Fans of Television Series

Started watching Lost season 1, but disappointed that it is no way closer to Fringe. Even in Season 5 Fringe is equally interesting.

Only on this board have I seen members praising it but most people I know do not like Lost at all.
Watched 24 and enjoyed it thoroughly. This was my first TV series.
Currently watching Prison Break and in my opinion this is even great. Another 10 episodes to finish and the series is over.

Next, in waiting is - LOST on Blu-ray. Took the amazon UK offer and bought it.
[just following sam9s' path...learning to update this thread periodically..I am not that good however]

Okk...just to say something on what I am upto now a days...
Let me confess, Movies have really taken a back seat and all the spare time goes to TV series now a days!
Even I have skipped watching 'The Hobbit' so far in theater, for which I have been waiting for long. Serious addiction you guys got me into!

'Homeland' is finished with its second season and it ended with a finale that initially looked like you may not look desperate for watching the next season. But...its last few minutes turned down my opinion completely and now I will look forward to watch the next season as well.

'The Sopranos': Have been watching its second season and I treat this as an occasional Italian dish. Saying it again, it's like watching a one hour movie with all sort of genre mixing into it. will make you say "When I thought I was out, they pull me back in!!"

'Breaking Bad': When I found its IMDB rating highest in currently running shows, I thought what could be special with a Drama which has an Old Man as protagonist. Though I bought its season 1-4 Bluray sometime back and 2 weeks ago, it got its turn.
The story is simple. An Old Man 'Walter White' has a family he loves very much. Suddenly he gets cancer... and to secure his family's future, he somehow comes in touch a drug dealer to earn some quick cash...and there you go!!...Despite its slow run, the show keeps you hooked to it with its plot twists. And then you start liking or disliking the Old Man time to time. The drug dealer character 'Jesse Pinkman' is a bad kid with an honest heart and his dialogues makes you laugh whenever there is fight with the old man.
Filming in the deserts of New Mexico is a treat to watch.
Not telling anymore to avoid spoilers. Breaking Bad really justifying its high ratings.
Thanks technobhatt for the insight in Breaking Bad, even I somehow am neglecting this show despite of having so high ratings ........ will give this a try ........ time for my update as well, it was long due ...

DOLLHOUSE, ....... completed the final season and I now am an official Joss Whedon fan .... if you remember the last update I gave for DOLLHOUSE ...... ...........
Just completed the 13th and the final ep of DollHouse... and boy boy boy what a complete shocker, rocker and twister was this episode ..... completely overhauling the story, plot for a fresh new start of season 2. The last ep for me was the best one ... ...... one off the most brilliantly written sci-fi fantasy script for me. I just hope and wish, the second season lives up its expectations with what the final ep of season one has built ....

And the second season, takes the shows to a whole new level with concepts that put Matrix to shame, and few plots twists that would make you grab your brain for couple of minutes to gasp and take over the shock :D ........ every episode ... specially after the first 4, fills you up with such inquisitiveness that you yearn for more .... and then again the The Last Episode ...... simply takes the quality from the first season last episode, adds more depth and meaning to it and ends it with a graceful conclusion ...... truly satisfying .......8/10 for this one.

Mean time Finished the first season of REVENGE as well and I must say, this one though a drama is as intriguing as any other sci-fi or crime thriller ..... amazing characters and quality direction ....... will soon start season two ....

I also have started a TV series called Pretty Little Liars .... just going by its rating and popularity I thought to give it a shot ....... only 4 episodes till now and for the rating its FTM okiesh for me .... lets see what holds in further episodes .....
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Thanks technobhatt for the insight in Breaking Bad, even I somehow am neglecting this show despite of having so high ratings ........ will give this a try ........ time for my update as well, it was long due ...

Mean time Finished the first season of REVENGE as well and I must say, this one though a drama is as intriguing as any other sci-fi or crime thriller ..... amazing characters and quality direction ....... will soon start season two ....

Just to add more, I forgot to mention the acting part in Breaking Bad. Each character in the show never remains same. All keep changing their faces time to time, thus the acting is really a great part of this show. No wonder Bryan Cranston (Walt) and Aaron Paul (Drug Dealer) have got several awards for this show.

On your recommendation, I have collected 'REVENGE' till its latest episode and may start it anytime. Afterall I am missing girls in a show (since LOST) and checked that REVENGE has got some beautiful girls :-)
Breaking Bad was good, Sopranos, couldn't get past the 1st episode. Homeland s01 was good. Waiting fr the season to complete to watch it. Will try mad men after that. All these series lose their intensity midway and it becomes difficult to watch them after a while.
Any great series on par with wire.? The wire and breaking bad have been the two really good series i really enjoyed.
Any great series on par with wire.? The wire and breaking bad have been the two really good series i really enjoyed.

If you have not watched 'Dexter', check it out. It is a crime/thriller series, shot around nice locales of Miami and the story keeps you glued. :thumbsup:
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Another one, the Mentalist, a detective serial but of very unique nature, one main story every episode but a longer story in the background running slowly over episodes. But really great to watch. Never seen any detective serial like this.
Any great series on par with wire.? The wire and breaking bad have been the two really good series i really enjoyed.

I am yet to watch Breaking Bad.

But to me, The Wire is in a league of it's own. It is very different from the rest of the series I have watched thus far (which is not many). I was watching Sherlock (which has a 9.2 IMDB rating to The Wire's 9.5) around the same time as The Wire's 3rd and 4th seasons. While I found it entertaining (with the second season better than the first), I did not like it on par with The Wire.

Fringe is a very good series. The fifth season is the best season so far with a tighter and focused narrative. Being the last season and a truncated 13 episode run seems to have done it all good and no harm. It is definitely intriguing, interesting, but not on par with The Wire for me. It took a better half of the first season to get me interested with my interest waxing and waning at times over the four seasons. If it was not for John Noble's portrayal of Walter, I do not think I'd have stuck with it at all times. I have a soft spot for eccentric and brilliant characters (because I am only eccentric and wish I was brilliant ;)).

I feel that Dexter compared to Fringe has better acting and more emotional content, especially in the current season. I liked the latest season over the past 2 seasons ('Trinity' was the last memorable season before this). But, it falls a slight bit below The Wire for me overall.

Since the world has not ended, I feel the need to catch up on Breaking Bad sometime in late 2013. The current season is rated almost on par with the fourth season of The Wire (which is so far the best season of any TV series I've watched) on MetaCritic. On a side note, that list made me add Homeland and Justified to my watch list for 2014.
Homeland is a series I watch regularly. To an extent, it is successful in portraying the main characters in shades of gray.
Used to watch Fringe regularly except that I kinda lost interest with the 4th season. Seems like the season i skipped( 5th) really takes it a notch higher.
Right now, watching Alcatraz. It has that look and feel typical of JJ Abrams productions. There is a good level of intrigue. But sadly, the series was scrapped after 1st season.
Game of Thrones is on top of my list. Its also the highest rated fiction TV series on IMDB (3rd highest rated all time in all tv shows after Planet earth, Wire and ahead of Breaking Bad).

Since I am mostly into TV series currently, thought I would post my inputs on some of these based on my experience and what I have read on rating sites:
1. Heroes - great concept and promise in first season but couldnt follow up. Still highly recommended for first season only
2. Prison break - somewhat similar to Heroes, great concept and execution, but later seasons were little drag at times. Although overall still highly recommended.
3. Lost - Needs patience to cover over 100 episodes, I have covered the first season so far and its very engrossing so far..
4. Big Bang theory - Complete fun, have watched all of them and most of them are highly entertaining. Recommended for those looking for plain entertainment.
4. Game of Thrones - absolute best in terms of production values (rated as reference blu ray picture quality for TV series on, intrigue, drama and great acting. One word of caution though, the show is clearly for adults with full of R rated content. Plus their is a touch of fantasy world which some viewers may not prefer.
5. Rome - Down to earth portrayel of roman history. Honestly, I just watched this after GoT and shifted to Lost after 3-4 episodes. However I intend to get back to it after Lost (not sure if that will ever be over :)) due to great reviews and good comments from other FMs here.
6. Two and a half men - not my thing clearly, especially after Ex. Mr Moore stepped in.
7. Breaking Bad - this will be my top priority once I get time due to continuing great reviews
8. The Pacific - another outstanding HBO production with reference quality audio, great character driven story and true portrayal of pacific war. Already ordered Band of Brothers from Amazon after watching this.
9. How I met your mother - Didnt find it very funny, also thought acting was average. Wife forced me to watch the full first season, but couldnt watch it afterwards.
10. 24 - Good concept and thrilling drama. But this is only based on season 1 which was very good.
Next on the list is homeland 2 and madmen, game of thrones. Watched Dexter for a while , but lost interest.Watching hd tv rips, but would be great to get atleast 720 p.

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Recently watched Firefly and it was great fun and refreshing, but it is
pity there was not more of it.

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On Season 2 of Homeland. It is gripping with good acting all around (except for Morgan Saylor, I cannot stand that girl most of the time). Even though I understand that Claire Danes is portraying a bi-polar, I can't decide for sure whether it is an accurate performance or it involves quite a bit of over-acting. I have no issues with Damian Lewis though!

To me, the show is about information. By limiting what you know and when you know it, your idea about a person changes and emotions get manipulated. Happens in real life too and is effectively used by media and politicians. The good thing about the show is that it keeps you guessing about the real intentions of the people involved. The third season seems headed for a different direction. I am not sure how it will turn out.

BTW, did anyone watch Anne Hathaway's Homeland impression on SNL? Anne Hathaway impersonating Claire Danes Homeland part 1/3 [720p HD] - YouTube

I am tempted to catch up on Hatufim, the original Israeli series. I expect a lower budget, less amplified series which I might prefer over Homeland - a feeling that Amazon comments seem to confirm.
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Twin Peaks .............. before I even move ahead with what I feel about this show .... lets just start by saying its directed and created by David Lynch ... now believe it or not, I have not seen even a single movie from this Master of Brain Fcuk moves, so in that respect this has turn out to be a great experience ....... premises of twin peaks is simple ...."An FBI Agent investigates the murder of a young woman" in a small Town called Twin Peak and how that incident relates and directs to other mysteries.
Not only the show is intricate but very idiosyncratic in it own way (I presume since its Lynch) not only the FBI agent but almost every character of the twin Twin peak is peculiar in it own way but likeable. Every character is unique and holds some secret that seems to be related to the incident. I have completed first season and I can say, its one hell of a show. Also I will like to add the show progresses slow and with patience, its not like the typical current hifi ultra pace crime drama thriller. It very subtle but mysterious, and ofourse diacritic. Difficult to explain the exact texture of the show, but I guess that is what David Lynch is popular for, cant actually describe his work in words. Lest to say, its very interesting and specially Lynch fans would love it by all means.
Heisenberg, Los Pollos Hermanos, Yo B***h!, Methamphatamine, Albuquerque, DEA (Drug Enforcement Bureau), Walter White, Jesse Pinkman...

Don't worry...these are not spoilers. These are just few general terms which have been part of the great entertaining time I spent in last 2 months.
All I have to say is...last week, I have finished watching a great TV show "Breaking Bad" till its latest run.

Breaking Bad is awesome !!

Finished watching the show till its latest run... Season 5 Episode 8 !! Just to mention, I have watched Season 1 to 4 on Bluray and I became so desperate for the taking it up to the end, that I had to take help of internet to watch 8 episodes of its fifth and final season.

This old man Walter White (Bryan Cranston) has done great job in the show and Jesse Pinkman (Aaron Paul) is an amazing fellow I keep on copying his accent for fun :-) Kudos both actors!

As I mentioned in my earlier posts, this show is not like all those pacy and thrilling shows. However the character development, its compelling dialogues and all the twists keeps you hooked to it.
I only found last few episodes of Season-3 little slow and out of line; but rest assured whatever they showcase or mention in the show doesn't go waste. Each instance of the plot is justified sooner or later.

Now AMC (the broadcaster of this show) is killing its viewers with the suspense on... when they are gonna telecast the last 8 episodes of the final season !!

Now what next...I had bought Mad-Men on Bluray till its 5th Season.
So I started watching Mad Men.
Mad Men is a show about the Advertisement Agencies in early 60s in United States.

I played the first episode and first thing to mention is...what a beautiful presentation...Picturesque !
Each frame of the show can be printed as a wallpaper.
Have watched till 11th episode of season-1. The show is slow. It may not appeal to lot of guys who are only fans of watching thriller or action dramas.
But I found it interesting because of its presentation, acting of handsome and beautiful actors. Yes guys, lot of beautiful girls to look out for!
There are lot of characters, hence the show taking its time to develop each one's side of story. The protagonist is Don Draper who is the creative director of an Ad-Agency Sterling Cooper.
The show displays how the corporate world had been during that time. Not much difference though, the world has just changed technically only. Will you ever imagine yourself working while smoking and taking liquors at workplace...Oh Man! it happened in 1960s of United States!! We missed it !!

I am not gonna mention any part of the story, but the show comes up with lot of interesting things chronically.
Dialogues are crisp and completely in sync with the lingo of 1960 era in US. Lot of things to learn historically, if viewers are interested. A classic show I must say !
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I watched the first season of 'Breaking Bad' - loads of black comedy in there for me. I really enjoyed whatever I saw and I am looking forward to watching the rest of it sometime in the coming months.

Though it's comparing apple to an orange, 'Homeland' built on what we do not know and relied on producing that rush of adrenaline from time to time. In contrast, 'Justified' started off akin to a quiet ride through the country side far away from the concrete jungle. During the first few episodes, I liked how different and refreshing it was with the setting and the southern accent, not to mention the hat, which gave it a slight modern western feel. Still, I certainly was not as hooked.

Talk about a slow and steady build up into a crescendo! The more I watched, the more Raylan Givens grew on me thanks to the cool, charismatic portrayal by Timothy Olyphant. What's more, the supporting characters have flesh and most of them are relevant / important to the story arc in one way or another. I personally liked this calm unfolding of events that let me invest in and understand the characters as the season progressed. Now that it's all nicely setup, I want to see how it proceeds from here :)
'Justified' gets better in season 2 in terms of intrigue and interest. Rather than a case a week format of the early first season, the story arc continues to flow throughout this season. I think that made a huge difference. Well formed main characters with good acting to back it up is another strength of 'Justified'. I particularly liked the character of "Mags" this season (apart from Boyd). Unlike many single dimensional characters we come across in serials, she can be caring and affectionate as a mother on one hand, smart, calculating and dangerous as the head of the family looking after it's business interests on the other - which feels more realistic than making her just a stereotypical 'boss woman'. No wonder Margo Martindale won the Best supporting actor Emmy.

I also finally bid adieu to 'Fringe' today. More than anything, I am going to miss Walter Bishop. Who will now call Astrid as anything but Astrid (except under the influence of LSD)? :(. I've felt this "sad" only when I finished 'Monk', another character which I liked irrespective of whether the show headed north, south or nowhere.

Coming to the series finale, I expected something different by end of Episode 10 and went a little "huh!" when the big plan was finally revealed. The end again left room for lot of questions in my head about the timelines. I am just hoping I am writing this post and sending it within the same timeline in the same universe :). There's a movie coming up as well. Looking forward to it.

Reading back the earlier comments about 'Fringe' on IMDB made me curious about watching 'X-Files' in it's entirety. I vaguely remember watching a few episodes when it used to air on Star Plus (before birth of Star World). Any idea how good is 4400 compared to Fringe / X-Files?
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