mmm Interesting ... I am getting the Wire as well, 9.4 on IMDB plus the plot seems like a thriller
No Sammy! It's definitely not a thriller. If I am not wrong about your taste, you might like Breaking Bad (may be much) more than The Wire. Wire is not your regular serial and chances are you might hate it and wonder why people like it in the first place

. But then, why miss the chance that you might actually like it? So, no harm in giving a try!
I dont go easy on rating so there are only handful of TV series or MOvies that touch 9 or surpass 9, few are between 8-9, few more between 7-8, rest are all below 7
I am generous with TV series as I lookout only for entertainment

. My rating is somewhat similar to joker's IEM ranking. It may be hard to relate for others, so here's a general, though far from proper guideline.
Below 5 is negative. There are various levels of crap!
5-6 is average.
6-7 is slightly better than average, but still short on many counts. Falls short of being good, decent however.
7-8 is good in general. This is like say 'budget beauties'.
8 is really the level you want to get interested in. They are a step above the rest due to some differentiating factor.
9 has to be something really good. There are various flavors of good though.
10 is reserved for the very best at that time, though not the perfect one.
But like law of diminishing returns, it's hard to get to 9.4 from 9.3 than it is from 6 to 7 or 7 to 7.5. 5 is just too easy. It has to be utter crap to go below that. There are plenty of 6s, even 7s, but not many 9s.
When I am rating 7.4, I am actually thinking 'I like it like this xyz IEM', which is absolutely impossible for everybody else to relate to, hence the numbers
