Fans of Television Series

does anyone know what is the repeat teelcast for Mahabharat?

As per the Starplus HD schedule, the timings of repeat telecast for Mahabharat are as follows - 23:00 / 05:30 / 08:00 / 13:00 / 17:30 (I'm yet to check on this).

Original show timing - 20:30 (monday to friday)
Have you watched The Tudors, guys? It's good, good!

Yep! One hell of a series. While surfing netflix, watched few episodes and then there was no turning back.:thumbsup:

Are there any other series like 'Tudors' based on life in england?
^^ Yea I have been watching the ads, but the thing is they are broadcasting TV shows from their current season, when infact they should start it from beginning. Whats the point of watching a TV episode from new seasons, like for example I was very much interested in White Collar, since I was about to get it anyhow. But it seems it will be shown from season 5 and for that reason I would not be watching it on the channel.
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^^ Yea I have been watching the ads, but the thing is they are broadcasting TV shows from their current season, when infact they should start it from beginning. Whats the point of watching a TV episode from new seasons, like for example I was very much interested in White Collar, since I was about to get it anyhow. But it seems it will be shown from season 5 and for that reason I would not be watching it on the channel.

Definitely good for some serials like Revenge... Season 2 just finished on Star World.
Good News for all the lovers of American TV shows, who are not much into internet and DVD/Bluray mode!!

A new channel lauching specially for such American TV shows lovers :ohyeah:

STAR World Premier HD to take off with 26 shows > afaqs! news & features

Chennal Website: Star World Premiere HD | Featuring the 26 biggest American TV shows

Good to know that. However, the shows will most likely be heavily censored and that will almost certainly ruin the experience. When, oh when, will our CBFC, I&B Min. grow up and realize that we don't need them to butcher what is watched in private :mad:
Funny, no web filtering(like they are introducing in the UK). An 8 year old kid can watch anything in India, but an adult gets to watch only regulated content on TV. The I&B bans channels for certain shows which cannot be compared to*anything on the net. Govt has to evolve a uniform poicy for all the media and not have one for the TV and none for the web.
Funny, no web filtering(like they are introducing in the UK). An 8 year old kid can watch anything in India, but an adult gets to watch only regulated content on TV. The I&B bans channels for certain shows which cannot be compared to*anything on the net. Govt has to evolve a uniform poicy for all the media and not have one for the TV and none for the web.

Oh man... TV is F***** in India... now I hope the web does not go that way. I would leave the parenting and regulation of kids to the parents... Govts. stepping in (at least in the Indian context) will be a half baked attempt at best and if anything we need less regulation and control... not more of it.

Funny why a nation of over a billion becomes all prudish when it comes to talk of sex or nudity on the TV or media. If anything our population growth (even in the recent years between 1990 and 2010) proves how crazy we are about sex as a nation.
Oh man... TV is F***** in India... now I hope the web does not go that way. I would leave the parenting and regulation of kids to the parents... Govts. stepping in (at least in the Indian context) will be a half baked attempt at best and if anything we need less regulation and control... not more of it.

Funny why a nation of over a billion becomes all prudish when it comes to talk of sex or nudity on the TV or media. If anything our population growth (even in the recent years between 1990 and 2010) proves how crazy we are about sex as a nation.

Sex and movies (and cricket) is the only source of entertainment here.
Oh man... TV is F***** in India... now I hope the web does not go that way. I would leave the parenting and regulation of kids to the parents... Govts. stepping in (at least in the Indian context) will be a half baked attempt at best and if anything we need less regulation and control... not more of it.

Funny why a nation of over a billion becomes all prudish when it comes to talk of sex or nudity on the TV or media. If anything our population growth (even in the recent years between 1990 and 2010) proves how crazy we are about sex as a nation.

I am afraid , population is not an index of sex craziness. If it was true then the western countries would have had 10 times more population.
And by the way, this nation where women are totally wrapped in cloth, cannot overnight change themselves to flaunt their sexuality, like the west.
Regarding tv programmes and internet ,I think even the West encourages parentral control software.
Yep! One hell of a series. While surfing netflix, watched few episodes and then there was no turning back.:thumbsup:

Are there any other series like 'Tudors' based on life in england?

Good to know you get the same impression ;) It's magnetic, I even love the intro.
Though I'm in third season and it's not that awesome, I mean, this is my opinion.

I don't know about TV series on English history, unfortunatelly, but I'd love to see it. There are many films luckily :) But "The Borgias" about italian family, I guess may be interesting.
Watched a few shows from the new Chanel Star World Premier yesterday.

Neighbours - didn't really like it. Might have been helped if I had watched the first season maybe. Doubt it though.

Mom - Seems like a decent comedy series. Nothing groundbreaking though. Will watch the second episode (and probably the rest of the series) too but not something I'd care if I don't continue with it either.

The Blacklist - had high expectations from this one. Loved boston legal so was excited to see James Spader in a new avatar. Turned out to be a bit disappointing unfortunately. Spader did a decent job but the show it self seemed lacking and direction less. Maybe it'll pick up later on. Fingers crossed.

One more show from yesterday still left. Sleepy hollow. Not expecting too much from it but looks like its worth a try. Will update my impressions about it and today's shows tomm.
Sleepy Hollow - The headless horseman is back and it's worse than you could imagine! Not the show I mean. The pilot turned out a lot better than I expected. Didn't really like the Abby character but hopefully she'll grow on me. Other than that, the show was pretty interesting and definitely worth burning my projector hours on. Hopefully they won't mess it up somehow.
I also tried a faw on Star World Primier ...

1. DAD
2. The Goldbergs

DAD was somewhat watachable, Goldbergs was just ok

I am excited and waiting for "Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D" broadcasting on Friday
Watched a few shows from the new Chanel Star World Premier yesterday.

Neighbours - didn't really like it. Might have been helped if I had watched the first season maybe. Doubt it though.

Which Neighbours r u talking about, I couldnt find one on IMDB except a 1985 one.
Yep. That's the one.

I'm also looking forward to agents of SHEILD. Seems like a fantastic series. Recorded the first episode last night. Will watch it tonight or tomm on the big screen. Not something I'll waste on the tiny office screen :)
Agents of S.H.E.A.L.D ..... well even I recorded the same, infact put it on series record. I had high expectations from the series, and the start was good, not that I was blown off or something, but my expectations were almost met. It was engaging and the plot in all probability will shape up good in next episodes. I didnt know the series is created and directed by my current fav director Joss Weadon This has raised interest for me.
Effects what as good as any high class movie, though the first episode didnt have much to show. It was more of a plot builder. .....I am not rating this series yet .......looking forward to next episodes.
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