fm heliumflight's 3 year cxn v1 for 55k with NO WIFI

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Mickey - i have used "Tp-Link RE 200 Wifi N 300Mbps Dual Band AC750 Range Extender" to provide wifi for some of my gear with good results. It costs less than 2k and could be a inexpensive replacement for your dongle.
To add to what Zeta148 said, a simple workaround could be to use a repeater as a wireless to wired bridge..
This one will do the trick for 1239/-

I would suggest, if it’s not too much of a bother, to have a simple rating system on a scale of 1 to 5. 5 being the best experience. I guess it would help a lot
+1 to that. 2 categories as a seller and as a buyer. Which would go on the profile of all the fms.
Mickey - i have used "Tp-Link RE 200 Wifi N 300Mbps Dual Band AC750 Range Extender" to provide wifi for some of my gear with good results. It costs less than 2k and could be a inexpensive replacement for your dongle.
Yes I do use it for similar purpose with TP-Link TL-WA850RE 300Mbps.
To add to what Zeta148 said, a simple workaround could be to use a repeater as a wireless to wired bridge..
This one will do the trick for 1239/-

thanks everyone and how does this work? the problem is the wifi part is taken care by an external wifi dongle which even though lights up the display shows as no dongle connected... ao how does this thingy help me with that? can anyone pm me your number so i can call and clarify these doubts!

Hi I am the person to whom Mr Sharma sold a defective Sansui 317 . Worst part he played with my emotions by saying that this anp belong to his father that is why he want to give it to some music lover since he is not using it..It was bad experience for me as I never imagined some genuine music lover can lie like this..
i know that feeling now... more than money loss its the negligence ti check or knowingly hiding a fact to make a sale that hurts me a lot... how can someone just sell something and not taking basic responsibility of mentioning the products working condition honestly.!

In the hifi world, I have seen many people who never test or use the wifi part of a device. They may not even turn it on. While I agree it should have been tested before he shipped it, it seems unfortunate that the issue has cropped up after you received it. I hope an amicable solution is found.

You said “
all hell broke loose “ with the wifi. Can you be specific about what is going on with the wifi ? Maybe someone technical can help. It could be some setup issue. Usually these things don’t damage so easily.

Also, have you tried contacting Cambridge audio technical people for help ? This could be something quite simple to fix.
contacted Cambridge people and after trouble shooting tips they confirmed the issue is the wifi antenna and needs to be replaced and the tough part is it is not sold seperatly usually!
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thanks everyone and how does this work? the problem is the wifi part is taken care by an external wifi dongle which even though lights up the display shows as no dongle connected... ao how does this thingy help me with that? can anyone pm me your number so i can call and clarify these doubts!

You will connect a lan cable to the wifi extender.
So from streamer to wifi extender a lan cable will be connected
The wifi extender will get connected to your main router wirelessly
So it will partly do what a wifi dongle will do for you but you can use Ethernet port to connect to the network and still not pull any wires
Hope you got a rough idea
You will connect a lan cable to the wifi extender.
So from streamer to wifi extender a lan cable will be connected
The wifi extender will get connected to your main router wirelessly
So it will partly do what a wifi dongle will do for you but you can use Ethernet port to connect to the network and still not pull any wires
Hope you got a rough idea
thanks mate got it and sounds like a relief! but what an unnecessary expense for me though a small amount! any specific product you suggest.? thanks again! lot better than the one i paid 55k. he barely tried to even help!
If the problem is with antenna, did you try using WiFi bu keeping the unit closer (within 2-3 feet) of wifi router?
thanks mate got it and sounds like a relief! but what an unnecessary expense for me though a small amount! any specific product you suggest.? thanks again! lot better than the one i paid 55k. he barely tried to even help!
What brand and model number is your primary router ?
And how is the signal strength of the primary router at the location where your streamer is kept
can you explain more about this? yes he said he updated the firmware and i am sure must have been over the ethernet but i did reset to factory setting but nothing helped!. the problem the additional accessory bluetooth dongle is easily available with all Cambridge audio dealers but the the wifi dongle is not available anywhere for sale even in the uk or states!
What brand and model number is your primary router ?
And how is the signal strength of the primary router at the location where your streamer is kept
hi my router is a tp link c60 ac1350 and the signal is almost at peak performance where my streamer is at. the streamer and router will be like 10 feet away but hindered by my bedroom door and wall!.

If the problem is with antenna, did you try using WiFi bu keeping the unit closer (within 2-3 feet) of wifi router?
the streamer is not recognising the wifi antenna and displays Antenna /wifi dongle disconnected
This should be more then enough for your need.

but how do i set things up on the cxn? never connected anything through a ethernet! anyway i ordered the tp link extender 850re.
The most easiest thing to do
Take lan wire , connect one side to streamer other side to lan port of extender.

I mean it can't get easier then this
i have bought many times in this forum and almost here for a decade now. recently when i bought a tidal premium account i wanted to get a streamer for my stereo setup and closed down on Cambridge audio cxn v2 but due to lack of stock i searched for v1 and that's when i noticed
fm @heliumflight HELIUMFLIGHT/ mr. Sharma offering his v1 for sale on multiple wanted and discussion threads and since i was in touch for almost 6 months now i ended up with a 3 year old cxn v1 for 55k!(which i later realised 1yr old v2 are sold for 58 to 65k!)but its totally my stupidity and i went forward as i wanted to stay true to my commitment of buying from him.
all was fine he shipped by air and the parcel was received intact and he even Whatsappd in the evening to enquire if i had opened the parcel since i was stuck at work (i run a hospital) till midnight i opened only the next day...
everything was intact and i was happy and when i connected all hell broke loose the streamer was showing no internet/no wifi dongle i tried troublinshooting/reading manual if i haven't fixed anything properly... after a hour of failed attempts i called heliumflight and told him the issue he started with "it was working properly with me and later asked me to check ethernet connection to which i said my room is far from my modem so wifi is my only option and he goes like he never tried through wifi always used ethernet as its better for streaming (mr. Sharma i have a record of our entire voice call and WhatsApp conversation)then he asked me for video and photos of the rear panel and video of the display. sent him all that and he then changes his own fact by saying wifi used to work in the initial days. meanwhile kept constantly asking me to use ethernet, its easy to pull wires from long distanced modem too etc. by this time i really lost my cool and said this is not going anywhere and you should have checked everything properly before selling and can't force me to ethernet cable to which he finally he says let's write to Cambridge audio and they will help... when their customer care replies with saying needs a dongle replacement MR HELIUMFLIGHT says he is sorry and he can't refund etc and after 24hrs uses the famous quote of sellers 'man i guess its transit damage and i can't be responsible and cant help you out' and goes on to block my number on WhatsApp etc.

i know this is long and seems like ranting and quite aware nothing is going to help me with my loss but i just lost my trust and belief that you can meet and make good like minded people online. my hard earned 55k just went down the drain and every time i look at it i am just reminded of the way i got cheated and how someone just can be cold and fool someone.
thanks @captrajesh @arj @ @Naturelover @Nikhil @HiFiVision for letting me vent out...
his modus operandi is to not open a sale thread but will offer his used stuff on all wanted and product discussion threads... even now he was seen offering his speaker for sale on a wanted thread...
Moderated content: (Not directed at anyone)
REQUESTING mods and admins to wipe out cheapo used market resellers from this group i see lots of olx sellers here these days...
Hi Bro

Sorry to hear this. Now atleast check and make sure that the unit works properly with Ethernet. That way atleast you can be sure it isn’t a total waste. And also if wifi is the only problem there are alternate solutions as other FM’s suggested. My PC is 10 meters away from the router and I have easily taken a wired connection using a 10meter cat 7 cable and sealed the wires with some pvc casing. If u still don’t want wired connection just get the unit checked and upon confirming issue is only with wifi you can just sell it to some other music lover who is ok with wired connection. No matter what forum be it OLX or forum like hifi vision where u consider people to be genuine and connect having similar passion when it comes to money most of them are selfish and won’t mind selling faulty products to save their money. Be careful next time bro.
but how do i set things up on the cxn? never connected anything through a ethernet! anyway i ordered the tp link extender 850re.
Connect one LAN cable to the extender and other side of LAN cable to CXN , power up the extender thru power socket near your CXN.
install Tether App ( Hyperlink attached ) that will guide you step by step.Its piece of cake !
Hope you are having main router from TP link ?
Hi Bro

Sorry to hear this. Now atleast check and make sure that the unit works properly with Ethernet. That way atleast you can be sure it isn’t a total waste. And also if wifi is the only problem there are alternate solutions as other FM’s suggested. My PC is 10 meters away from the router and I have easily taken a wired connection using a 10meter cat 7 cable and sealed the wires with some pvc casing. If u still don’t want wired connection just get the unit checked and upon confirming issue is only with wifi you can just sell it to some other music lover who is ok with wired connection. No matter what forum be it OLX or forum like hifi vision where u consider people to be genuine and connect having similar passion when it comes to money most of them are selfish and won’t mind selling faulty products to save their money. Be careful next time bro.
thanks bro its a lesson well learnt!

Connect one LAN cable to the extender and other side of LAN cable to CXN , power up the extender thru power socket near your CXN.
install Tether App ( Hyperlink attached ) that will guide you step by step.Its piece of cake !
Hope you are having main router from TP link ?
Yes my router is a tp link and i use the tether app so ordered the tp link extender with ethernet port

now adding fuel to the fire a well know member from hyderabad @prateekatasniya pinged me saying that mr. sharma/heliumflight bought the cxn v1 from him around 2 1/2 years back for 50k and it was already 2 years old then ...while mr. Sharma @heliumflight claimed he was the first owner and sold it to me for 55k after nearly 3 years usage!... this is really turning out dirty... requesting admin and moderators to take some action regarding this for the welfare and safety on this group... @arj @Naturelover @Nikhil @HiFiVision

@captrajesh captain please do something about this!
now adding fuel to the fire a well know member from hyderabad @prateekatasniya pinged me saying that mr. sharma/heliumflight bought the cxn v1 from him around 2 1/2 years back for 50k and it was already 2 years old then ...while mr. Sharma @heliumflight claimed he was the first owner and sold it to me for 55k after nearly 3 years usage!... this is really turning out dirty... requesting admin and moderators to take some action regarding this for the welfare and safety on this group... @arj @Naturelover @Nikhil @HiFiVision

Wow got it got 50k, used for 3 years and sold with 5k profit. As they say in our language maaass kaamchitaaru
Time is getting distorted .
I bought it around January 2016( or first half of 2016)
Sold it exactly in February 2018( sure about this)

And please excuse me for any time mistakes. I have tried my best to recollect when I have bought the CXN.
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I have a difference of opinion from the FMs who say it’s entirely the buyer’s responsibility to ensure everything works fine. I see why that could be the case on an e-commerce website for old items. But guys this is a forum of hobbyists who share a common passion. There’s an unsaid code of conduct and trust that lies at its foundation. The buy/sell feature is just a subset of it. I feel there’s as much onus on the sellers to be open and upfront about telling every little detail about the product that could potentially affect its utility/value to the buyer. It is just what gentlemen do.

Coming to the specific case, two more FM buyers apart from the OP have shared similar/worse experiences with the same seller FM. Does it point to a possible pattern of not disclosing sufficiently about the product for sale? There are more senior members and moderators here who might be better judge of the same.

I have recently made a few purchases of preowned stuff on the forum. One of the things I am cautious of while buying on the forum is to check if the seller has too many ‘for sale’ posts and tendency to push in other threads. While there could be genuine reason for this in some cases, I prefer caution.

Having said that my suggestion to the OP (and other FMs reading this thread) is not to generalise this experience and form a negative opinion of purchasing on the forum. I have had splendid experiences recently buying a Tuner, BDP, speaker cable and optical cable from four different FMs - all of whom were a treat to deal with. On my part, I was particular about asking them to check and confirm every feature was working fine (in case of tuner and BDP) especially those they weren’t using off late, and getting history of repair of any.

Having the buy/sell feature is a great value to this forum. There are so many wonderful preowned products that one doesn’t even know of and open up a new vista of audio pleasure for you! We all need to collectively create, maintain and uphold its integrity.
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