fm heliumflight's 3 year cxn v1 for 55k with NO WIFI

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Well-Known Member
Jun 21, 2010
i have bought many times in this forum and almost here for a decade now. recently when i bought a tidal premium account i wanted to get a streamer for my stereo setup and closed down on Cambridge audio cxn v2 but due to lack of stock i searched for v1 and that's when i noticed
fm @heliumflight HELIUMFLIGHT/ mr. Sharma offering his v1 for sale on multiple wanted and discussion threads and since i was in touch for almost 6 months now i ended up with a 3 year old cxn v1 for 55k!(which i later realised 1yr old v2 are sold for 58 to 65k!)but its totally my stupidity and i went forward as i wanted to stay true to my commitment of buying from him.
all was fine he shipped by air and the parcel was received intact and he even Whatsappd in the evening to enquire if i had opened the parcel since i was stuck at work (i run a hospital) till midnight i opened only the next day...
everything was intact and i was happy and when i connected all hell broke loose the streamer was showing no internet/no wifi dongle i tried troublinshooting/reading manual if i haven't fixed anything properly... after a hour of failed attempts i called heliumflight and told him the issue he started with "it was working properly with me and later asked me to check ethernet connection to which i said my room is far from my modem so wifi is my only option and he goes like he never tried through wifi always used ethernet as its better for streaming (mr. Sharma i have a record of our entire voice call and WhatsApp conversation)then he asked me for video and photos of the rear panel and video of the display. sent him all that and he then changes his own fact by saying wifi used to work in the initial days. meanwhile kept constantly asking me to use ethernet, its easy to pull wires from long distanced modem too etc. by this time i really lost my cool and said this is not going anywhere and you should have checked everything properly before selling and can't force me to ethernet cable to which he finally he says let's write to Cambridge audio and they will help... when their customer care replies with saying needs a dongle replacement MR HELIUMFLIGHT says he is sorry and he can't refund etc and after 24hrs uses the famous quote of sellers 'man i guess its transit damage and i can't be responsible and cant help you out' and goes on to block my number on WhatsApp etc.

i know this is long and seems like ranting and quite aware nothing is going to help me with my loss but i just lost my trust and belief that you can meet and make good like minded people online. my hard earned 55k just went down the drain and every time i look at it i am just reminded of the way i got cheated and how someone just can be cold and fool someone.
thanks @captrajesh @arj @ @Naturelover @Nikhil @HiFiVision for letting me vent out...
his modus operandi is to not open a sale thread but will offer his used stuff on all wanted and product discussion threads... even now he was seen offering his speaker for sale on a wanted thread...
Moderated content: (Not directed at anyone)
REQUESTING mods and admins to wipe out cheapo used market resellers from this group i see lots of olx sellers here these days...
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Sorry to hear that and I dont know what exactly happened here but heliumflight is not a dealer. I know him personally and have found him to be a humble person who has genuine interest in his music like all of us. I have also been to his home couple of times and have also listened to his cxn. I remember he shifted to wired because of buffering issues he had with wifi. Now i am not saying you are givimg false allegations but based on my experience with heliumflight as a person i hope that some solution is found to your problem amicably. It does not look good to attack someone personally.
I'm sorry Sai if you think that I sold you a defective product and think of me as a trader. If I was a trader I would not have posted on HFV. I believe you wanted to return it simply for the sake of returning it. Yes, I have blocked you after you threatened to open a thread on HFV to tarnish my image.
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Sorry to hear that and I dont know what exactly happened here but heliumflight is not a dealer. I know him personally and have found him to be a humble person who has genuine interest in his music like all of us. I have also been to his home couple of times and have also listened to his cxn. I remember he shifted to wired because of buffering issues he had with wifi. Now i am not saying you are givimg false allegations but based on my experience with heliumflight as a person i hope that some solution is found to your problem amicably. It does not look good to attack someone personally.
where have i mentioned heliumflight as a dealer? thats a different paragraph requesting admins to block resellers... i am quite aware of him not being anything of that sort but one has to take responsibility for what he sold and blindly putting it it as transit damage or anything is just harrasing a buyers trust and nothing else... what personal attack? ive only quoted the entire conversation between him and me... all i want is the streamer to work the way it should and nobody is going to believe a light weight plasticy wifi dongle got damaged in transit... and he himself said he always used ethernet and never wifi... he did agree to that fact himself... supporting a friend is good but biased blindly is certainly not a good thing...

Sorry to hear that and I dont know what exactly happened here but heliumflight is not a dealer. I know him personally and have found him to be a humble person who has genuine interest in his music like all of us. I have also been to his home couple of times and have also listened to his cxn. I remember he shifted to wired because of buffering issues he had with wifi. Now i am not saying you are givimg false allegations but based on my experience with heliumflight as a person i hope that some solution is found to your problem amicably. It does not look good to attack someone personally.
please ask your humble friend to sort out the wifi issue why should i spend for another dongle after paying him 55k?any sane person will know i payed high for it but i am not bothered about it i just want it work and nothing else...

i am not able to use it since i cant pull ethernet cable to my bedroom so the cxn is just sitting idle as a paper weight...
In the hifi world, I have seen many people who never test or use the wifi part of a device. They may not even turn it on. While I agree it should have been tested before he shipped it, it seems unfortunate that the issue has cropped up after you received it. I hope an amicable solution is found.

You said “
all hell broke loose “ with the wifi. Can you be specific about what is going on with the wifi ? Maybe someone technical can help. It could be some setup issue. Usually these things don’t damage so easily.

Also, have you tried contacting Cambridge audio technical people for help ? This could be something quite simple to fix.
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I am just trying to help you get to a amicable solution so please don't misunderstand my efforts.
Let's assume helium was using only Ethernet and no wifi when he was using and for some reason wifi stopped working.
Let's also assume he forgot to check it before he put the ad on the forum.
You both need to talk with an open mind, behave rational and agree to a price cut which suits both of you.

If this can get settled you can buy a wifi extender / access point or likes, which will basically talk to your primary router wirelessly and extend signal of it. And you can connect your device into the Ethernet port in that extender .

But for that you need more then decent wireless signal of your home network where you plan to place the access point

Hope this helps and issue is solved
IMO this kind of interaction should not be allowed on the forum, simply because it is a dispute between the buyer and seller on a certain aspect of the component performance. One way to solve it is to use a feedback mechanism which many other for sale sites do without a lengthy explanation of what has transpired. Simply positive or negative - that is it - no casting aspersions on either of the parties involved other than this particular transaction. If not all this has to be taken off-line. In what way is HFV involved in this dispute? This thread will slowly disintegrate from here with supporters for the buyer and seller, and will eventually be shut down - and what purpose will that serve? If it is an outright cheating case where said product was never delivered it is understandable, but here it is a specific issue - which the buyer and seller have to come to an understanding, simply making strong posts/points will not help.
i have bought many times in this forum and almost here for a decade now. recently when i bought a tidal premium account i wanted to get a streamer for my stereo setup and closed down on Cambridge audio cxn v2 but due to lack of stock i searched for v1 and that's when i noticed
fm @heliumflight HELIUMFLIGHT/ mr. Sharma offering his v1 for sale on multiple wanted and discussion threads and since i was in touch for almost 6 months now i ended up with a 3 year old cxn v1 for 55k!(which i later realised 1yr old v2 are sold for 58 to 65k!)but its totally my stupidity and i went forward as i wanted to stay true to my commitment of buying from him.
all was fine he shipped by air and the parcel was received intact and he even Whatsappd in the evening to enquire if i had opened the parcel since i was stuck at work (i run a hospital) till midnight i opened only the next day...
everything was intact and i was happy and when i connected all hell broke loose the streamer was showing no internet/no wifi dongle i tried troublinshooting/reading manual if i haven't fixed anything properly... after a hour of failed attempts i called heliumflight and told him the issue he started with "it was working properly with me and later asked me to check ethernet connection to which i said my room is far from my modem so wifi is my only option and he goes like he never tried through wifi always used ethernet as its better for streaming (mr. Sharma i have a record of our entire voice call and WhatsApp conversation)then he asked me for video and photos of the rear panel and video of the display. sent him all that and he then changes his own fact by saying wifi used to work in the initial days. meanwhile kept constantly asking me to use ethernet, its easy to pull wires from long distanced modem too etc. by this time i really lost my cool and said this is not going anywhere and you should have checked everything properly before selling and can't force me to ethernet cable to which he finally he says let's write to Cambridge audio and they will help... when their customer care replies with saying needs a dongle replacement MR HELIUMFLIGHT says he is sorry and he can't refund etc and after 24hrs uses the famous quote of sellers 'man i guess its transit damage and i can't be responsible and cant help you out' and goes on to block my number on WhatsApp etc.

i know this is long and seems like ranting and quite aware nothing is going to help me with my loss but i just lost my trust and belief that you can meet and make good like minded people online. my hard earned 55k just went down the drain and every time i look at it i am just reminded of the way i got cheated and how someone just can be cold and fool someone.
thanks @captrajesh @arj @ @Naturelover @Nikhil @HiFiVision for letting me vent out...
his modus operandi is to not open a sale thread but will offer his used stuff on all wanted and product discussion threads... even now he was seen offering his speaker for sale on a wanted thread...

REQUESTING mods and admins to wipe out cheapo used market resellers from this group i see lots of olx sellers here these days...
I had bought a rca mogami cable from heliumfight, which he said is sparingly used. When it arrived connected it, but didn't work. On checking it found the wires had been cut at the terminals. I guess some are not bothered at outcome of such transactions. Since it was a small amount, didn't raise an issue. Need to be careful while buying used stuff.
@metalmickey - can you try updating the firmware? If @heliumflight was not using wi-fi and the firmware was updated by him which broke wi-fi he may have not noticed the "break". Firmware updates are sometimes known to break stuff.
Is it a USB wi-fi dongle? A replacement may be very inexpensive - I'm not going into who should pay for the replacement but that is something that can be explored.
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Feeling very bad to bring an old incident here.

Some 3 years back I connected my friend with heliumflight for a Sansui AU317. He sold it to him after a small audition. The very next day it performed erraticly and a channel was cutting out intermittently. It was taken to a tech in Delhi who immiediely identified it as Mr Sharma's amp and admitted that it had a issue in driver board, which was never mentioned by Mr Sharma. It even had a changed driver transistor. It was repaired very extensively and botched up badly.

My friend told me all this very late and he was so put off n disgusted with this that he never again used the amp.

It wasn't the money lost but the sense of being deliberately lied to was overwhelmingly sad.

I'm again sorry to have dragged out a 3 year old case here but I felt so bad for my friend who's a doctor and a very gentle soul. This incident keeps coming up in our conversations and I always felt responsible for this as I connected them both.

Sorry FMs to put it here. I saw no point in taking it up with Mr Sharma after so much time. But I guess what goes round comes around.
@metalmickey - can you try updating the firmware? If @heliumflight was not using wi-fi and the firmware was updated by him which broke wi-fi he may have not noticed the "break". Firmware updates are sometimes known to break stuff.
Is it a USB wi-fi dongle? A replacement may be very inexpensive - I'm not going into who should pay for the replacement but that is something that can be explored.
can you explain more about this? yes he said he updated the firmware and i am sure must have been over the ethernet but i did reset to factory setting but nothing helped!. the problem the additional accessory bluetooth dongle is easily available with all Cambridge audio dealers but the the wifi dongle is not available anywhere for sale even in the uk or states!
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First off Wired vs Wireless - Wired Always.

To the issue, without taking sides, the onus is on buyer, to satisfy himself before committing. There are numerous threads listing out the To Dos.

As a buyer i make sure I have all pics and videos of the the unit, especially of the features that are relevant to my setup. After that homework as a buyer, if something is not okay, then it's on me.

As rightly mentioned such threads should not be posted on the forum, serves zero purpose. How is any other member or even the forum concerned with a sale?

Also, other members digging out historical issues. Why?

Feeling very bad to bring an old incident here.

Some 3 years back I connected my friend with heliumflight for a Sansui AU317. He sold it to him after a small audition. The very next day it performed erraticly and a channel was cutting out intermittently. It was taken to a tech in Delhi who immiediely identified it as Mr Sharma's amp and admitted that it had a issue in driver board, which was never mentioned by Mr Sharma. It even had a changed driver transistor. It was repaired very extensively and botched up badly.

My friend told me all this very late and he was so put off n disgusted with this that he never again used the amp.

It wasn't the money lost but the sense of being deliberately lied to was overwhelmingly sad.

I'm again sorry to have dragged out a 3 year old case here but I felt so bad for my friend who's a doctor and a very gentle soul. This incident keeps coming up in our conversations and I always felt responsible for this as I connected them both.

Sorry FMs to put it here. I saw no point in taking it up with Mr Sharma after so much time. But I guess what goes round comes around.
thanks for coming out with this! must be mr. Sharma hates doctors(just kidding!) I am a doctor too anyway...

First off Wired vs Wireless - Wired Always.

To the issue, without taking sides, the onus is on buyer, to satisfy himself before committing. There are numerous threads listing out the To Dos.

As a buyer i make sure I have all pics and videos of the the unit, especially of the features that are relevant to my setup. After that homework as a buyer, if something is not okay, then it's on me.

As rightly mentioned such threads should not be posted on the forum, serves zero purpose. How is any other member or even the forum concerned with a sale?

Also, other members digging out historical issues. Why?

oh well mash though you claim not to be biased you really sound biased and anyway i was sent videos and photos of it playing but it never dawned on me that i should ask every single detail and when i asked for a video call he said its already packed and kept aside long time back! since he ain't using... and what's wrong with someone sharing a similar history? i totally feel its relevant here... and yup its a buyers mistake but what's wrong in sharing a experience here?
i find it amusing that you came to this thread just to ask me why i made this thread...

@heliumflight i never asked anything other than to get the wifi issue sorted to which you never bothered to do anything about... and why would i want to return after sending you the full amount? i am sure you were aware it wasn't a hasty decision we spoke for nearly 10 days before i sent you the money and i was really excited i bought it... even now i just want everything in it to work and nothing else... why are you so stubborn in helping me out with that you went with the easy option of not doing anything...
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oh well mash though you claim not to be biased you really sound biased and anyway i was sent videos and photos of it playing but it never dawned on me that i should ask every single detail and when i asked for a video call he said its already packed and kept aside long time back! since he ain't using... and what's wrong with someone sharing a similar history? i totally feel its relevant here... and yup its a buyers mistake but what's wrong in sharing a experience here?
i find it amusing that you came to this thread just to ask me why i made this thread...
Trust me I am totally unbiased. It is the buyer who hace to do his research, especially while buying used. so many members here have learnt this the hard way.

You still have a working unit. So many including myself have received a dead unit. I would advice you to plan a wired connection and not waste time with wireless.

Trust me I am totally unbiased. It is the buyer who hace to do his research, especially while buying used. so many members here have learnt this the hard way.

You still have a working unit. So many including myself have received a dead unit. I would advice you to plan a wired connection and not waste time with wireless.

bro as i said i totally agree that path can be taken but as i said that involves a cable dragged from other part of my house and into my bedroom and i am building a seperate ht room which will be done in 2 months probably these wiring will go waste then... why all these expenses on me? if he had mentioned the issues i would have skipped it rather
I would suggest, if it’s not too much of a bother, to have a simple rating system on a scale of 1 to 5. 5 being the best experience. I guess it would help a lot
bro as i said i totally agree that path can be taken but as i said that involves a cable dragged from other part of my house and into my bedroom and i am building a seperate ht room which will be done in 2 months probably these wiring will go waste then... why all these expenses on me? if he had mentioned the issues i would have skipped it rather

Well let's look ahead now. Cxn is a great streamer. Hook up a lan cable, and enjoy it.

Hi I am the person to whom Mr Sharma sold a defective Sansui 317 . Worst part he played with my emotions by saying that this anp belong to his father that is why he want to give it to some music lover since he is not using it..It was bad experience for me as I never imagined some genuine music lover can lie like this..
My simple opinion-

Before buying any pre used item,make sure that feature you are looking for is working perfectly.One can ask seller to send a video showing that the specific feature is working perfectly.
I have sold AVR,Poweramp and speakers outside the forum.I have always shared a video to outside Mumbai buyers showing products are working perfectly. Also I share step by step photos while packing them.That makes all future would be issues not to happen.There may be some feature l may not have used and they may not be working out of the box.

When I bought pre-used Avr, l had asked seller about what I expect from the avr whether its LAN ,USB or SPDF which seller may not have used for years.
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