Fans of Television Series

I like to watch one TV series at a time, otherwise I get confused ;)
I loved Lost but I was totally disappointed with the finale. I loved House MD. Now I'm into Game of Thrones intensively.
I too have heard about 24 in Hindi, not seen promos on TV yet but heard that Mandira Bedi will be Nina Myers but curious to see if they manage to keep similar story line how will Anil Kapoor bring "Presidential Pardons" every now an then in Indian context :)
SUITS ... friends SUITS finished, I mean now I am at par with the live episodes. i.e finished till SE03E07 ........... loved it. Had my interest through out and enough to sit me through all the seasons. I would still rate The Good Wife a wee bit over this, (does not take away the fact that SUITS is one hell of a show), but there were few things that I liked in The Good Wife more than SUITS. To begin wth, TGW had actual court room drama, which was very interesting and second a much much better, expanded and detailed plot going around about the personal lives of the characters, along with the Firm's own story. With SUITS, court room is virtually non existent, and personal lives plot is also not very details and laid out. and it is tightly knitted with the firms story or plot. With TGW the personal lives were very well laid out and were detailed with no or very little connection with the Firm's own story line.

Still SUITS was as enjoyable as any other show. Personally season 2 was a bit low, but season 3 has picked up pace again and is as interesting as was the season 1. Waiting for EP08............. 7.5/10 for this one.

I will concentrate on The Newroom now completely. :D
HOMELAND season 03 EP01 leaked online

'Homeland' Leaks Online: Season 3 Premiere Hits Internet

"Homeland" has leaked online.

According to Variety, an unfinished version of the Season 3 premiere of the Showtime hit starring Claire Danes has hit the Internet. Variety reports the version of the "Homeland" Season 3 premiere online is one similar to what was given to TV reporters at the Television Critics Association press tour in July. It features unfinished effects and is missing the opening credits.

TorrentFreak, a blog about BitTorrent news, reports more than 100,000 downloads have already occurred.

"Homeland" Season 3 isn't set to premiere on Showtime for another three weeks. Whether the leak helps or hurts the Emmy-winning drama remains to be seen. "Homeland" was one of the most-pirated shows of 2012, yet its ratings have also grown. The premiere leak could serve as a good word of mouth as downloaders express their thoughts about the Season 3 premiere before critic reviews hit the web.

"Homeland" Season 3 officially premieres Sunday, Sept. 29 at 9 p

Bloody eagerly waiting for HOMELAND to start .... :)
HOMELAND season 03 EP01 leaked online

Bloody eagerly waiting for HOMELAND to start .... :)

:ohyeah: I claim to have watched it the moment it got released :p
I went for Breaking Bad latest episode and Homeland S03E01 appeared out of the blue!!
I must say, this is an awesome start of the Homeland new season. If you wanna increase the anticipation, do watch it!!
There is nothing much missing in this leaked episode except 2 occurrence displaying VFX tags, which were to be replaced with some other graphics. (Just 2 seconds in all) and yeah opening credits also missing, either of them don't make any difference to the story.
Homeland S03E01 leaks online, sees more than 100,000 downloads | Metro News
Just Finished Game of Thrones Season 3. Must say I simply can't wait for season 4 to release and as HBO Define shows it at par with US show it would be dead on time for s4 next year ....
SUITS ... friends SUITS finished, I mean now I am at par with the live episodes. i.e finished till SE03E07 ........... loved it. Had my interest through out and enough to sit me through all the seasons. I would still rate The Good Wife a wee bit over this, (does not take away the fact that SUITS is one hell of a show), but there were few things that I liked in The Good Wife more than SUITS. To begin wth, TGW had actual court room drama, which was very interesting and second a much much better, expanded and detailed plot going around about the personal lives of the characters, along with the Firm's own story. With SUITS, court room is virtually non existent, and personal lives plot is also not very details and laid out. and it is tightly knitted with the firms story or plot. With TGW the personal lives were very well laid out and were detailed with no or very little connection with the Firm's own story line.

Still SUITS was as enjoyable as any other show. Personally season 2 was a bit low, but season 3 has picked up pace again and is as interesting as was the season 1. Waiting for EP08............. 7.5/10 for this one.

I will concentrate on The Newroom now completely. :D

If not already known... episode 08 is out...

I finished watching till season 1 episode 6 and I can say that its mind blowing. Greatly played by each and every character.
Thanks again for recommending.
Oh! finally finished all the aired 9 episodes in season 3 of Suits. I must tell, this is a great show and I enjoyed it to the fullest.

Now waiting for Tuesday... for the next one.
Caught up with Falling Skies Season 3 and Dexter Season 8 (2 more episodes to go). Definitely going to miss Dexter/Debra Morgan.

Next up Homeland Season 3.
My new one is Rome TV Series. Anybody watched this? I find it strangely average, but the reviews are smashingly good!
Happened to see the first episode of Mahabharath TV series on Starplus HD and I was floored by the picturisation, settings, costumes, excellent scenic locations, eye popping VFX - the list goes on. The production value is of high calibre. The best part is it's non-melodramatic. The narration moves fast. The Monday's episode picturised at Bheda Ghat near Jabalpur on Narmada river was excellent. My wife finds bit difficult to understand the hindi spoken in the series. Words are tough to decipher.

Watch it on HD to truly enjoy it's grandeur.
And I was put down by the same old, "saas bahu" camera gimmick, over the top action, with unnecessary slomo. Plus what ever be the production value Indian camara men somehow dont know how to use the correct color grain tone. None of the out door shots appeared to be of an era that is 1000s of years old. Even though the set, costumes and presentation was good, it didnt leave that impact it should have of being a pre historic story. Perfect example is Games of Thrones what ever camera technique they used it gave the perfect color and texture tone to the scene that actually looked like Medival and Bronze age ..... Unfortunately we indians only measure quality in tearms of melodramatic over emotions and salman kind of action
Me too finished GOT.But watching it on Indian Tv ,should be heavily censored. Its OK if they edit and remove the scenes , but the censor bars will make things worse.
[/QUOTE] simply can't wait for season 4 to release and as HBO Define shows it at par with US show it would be dead on time for s4 next year ....[/QUOTE]
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Waiting for breaking bad to end so i can watch the last few eps in one go.
Anyone using netflix in india, which VPN and broadband plan?
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