they are going to end the series. There is to be a season 4, that is now confirmed.

Sam, have you watched Game of Thrones? If you have not, then you are lucky as you can start now. If you can take my word, watch it, it will amaze you. :)
Yes I have seen Big Bang Theory up-teem number of times, infact more than even friends, and even now when ever I see it running at any channel I stop and see it ... :)

No I have not seem Game Of thornes, frankly speaking its plot outline and reviews on IMDB did not entice me, add to that I started the somewhat similar in the same genre "Spartacus: Gods of the Arena" and was not much impressed so never touched Game if thrones.
Explain me a bit more and might be interested to give it a try ..... :)
The Good Wife ..... Ok complete Season 1 for The good wife and now on to SE02. Incase people dont know, this show's name is absolutely in contradictory to what actually it is. Its a court Room drama, and I can straight away compare it with SHARK but with a distinctive difference that makes this show equally good if not better than SHARK.
The plot outline goes like this ..."Alicia (the protagonist) is shown as a good wife to her husband, she is a former state attorney. After a very humiliating sex and corruption scandal, the husband is behind bars and so she has to work not only to support her family, but also to fulfill her passion as an attorney", inturn deal with husband's arrest and peal under to what is the truth........... The show takes the same formula of having a big story that goes in the background (The husbands conspiracy in the case) that proceeds with every passing episode, and then there are cases and investigations that alica LAW firm takes on, in every episode. BUT there is a big difference between this and SHARK or may be any other Court Room drama that I might have followed. TGW, take a more realistic approach, towards the cases, as it deals with the entire scenario as a law firm in totality, not only prosecuting the bad guys but also running (and surviving in this case) as a firm, which makes the top management take some really "in-favor-of-the -firm" decisions. This involves a lot of tactical politics and many layers of complex emotions, professionalism, competition and heavy in conscious decisions. All This made me really stick with the show and appreciate its worth. Any court room drama fan should simply not miss TGW. ................ 7.5/10 for this one
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Hello everyone !!
I was not at all a TV series lover when i came across the thread and reading the suggestions and decided to watch some of the best from the FM's.
After watching a few episodes of Prison Break (720p) and 24 , I was really addicted to watch them continuously.
Suggest me some more like the above action and plot oriented TV series of the same kind.

^^ Man you are up for some loads of quality TV series .... just let us know your fav Genre and you will be flooded with suggestions.
Thankyou sam9s,

After watching a few episodes of Prison Break (720p) and 24 , I was really addicted to watch them continuously.
Suggest me some more like the above action and plot oriented TV series of the same kind.

As mentioned above i would like to watch plot oriented action series ....

^^ Well almost all are plot oriented ..... I would say give a try to FireFly ... its my one of the top most enjoyed TV series .......
Yes I have seen Big Bang Theory up-teem number of times, infact more than even friends, and even now when ever I see it running at any channel I stop and see it ... :)

No I have not seem Game Of thornes, frankly speaking its plot outline and reviews on IMDB did not entice me, add to that I started the somewhat similar in the same genre "Spartacus: Gods of the Arena" and was not much impressed so never touched Game if thrones.
Explain me a bit more and might be interested to give it a try ..... :)

Have not watched so can not comment on Spartacus, but Game of Thrones is mesmerizing. Thats the experience each one of my friends have had. It is about Kings, Queens, Knights, witches and Dragons. Sounds a little kiddish and deflating right? Gullible and fantastic? Wrong!
It is political like you have never known politics before. It is shrewd and disturbingly identifiable with its characters. I will make you a deal, you watch only a couple of episodes, I won't ask more, only a couple of them. If you say it is not worth it and stay away from it, I will buy you lunch. How is that? :)
I'm a greatest fan of star trek new generation, looking forward to buy entire season but not sure how to go about.
Have not watched so can not comment on Spartacus, but Game of Thrones is mesmerizing. Thats the experience each one of my friends have had. It is about Kings, Queens, Knights, witches and Dragons. Sounds a little kiddish and deflating right? Gullible and fantastic? Wrong!
It is political like you have never known politics before. It is shrewd and disturbingly identifiable with its characters. I will make you a deal, you watch only a couple of episodes, I won't ask more, only a couple of them. If you say it is not worth it and stay away from it, I will buy you lunch. How is that? :)

"How's that".........Totally convincing. :) Games of thrones, here I come. Thanks man for a detailed insight. Let me finish The good wife and I am on to GOT next.

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Spartacus is alright but GoT is a completely different beast. Makes Spartacus feel like a kids show. You won't be disappointed. Though I would point out here that it took me more than a couple of episodes to start liking it. Only continued coz everyone was raving about it in my twitter feed. But once I got into it, I realised what an idiot I would have been if I had stopped it after first couple of episodes :o
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On Season 3 of X-Files now. I like what I've seen so far - that comment not restricted to Gillian Anderson :licklips:

For anyone interested in paranormal / supernatural, X-Files is a series not to be missed. I can see why it developed cult status and served as template for so many latter series that followed. While there were a few interesting episodes in the first season, I did not have a great opinion about the series as a whole. That changed in the second season as they gave a reason for me to care about Mulder and Scully. The themes tackled got weirder and weirder straying away from the central Alien theme (Exorcism for instance). The last episode of Season 2 ended in a cliffhanger (and is one of the best episodes thus far), so I was forced to continue with Season 3 immediately. Too bad that it went downhill after 5th season, but I hope to see a lot of good episodes in between. The good thing about X-Files is except for a few episodes (like 2x25 - 3x02), most episodes are stand-alone, so watching with long breaks after catching other series in the middle does not really affect continuity.

My watch list is long and getting longer: Dekalog, GoT, Twin Peaks, Sopranos are high on my list of priorities. May be I'll give this whole TV thing a break and get back to movies for a while - I have about 50-60 waiting for me there, if not more.

Anyone here has watched "Deadwood", "Oz" or "Six Feet Under"?
Didnt like deadwood. First season was alright. Never managed to watch past the first few episodes of the second season.
I used to watch X-Files long ago, my only complaint was that the story was very slow. In my opinion on the sci-fi ground Fringe beats X-Files by leaps and bounds.
I used to watch X-Files long ago, my only complaint was that the story was very slow. In my opinion on the sci-fi ground Fringe beats X-Files by leaps and bounds.

If X-Files hadn't succeeded, I wonder Fringe might have happened :)

X-Files is more Case-a-week when compared to Fringe. Episodes stand alone - sometimes great, sometimes good, sometimes so-so, sometimes terrible. There's hardly a continuous plot or seasonal story arc or anything much to tie down the pieces together. The only thread that ties it altogether are Mulder and Scully and the assortment of other characters. Fringe took the elements of X-Files and put it's own spin on it (even some episodes straight up), but stretches beyond being a simple copy cat. It strictly falls within Sci-Fi genre, explains everything to be man made, corrects certain mistakes from X-files and develops it's mythology and story arc much earlier in the series. So, I agree that most times, Fringe offers more believable, plausible explanation to everything that happens around.

But then, X-Files is not just about story arc, it's more about fantastic possibilities that lie in the realm of unknown and unknowable. It's scope is naturally wider than Fringe - falling sometimes in the Sci-Fi genre, sometimes in the horror genre. As a horror fan, I like how both genres can co-exist in a single series. It also leaves things vague and much more to imagination.

They are also sign of the times - X-Files happens in an untouchable, all powerful US where Govt was the perpetrator of most crimes. Fringe sets itself in a more vulnerable, attack prone environment. Scully took a whole season plus before I was convinced that she could defend herself, whereas Olivia was stronger from the get-go. There is also a generational change in the way TV series are watched (along with generally shorter attention spans). Some of these certainly make Fringe the more accessible of the two.

Still as a series, I like X-Files better (at least so far) - it's just much more interesting, may be because of nostalgia or just because it is.
Anyone here has watched "Deadwood", "Oz" or "Six Feet Under"?

I really liked Deadwood. It seemed more 'authentic' than movie westerns. No clear heroes and villians in this town, just messed up people making the best of their situation. The town is really filthy, the streets slushy, and everyone looks like they could use a bath. Very powerful performances by the rival saloon owners, and their nefarious dealings bring to mind our very own current day Indian politicians

Also was a special treat to see famous characters from Western novels I remember from childhood, like Wild Bill Hickok, Calamity Jane and Wyatt Earp
Anyone here has watched "Deadwood", "Oz" or "Six Feet Under"?

The Sopranos :thumbsup: One of the all time great series that never gets old. Holds up to repeat viewings.

OZ :thumbsup: Gritty, vicious prison drama that gets it's hooks in you. Wanders a bit in later seasons, though.
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